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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 21, 2011

Can someone tell me how to disable the function of iMessage that allows people to see when you are typing?



macrumors 68030
Jan 22, 2009

Can someone tell me how to disable the function of iMessage that allows people to see when you are typing?


You can't. It may be possible if you jailbreak but I'm not sure.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 21, 2011
I'm sure there is a setting somewhere. I just can't find it. Apple wouldn't force people to see when you type.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Do you mean a 'Read' response?

If so settings > message > read receipt off.

If you mean the 3 dots that appear when your typing then no, you can't turn that off in iMessage. However you can turn iMessage off and send SMS which won't display those dots.


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2008
Just write it in Notes and when you're ready to send, copy and paste it into the actual message field :rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 21, 2011

I guess I'll add that to the list of things apple should do that doesn't do.

I would've thought it would be a privacy issue - but I guess if I'm the only person in the world that has an issue with it...


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012

I guess I'll add that to the list of things apple should do that doesn't do.

I would've thought it would be a privacy issue - but I guess if I'm the only person in the world that has an issue with it...

Probably not the only person. However I'd just suggest making sure you are ready to reply prior to starting to type.


macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2011
How to disable typing status in iMessage



macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
Idk how it is a privacy issue. I find it useful, people know that they shouldn't leave their phone since you are still there.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2011
Disabling iMessage won't solve the problem. I want to use iMessage without this function.

So what exactly is the issue with the little dots? If you are sending a message clearly its to someone you know and communicate with. What privacy is being effected? Im confused. And as others stated SMS should solve it . BBM always did that too btw. Still fail to see how/why thats a problem but to answer your question you cant really turn it off other than use SMS. That should do it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2006
How is your privacy is being violated? I really don't understand what people can glean by watching you attempt a reply.

Idk how it is a privacy issue. I find it useful, people know that they shouldn't leave their phone since you are still there.

So what exactly is the issue with the little dots? If you are sending a message clearly its to someone you know and communicate with. What privacy is being effected? Im confused. And as others stated SMS should solve it . BBM always did that too btw. Still fail to see how/why thats a problem but to answer your question you cant really turn it off other than use SMS. That should do it.

Can we all stop judging him please? He asked a question, helpful people gave him a solution. Nuff said.

It's not our business if he thinks his privacy is being violated or not.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2011
Can we all stop judging him please? He asked a question, helpful people gave him a solution. Nuff said.

It's not our business if he thinks his privacy is being violated or not.

Wasn't judging anyone. Just trying to understand why that is a concern. Perhaps someone suggesting that it isn't affecting your privacy may be the solution to the issue.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Come on guys. If someone else knows what you are doing regardless of where you are that can be considered an invasion of privacy. I'm sure we are all capable of comprehending that.

Most of us, myself included just don't care.

Let me lay out an example. Messy breakup, ex partner text you, you start to text back but decide it would be better on a clear head. Now ex partner knows you read the text but doesnt know why your ignoring it. Same could be used for a co-worker, boss, family member, etc.

That's why my suggestion was to make absolutely sure you are ready to text prior to typing.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Come on guys. If someone else knows what you are doing regardless of where you are that can be considered an invasion of privacy. I'm sure we are all capable of comprehending that.

Most of us, myself included just don't care.

Let me lay out an example. Messy breakup, ex partner text you, you start to text back but decide it would be better on a clear head. Now ex partner knows you read the text but doesnt know why your ignoring it. Same could be used for a co-worker, boss, family member, etc.

That's why my suggestion was to make absolutely sure you are ready to text prior to typing.
I think most people simply misunderstand what it all can mean. Just because they see an indicator doesn't mean that the person really read the message (perhaps the person accidentally switched to the app without meaning to and then switched to another one without reading anything, or someone else was using the phone and did that), or that a response is coming. It's there to imply that, but in reality it doesn't have to mean that. People have the misconception of essentially only using what it's there for instead of actually understanding reality.

Is it our fault that other people misunderstand that? No. Hopefully they'll come to realize what the reality is and pay less attention to things of this nature given that they don't necessarily mean what they think they do or should. Or if they don't, well, there's no reason for the rest of us to change reality to make it fit with what people expect it to be--reality is reality, and because someone chooses to ignore some part of reality, doesn't mean that part doesn't exist, or shouldn't exist, or should be changed, just to fit with what those people think it should be or is.
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