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Buyers of high end boxed processors directly from Amazon ( as a seller and not just on its marketplace ) itself , a legitimate seller , have discovered their purchases as counterfeit . Amazon unintentionally bought fake silicon from one of their vendors .

Amazon also engages in commingling of inventory when the product is deemed fungible, which CPUs effectively are. So when buying a product that's been commingled via Amazon's warehouses, you actually cannot know which merchant provided the inventory to the warehouse as a buyer, just that it came from some merchant that is either Amazon or a FBA merchant.

(EDIT: And with the way Amazon labels their stuff, they probably couldn't even tell you where it came from with certainty)
It reports as a Platinum 8279W with a S-spec of SRGWA , but with a brand name of W-3275M . It also insists the chip is a production unit .

The big issue is , no such processor was ever made by Intel .

Platinum 8279W is not listed anywhere as a retail released processor from Intel . So , maybe it was an internal experimental chip , an OEM chip not publicly available or there is an error in the CPU utility .

OEM chips are silicon manufacturers specially make only for a single customer .

Thoughts , anyone ?
I have got 2 platinum 8279W which can be dual way,The motherboard is ASRock EP2C621D12 WS。


  • 8279x2 - 副本.png
    8279x2 - 副本.png
    320.1 KB · Views: 312
Do these processors that are found on ebay work in the new Mac Pro? I've been reading the posts but no one is giving definitive yes or no's.

eBay? Mac Pro Compatible?

This chip is a good price. But as long as it is stable I don't care. I am just using it for gaming and ripping 4k Bluray discs on occasion.
Do these processors that are found on ebay work in the new Mac Pro? I've been reading the posts but no one is giving definitive yes or no's.

eBay? Mac Pro Compatible?

This chip is a good price. But as long as it is stable I don't care. I am just using it for gaming and ripping 4k Bluray discs on occasion.

These are QS chips - Qualification Samples . These are not quite production grade chips and there could be some undocumented errata , additional feature sets or issues cause by the lack of regulatory approval , which might cause System instability or errors in processing data . For commercial operations , these risks are too great .

Keep in mind , if they were identical to production grade chips , why not simply label them as such ? Intel doesn't .

As a System Builder , I would not use them .

If you use it for strictly gaming ( why don't you buy a Windows PC if you are interested in only games ? I have a dedicated PC running Windows for gaming - just got done playing Fallout on a lazy Sunday afternoon ) there should be no great concern .

If you sell this System with this upgraded chip in the future , you owe it to the next owner to engage in full disclosure that you installed a QS chip . It might profile as a production grade chip , but not quite act like one .

There's also the slight issue of legalities . This chip cannot be legally sold and is always the property of Intel . This is another reason why a commercial operation wouldn't be interested in having this chip installed in a System .

Every now and then someone gets the bright idea to sell a lot of engineering and qualification samples ( always the sole property of Intel ) , only to have the cops show up on their doorstep .
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If you use it for strictly gaming ( why don't you buy a Windows PC if you are interested in only games ? I have a dedicated PC running Windows for gaming - just got done playing Fallout on a lazy Sunday afternoon ) there should be no great concern .

I think ~20% of poster issues would be solved by your advice. :cool:
Do these processors that are found on ebay work in the new Mac Pro? I've been reading the posts but no one is giving definitive yes or no's.

eBay? Mac Pro Compatible?

This chip is a good price. But as long as it is stable I don't care. I am just using it for gaming and ripping 4k Bluray discs on occasion.
Both Platinum 8279W and XEON W-3275M support mac pro upgrade
These are QS chips - Qualification Samples . These are not quite production grade chips and there could be some undocumented errata , additional feature sets or issues cause by the lack of regulatory approval , which might cause System instability or errors in processing data . For commercial operations , these risks are too great .

Keep in mind , if they were identical to production grade chips , why not simply label them as such ? Intel doesn't .

As a System Builder , I would not use them .

If you use it for strictly gaming ( why don't you buy a Windows PC if you are interested in only games ? I have a dedicated PC running Windows for gaming - just got done playing Fallout on a lazy Sunday afternoon ) there should be no great concern .

If you sell this System with this upgraded chip in the future , you owe it to the next owner to engage in full disclosure that you installed a QS chip . It might profile as a production grade chip , but not quite act like one .

There's also the slight issue of legalities . This chip cannot be legally sold and is always the property of Intel . This is another reason why a commercial operation wouldn't be interested in having this chip installed in a System .

Every now and then someone gets the bright idea to sell a lot of engineering and qualification samples ( always the sole property of Intel ) , only to have the cops show up on their doorstep .
The streets are full of INTEL engineering samples,Not so exaggerated
Both Platinum 8279W and XEON W-3275M support mac pro upgrade

The 8279W is a known misreported processor identifier that I discovered .

Of course the W-3275M is a known good upgrade chip , as I performed this upgrade with my own MP7,1 and I gave assistance to the very first user who upgraded his Mac Pro with this piece of silicon .

I was also the first person to processor upgrade this Mac model ...

The streets are full of INTEL engineering samples,Not so exaggerated

The streets have a lot of silicon that doesn't belong to the streets . It's Intel's property that was loaned out and should have been returned . What would you do if you loaned out something expensive in good faith , but never got it back ?
The 8279W is a known misreported processor identifier that I discovered .

Of course the W-3275M is a known good upgrade chip , as I performed this upgrade with my own MP7,1 and I gave assistance to the very first user who upgraded his Mac Pro with this piece of silicon .

I was also the first person to processor upgrade this Mac model ...

The streets have a lot of silicon that doesn't belong to the streets . It's Intel's property that was loaned out and should have been returned . What would you do if you loaned out something expensive in good faith , but never got it back ?
8279w is real, I own it
@Snow Tiger. Intel makes CPUs that are not listed on their website for OEMs that do large scale deployments this may be one example.

But they will eventually wind up in a trusted data base , like wikichip or CPU World . Maybe even Ark . It isn't there now . As far as I can tell , it's a fantasy chip .

And there's one other thing to consider . If the 8279W is a special version of the W3275M , then it is worthless to us if it has only 48 PCIe lanes . There's a check in the MP7,1 firmware for CPU generated PCIe lanes and 64 is the requirement .

When I bought my 6212U , it was not listed in the standard Intel catalog . But it was on a hard to find Intel catalog for enterprise purchasers . I actually had to google it as Intel's own search engine produced no results for that chip . Now , it's in Ark .
The Xeon Platinum 8279W is listed in Wikipedia as a Xeon platinum Cascade Lake.

"Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit ."

But I don't want just anyone to edit data bases I require for my profession . I really prefer qualified technicians .
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