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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 1, 2016

Several times per day, I see this banner in Safari:
This webpage is using significant energy. Closing it may improve the responsiveness of your Mac.

The website is what it is and there's nothing I can do to improve it.

But this is banner happens too often. Is there a way to prevent Safari from displaying it? As it momentarily reduces the window size, it messes with the display of the webpage (rather a web app than a mere webpage actually).

Thanks a lot,


macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2013
Not sure how prevent this popup, but you may be able to reduce the load by using Ghostery or other content blocker. It makes a huge difference.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
Turn off extensions?

Try different browser? Even in this day and age, still run into the odd website that has issues in one browser or another (eg. an online survey I got the other day would not launch in Safari, but had no issues in Firefox; Chrome has some Google-specific methods for dealing with caching/mobile content [for example]).
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2013

Several times per day, I see this banner in Safari:
This webpage is using significant energy. Closing it may improve the responsiveness of your Mac.

The website is what it is and there's nothing I can do to improve it.

But this is banner happens too often. Is there a way to prevent Safari from displaying it? As it momentarily reduces the window size, it messes with the display of the webpage (rather a web app than a mere webpage actually).

Thanks a lot,

And did you try googling this message? I did and it shows as one of the top one results:

It's bit old, but the checkbox is still there. Does that help?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 1, 2016

Thanks for your replies.

I don't want to turn off extensions. The web app is demanding and is meant to be this way. It's a charting and graphic web app. Maybe one day, the developers will optimise their JS code, maybe not. But in the meantime, I don't want to disable JavaScript on this page as it's mandatory to use all its functionalities.

Yes I did google it, but again I don't want to use Safari power saver mode. I want to use all the power I can :) I don't care. I just want Safari to stop annoying me with this message.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2013

Thanks for your replies.

I don't want to turn off extensions. The web app is demanding and is meant to be this way. It's a charting and graphic web app. Maybe one day, the developers will optimise their JS code, maybe not. But in the meantime, I don't want to disable JavaScript on this page as it's mandatory to use all its functionalities.

Yes I did google it, but again I don't want to use Safari power saver mode. I want to use all the power I can :) I don't care. I just want Safari to stop annoying me with this message.

My reading of that page is, that checking that checkbox will prevent Safari from throwing that message and using all cpu it can.

Try it and let us know, please. I do not have test to try it on and I am intrigued ;-)
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 1, 2016
My reading of that page is, that checking that checkbox will prevent Safari from throwing that message and using all cpu it can.

Try it and let us know, please. I do not have test to try it on and I am intrigued ;-)

I can try, but again I'm ok with Safari using all the CPU it can. That's what I want with this page !
Also, when I googled the msg, I also saw people writing that this msg appeared in High Sierra whereas what you are referring to is a much older functionality.


macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2019
I can try, but again I'm ok with Safari using all the CPU it can. That's what I want with this page !
Also, when I googled the msg, I also saw people writing that this msg appeared in High Sierra whereas what you are referring to is a much older functionality.
Did you manage to resolve this? I find this to be a hinderance as well as I am fine with some pages using a great deal of energy as I have plenty of recourses to throw at it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 1, 2016
Did you manage to resolve this? I find this to be a hinderance as well as I am fine with some pages using a great deal of energy as I have plenty of recourses to throw at it.
Actually, as this only concerned one specific web app I decided to use Chrome for that one. Chrome doesn't display this annoying message, so I guess it's a viable workaround; albeit not a solution.


macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2019
Actually, as this only concerned one specific web app I decided to use Chrome for that one. Chrome doesn't display this annoying message, so I guess it's a viable workaround; albeit not a solution.
Yes, I’m forced to do the same for my trading/charting web app.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2008
If there is certain amount of JavaScript on the page which requires some computing power to draw charts or do any other thing - Safari will tell you about it.

Using Chrome, whilst not showing the message, will quite sure consume more "power" on such website. Just be aware of that - Safari uses least power to render pages and dynamic content.


macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2019
If there is certain amount of JavaScript on the page which requires some computing power to draw charts or do any other thing - Safari will tell you about it.

