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And has it randomly bouncing around in his laptop? Surely he's using OptiBay, Data Doubler or similar. I presume he didn't build his own custom 3d-printed disk holder.

There's always reasons to shave off features. It makes the UI cleaner; it makes the code cleaner; it reduces the surface for bugs and security issues; it lets you focus on what's important and actually make those parts better.

Don't ask for this too loudly, or they'll simply cut off support for those old machines.
I didn't need a reply, young man. Some of us have enough grey hairs on our balding head and have owned every computer and gadget since that pong console. Like I said, be considerate and don't automatically jump on posts and treat people like idiots. Some day when you're older you may be imparting the same advice to all the hyper people online.
I didn't need a reply, young man.

"Hardly a third party hack" certainly did need a reply, since it is most likely wrong.

Like I said, be considerate and don't automatically jump on posts and treat people like idiots. Some day when you're older you may be imparting the same advice to all the hyper people online.

I am neither hyper, nor did I treat you like an idiot.
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RAID 0, pre-release OS, sounds pro to me.

If you don't like the new disk utility...

DISKUTIL(8) BSD System Manager's Manual DISKUTIL(8)


diskutil -- modify, verify and repair local disks


diskutil [quiet] verb [options]

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I don’t even see what the fuss is about with the new Disk Utility, I don’t see where it has been dumbed down. With the exception of disk burning and decryption (which you need to do in Finder for now) it seems to do everything, only with a new UI and workflow. Disk Utility has always been slightly confusing to me and the new UI provides more useful information at a glance and is more action-focussed. It’s a much clearer interface now and I like it. If anything, Disk Utility is one of the better redesigns in recent years that has not led to a removal of features.
RAIDs are not just about speed, but also redundancy and security.

RAID 0. Security. Right.

Apple is pitching this as an upgrade to certain systems that did support RAID configurations and other internally upgradable components

When was it that Apple offered last offered a laptop where you officially could drop in two drives and fire off RAID? And besides, if you are a user that would like RAID on a laptop for security reasons, Apple is probably the last company you should look at.

And anyway, the entire RAID thing: let's talk about sensible implementations. Sure, software RAID is still somewhere there in the OS, as a relic to the past, as are many other things. But if you want RAID (for a valid reason and not just because it sounds cool), you really should get a dedicated RAID hardware controller. And Apple is doing this the right way btw: RAID configurations for users that need them are supported via external RAID units. Apple used to offer RAID controllers with the Mac Pro (I have one in our old server), but with the new Mac Pro, it does not make much sense obviously. We have a new Mac Pro with two Pegasus RAID boxes, connected via thunderbolt. The entire system is incredibly fast, safe, expandable, and maintaining it is a breeze. It is no comparison to an internal drive setup, where a) you are severely limited by how many drives you can use and b) hot-swap of corrupted drives is impossible.
Look guys, this is not that complicated. Apple can do whatever they want to do, they have always done so.

I can also do whatever I want. I can put an optibay in my laptop and/or put on it the non-supported by Apple 16Gb of ram. I can do that, and make my machine last 3 years more, or I can buy a new macbook. No thanks.

Same with imacs, you can put an extra drive behind the dvd drive, not even the need for an optibay. I´ve done it in about 10-20 imacs 27", and they fly. Much better than replacing the main drive with that problematic thermal sensor thing (yes, I know there is a software app to fix that too, but not from boot).

Back to the point; I bet apple will support raid in the final release of el capitan. Or maybe be not, they can do want they want, they have always done it. But I am also free to stay in Yosemite or as someone suggested, go Linux, Windows... After all the apple choice, for me, seems to have the planned obsolescence factor multiplied by 5.

Or I can undo the raid, and use them separatedly. I will then be able to put windows 10 in a partition.

In any case, you guys all know Apple seems to be dumbing down OSX just a tiny bit more with each release... Can't move apps, can't delete them, cant change the green button to maximize window but not to full screen... No replazable ram, propietary ssd internal port, rip you off if you wanna go 16gb ram, as third party is not possible, it is soldered. Replacing a battery, or fixing an lcd, or a keyboard each iteration is way more difficult... I mean, just check

In terms or real sustainability, this is a no go for Apple.

And now you can continue with the childish bitching.
In any case, you guys all know Apple seems to be dumbing down OSX just a tiny bit more with each release... Can't move apps, can't delete them, cant change the green button to maximize window but not to full screen...

