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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 12, 2009
USG Ishimura
I ask, as I currently love my 2.2.1 jailbroken and don't want to be without all the cool jailbroken features for too long. Does anyone know about how long it'll take to see QuickPwn for 3.0? Or how quickly it was hacked last time? Thanks!
Cool, thanks! Is anyone else going to be updating to 3.0 this week and just waiting for the jailbreak, or are you waiting for the jailbreak first?

I think i'm just going to take a bunch of screenshots of what I have downloaded in my package list/winterboard and installing them again after the jailbreak, does that sound like it makes sense? or is there another way?
Cool, thanks! Is anyone else going to be updating to 3.0 this week and just waiting for the jailbreak, or are you waiting for the jailbreak first?

Heck, I stayed activated on my jailbroken, unlocked, never-had-service-ever-so-it-shouldn't-work-at-all iPhone.

I don't know if I'm still unlocked, but my O2 SIM is still recognized (I live in the U.S.). I'm just not in a position to get reception.
Also, I asked this in another thread but got zero help: Is there a current app in Cydia or Installer that mimics the 3GS's "voice control" function to say for example "Play Playlist _______" or "Play Song ______"? I've tried googling it and the only thing that shows is reviews, etc for the 3GS. I have a 3G and only want the voice control ability, I'm not ready to jump to the 3GS.
I believe the beta OS3 were jailbreakable so it should already be done, just waiting for the official OS to be released then expect to see the tools available same day.

I think the 3Gs is going to be a bit longer as it now involves encryption and who knows what hardware anti-hacking methods Apple introduced. Just a matter of time I guess.
Cool, thanks! Is anyone else going to be updating to 3.0 this week and just waiting for the jailbreak, or are you waiting for the jailbreak first?

I think i'm just going to take a bunch of screenshots of what I have downloaded in my package list/winterboard and installing them again after the jailbreak, does that sound like it makes sense? or is there another way?

waiting for jailbreak b4 upgrading to 3Gs
So, I should feel fairly confident that a Jailbreak for 3.0 for a 3G should come out fairly quickly after the 3.0 update? I just don't want to update to 3.0, then be months without my "extras" received through Cydia. Nothing to do with unlocking...
So, I should feel fairly confident that a Jailbreak for 3.0 for a 3G should come out fairly quickly after the 3.0 update? I just don't want to update to 3.0, then be months without my "extras" received through Cydia. Nothing to do with unlocking...

The Jailbreak will be released the day of, if not, the day after 3.0 is released.
Just my $.02.
iPhone 2G - (Unlock, JB 3.0 = Already)
iPhone 3G - (JB = June 17th, Unlock = June 19th)
iPhone 3GS - (JB ~ Unknown, Unlock ~ 6 Months)
On the comments of the "Yell0w Fever" post of the Dev Team's blog, it points to a Yellowsn0w release on Friday the 19th. Also, on MuscleNerd's Twitter, he says to "Be patient" and notes Friday multiple times.
I can't wait!
Look at this as well:

No where on the Dev Teams blog does it say a release for it on Friday.
Clearly states the following(Insert from the Dev-Teams blog website)
About the unlock (the real yellowsn0w): you all paid lots of money for your iPhones, and so we know that if you are depending on a software unlock, this is a sensitive issue. It’s a very sensitive issue to us too, which is why we can’t say or release anything prematurely that could potentially compromise any 3.0 software unlock. The commenters on this blog that have high ratings (20 or above) understand this intimately so please listen to them when they try to assist those waiting for any unlock :)
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