Using Chrome, whilst not showing the message, will quite sure consume more "power" on such website. Just be aware of that - Safari uses least power to render pages and dynamic content.
I have plenty of power to spare on my MacPro that I am willing to throw at it to prioritize performance over energy savings. The irony is, that when Safari pops up this message, the webpage actually slows down and becomes laggy.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2008
I have plenty of power to spare on my MacPro that I am willing to throw at it to prioritize performance over energy savings. The irony is, that when Safari pops up this message, the webpage actually slows down and becomes laggy.
I see. One thing that crossed my mind is if the "Stop plug-ins to save power" wouldn't help overcome the issue? It's in the Safari - Settings / Advanced. This could tell safari that you basically don't care about saving power so it may even stops to show the banner.

Unfortunately Safari is not open sourced so there is no way to actually tell if it helps as implementation details are know only to the team in Apple.
Screenshot 2019-11-17 at 12.42.50.png


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
I see. One thing that crossed my mind is if the "Stop plug-ins to save power" wouldn't help overcome the issue? It's in the Safari - Settings / Advanced. This could tell safari that you basically don't care about saving power so it may even stops to show the banner.

Unfortunately Safari is not open sourced so there is no way to actually tell if it helps as implementation details are know only to the team in Apple.
That translates into setting WebKitPreferences.plugInSnapshottingEnabled into ~/Library/Containers/
Searching for WebKitPreferences.plugInSnapshottingEnabled you can find another (related?) value snapshotAllPlugIns
Webkit is open source and


Mar 21, 2011
Not sure how prevent this popup, but you may be able to reduce the load by using Ghostery or other content blocker. It makes a huge difference.

I just got used to it. Zero add on's and all....

In defense, wouldn't adding add-ons make it worse, not better? Because the same act your trying to defend, s also the cause as well in some cases.

They ain't lying, closing Safari browser *should* reduce it, but i've seen cases "Finder is using sufficient energy"

What do I do now? lol


macrumors 603
Aug 18, 2009
Upstate NY
I see it on Facebook. I'm already using Ghostery and also Taper Monkey to use Social Fixer to block the crap on Facebook.

Funny, I haven't seen it since updating to the Public Beta of Big Sur.

Safari with no more than 4 tabs open.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2013
Richmond, BC, Canada
I see this *all the time* on Youtube streams with large chat/comment sections. Meanwhile if I check Activity Monitor it's actually just using 1/12th my total CPU and 1/10th my RAM.
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macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2010
This is supper annoying really. That banner appears all the time for me on several websites (youtube, Whatsapp Web, facebook). I don't really give a dam if it's using "significant energy" or not really specially when I am on AC. This has been hitting me more intensely for the past couple of months. Before I rarely saw that message.


macrumors regular
Apr 27, 2019
It is super annoying. And it appears that Safari even becomes sluggish as soon as the message appears. Forcing me to restart Safari. I have plenty of recourses to throw at Safari, in fact I WANT it to use ‘significant energy’ for my web apps. I just don’t want Safari to complain and nag about it and turn sluggish because it decides it needs to ‘save recourses ‘ I have a powerful Mac for a reason.


macrumors member
Jan 21, 2008
Just wanted to drop in and saw I'm 100% in the same boat. Mac Pro with 40GB RAM, Dual Xeon chips, & AMD570 with PLENTY of power. TradingView on Safari is always popping up that damn message. I'm like cool.... I have more resources than Tradingview will ever need. Knock it off safari!
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macrumors member
Apr 27, 2016
+1. Would be nice to just turn it off on a per-site basis. Would leave the message for new sites that you might not expect are using lost of energy / memory, but stop the repeat messaging on sites we use daily.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2020
I read through the replies and from what I am getting there is no way to turn off this warning without doing some kind of power saving or stopping java script or whatever? Unbelievable. I'm using a new mac with plenty of memory or "energy" or whatever it's warning me about, and I don't want to change any settings that would prevent me from seeing the whole page or slow my computer. Most of the time it's just Facebook that does this. I'll be in the middle of clicking something and the screen suddenly drops down and I'll end up clicking the wrong thing. This is beyond annoying every single day. Not on Mojave, but Catalina but obviously it doesn't matter.
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