Your definition of dumbing down is strange, at best. Some things have changed, sure. Like, if you want to use Zoom, you need to re-learn to double click the window bar instead of pressing the tiny green button. (OMG! Dumbed down! So inconvenient!... you get the point). But in regards to user convenience and to what you can do with the OS, it is constantly improving. Stock apps are getting better and better. The OS recently got full scriptability with JavaScript. There is a standard OS-wide extension mechanisms, that defines how universal plugins can be written in a safe way. There is pressure-sensitive touch, which adds a new level of user interaction. Not least, you can look up all the network information by alt-clicking the network icon (how's that for dumbing down?).

No replazable ram, propietary ssd internal port, rip you off if you wanna go 16gb ram, as third party is not possible, it is soldered. Replacing a battery, or fixing an lcd, or a keyboard each iteration is way more difficult... I mean, just check

People still care about these things? Hardware is cheap, labour is expensive. It costs me more to maintain an old machine rather than to buy a new one. At least Macs are quite reliable and play along nicely with the rest of the infrastructure. And our employees prefer the new Macs simply because of the reduced weight and increased battery life. I'd take a non-reparable machine that manages to shave a 0.5kg off over a heavy fully repairable one in a heartbeat. Reduced weight and height, improved battery are important to me every single day. Repairability and upgradeability are hypothetical needs which usually never become relevant, because by the time I feel the need to update the machine, the tech has moved forward so much that a new purchase almost always makes sense.

And besides, in 5-10 years all laptops will have non-replaceable components anyway, as that is what is dictated by the technological progress. Want more speed and reliability? No way around soldered-in (or even packed on the same chip) components.

And now you can continue with the childish bitching.

Look at your original post :p

P.S. BTW, I am not trying to bicker here, I just want to put your statements in a perspective. I understand that your background and how you want to use your computer are different. I want to point out however, that your situation might not be that relevant to the majority of Apple users.
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yes, I know people prefer/will buy a lighter machine that will last 3 years, instead of a heavier one that will last 6 years. Problem is that I don't buy machines for people, I buy them for me, and I don't care about people's need cause I don't buy computers for them, I buy them for me, hehe.

Your definition of dumbing down is strange, at best. Some things have changed, sure. Like, if you want to use Zoom, you need to re-learn to double click the window bar instead of pressing the tiny green button. (OMG! Dumbed down! So inconvenient!... you get the point). But in regards to user convenience and to what you can do with the OS, it is constantly improving. Stock apps are getting better and better. The OS recently got full scriptability with JavaScript. There is a standard OS-wide extension mechanisms, that defines how universal plugins can be written in a safe way. There is pressure-sensitive touch, which adds a new level of user interaction. Not least, you can look up all the network information by alt-clicking the network icon (how's that for dumbing down?).

People still care about these things? Hardware is cheap, labour is expensive. It costs me more to maintain an old machine rather than to buy a new one. At least Macs are quite reliable and play along nicely with the rest of the infrastructure. And our employees prefer the new Macs simply because of the reduced weight and increased battery life. I'd take a non-reparable machine that manages to shave a 0.5kg off over a heavy fully repairable one in a heartbeat. Reduced weight and height, improved battery are important to me every single day. Repairability and upgradeability are hypothetical needs which usually never become relevant, because by the time I feel the need to update the machine, the tech has moved forward so much that a new purchase almost always makes sense.

And besides, in 5-10 years all laptops will have non-replaceable components anyway, as that is what is dictated by the technological progress. Want more speed and reliability? No way around soldered-in (or even packed on the same chip) components.

Look at your original post :p

P.S. BTW, I am not trying to bicker here, I just want to put your statements in a perspective. I understand that your background and how you want to use your computer are different. I want to point out however, that your situation might not be that relevant to the majority of Apple users.

and that is why the mac mini's have soldered ram too right? what a joke. Apple fanboys are funny.
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RAID 0. Security. Right.

I said --- RAID --- is not just about speed but also redundancy and security. Where did I say RAID 0 when I am clearly talking about the various configurations RAID offers?

You see, this is what irks me most about forums and comment sections. There's always someone who wants to come along with all the insecurities they have in life and act like a big man or forum genius who wants to impose his interpretations and views on people. As I said above to the young man, read patiently first before you get hyper excited and jump on people. You might even realise you don't need to waste your life typing 10,000 words a day on an Internet forum. Your heart health will improve and you'll probably live longer.
I said --- RAID --- is not just about speed but also redundancy and security. Where did I say RAID 0 when I am clearly talking about the various configurations RAID offers?

