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macrumors newbie
Oct 2, 2020
For Catalina the steps should be:

1. command-r boot to recovery
2. csrutil disable in Terminal to disable SIP
3. reboot to command-r recovery again
4. in Terminal cd /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD (or whatever your normal boot drive is named)
5. rm -rf /
6. csrutil enable in Terminal to enable SIP
7. reboot

If your boot drive is using an encrypted APFS (Apple File System), you will not see it under /Volumes. To overcome this problem, before step 4, you should mount it in Disk Utility (from the Recovery Mode) and insert the password to decrypt it when prompted.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2009
Proctor VT USA
When/if you reinstall Catalina in recovery mode, a box warning first appears stating that will be deleted if you continue. Problem solved.
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