spinne1 said:I don't know what is wrong with everyone's computers, but there is NO lag whatsoever running Word on Office 2004 on my lowly G4/533 Mhz Powermac with 1.25 GB of ram.
That said, I am only wondering about those who run PowerPCs, not Intel Macs. For Intels, I can understand. Maybe Rosetta isn't good enough. I'm not really sure.
Well, yes but the post WAS concerning the speed of running Office in Rosetta on in IntelMac. We are all pretty sure it runs fine on your G4 Mac because Office is optimized for PPC. If posters are complaining they can't run Office on their G4/G5's then they probably need to clean up system, reinstall software or buy some ram. Office on PPC shouldn't be an issue other than the standard MS crap-ola.