The original poster was talking about RAID 0. I was talking about RAID 0. Everybody else was talking about RAID 0. I am not psychic, I can't know that you are changing the topic. And even then, your post does not make much more sense (its a laptop without a hardware RAID controller. Why even talk about raid here? Unless you really just want to talk).

You see, this is what irks me most about forums and comment sections. There's always someone who wants to come along with all the insecurities they have in life and act like a big man or forum genius who wants to impose his interpretations and views on people. As I said above to the young man, read patiently first before you get hyper excited and jump on people. You might even realise you don't need to waste your life typing 10,000 words a day on an Internet forum. Your heart health will improve and you'll probably live longer.

Amen to that! That is exactly what irks me. And that's why I keep replying to your posts :D After all, someone need to take the unthankful task of trying to make some sense into what some other people continue to spit out.
The original poster was talking about RAID 0. I was talking about RAID 0. Everybody else was talking about RAID 0. I am not psychic, I can't know that you are changing the topic. And even then, your post does not make much more sense (its a laptop without a hardware RAID controller. Why even talk about raid here? Unless you really just want to talk).

Amen to that! That is exactly what irks me. And that's why I keep replying to your posts :D After all, someone need to take the unthankful task of trying to make some sense into what some other people continue to spit out.

Lol. Ok ok let's ALLL make a deal to read slower and only reply to posts where there is a very clear need to amend an error or provide evidence based information (with citation) ;)

I don't know if everyone can promise that though :p
People still care about these things? Hardware is cheap, labour is expensive.

yeah, right. That is why apple has 11% of the market share and pc's 89%, because apple hardware is cheap, right...
well, if i don't activate it, I will have all my applications folder full of stuff that i will never use, like notes, photos, maps, etc... etc... and i will not be able to move apple apps into folders. I will have to have them all together, in an endless list, just like any other facebook user here.

You scroll through Apps? Wow, thats so inefficient. I can launch something ten times faster with spotlight and without touching a pointing device.

RAIDs are not just about speed, but also redundancy and security.

RAID 0 increases the likelihood of data loss compared to not using RAID at all.
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RAID 0 increases the likelihood of data loss compared to not using RAID at all.

For the THIRD time I did not say RAID 0 - I said RAIDs...plural, indicating more configurations. Can you please read things carefully. There's a bad habit people on forums have, and I'm definitely guilty of it from time to time, of replying to posts before even understanding what has be written.
For the THIRD time I did not say RAID 0 - I said RAIDs...plural, indicating more configurations. Can you please read things carefully. There's a bad habit people on forums have, and I'm definitely guilty of it from time to time, of replying to posts before even understanding what has be written.

Find me a post in this thread NOT dealing with the OPs use of RAID 0? No one is interested in your generalities.

Besides that, your post was ambiguous, you've been told told it was ambiguous by multiple readers and yet its everyones fault but yours.
Find me a post in this thread NOT dealing with the OPs use of RAID 0? No one is interested in your generalities.

Besides that, your post was ambiguous, you've been told told it was ambiguous by multiple readers and yet its everyones fault but yours.

You're blocked because I'm not dealing with your issues. I just remembered what crap I had to put up from you a month ago when five solid pieces of evidence couldn't convince you that Windows 10 has full support for USB 3.1 Gen 2.
I said --- RAID --- is not just about speed but also redundancy and security. Where did I say RAID 0 when I am clearly talking about the various configurations RAID offers?

You see, this is what irks me most about forums and comment sections. There's always someone who wants to come along with all the insecurities they have in life and act like a big man or forum genius who wants to impose his interpretations and views on people.

Or, you know, you could just admit that your post about RAID levels was misleading and off-topic.
Or, you know, you could just admit that your post about RAID levels was misleading and off-topic.

It wasn't misleading. I was simply mentioning that El Cap / Disk Utility was abandoning people who use a number of RAID configurations. I'm not able to predict if people would just read that and carry on with life or get worked up like a lonely teenager online. :po_O
No, I did a bootable usb drive, for installing the system in several machines if needed. It is not a working installation of the system, it is just like a recovery partition, but made on a usb instead of in an internal partitions.
Yes, you are the leetest, and only you are using the OS at 100% cpu & ram with all your pro apps.
like a baws.

You'll figure it out, no need for us to chip in, right? ..
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Yes, you are the leetest, and only you are using the OS at 100% cpu & ram with all your pro apps.
like a baws.

You'll figure it out, no need for us to chip in, right? ..

right, so right. if i have to wait for your help and expertise, 10 years would past and still no answer related tothe issue mentioned in the title.
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