I suppose this would be appropriate, straight from "the horses mouth". 
I suppose this would be appropriate, straight from "the horses mouth".
Reset all settings:
Choose General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
All your preferences and settings are reset. Information, such as your contacts and calendars, and media, such as your songs and videos, arent deleted.
It doesn't say that 3rd party app settings remain untouched.
It doesn't say it deletes this data either.It doesn't say that 3rd party app settings remain untouched.
Hopefully you weren't refering to me, I just felt it appropriate to add that info so that if people search for info, this can be shared as well.In the words of Michael Irvin, give TheSpaz his due. This is not the thread to give him a hard time on. He actually did a good thing by suggesting this. For those that want to give him a hard time, well I'm sure he'll come up with some crazy thread soon enough.![]()
It doesn't say it deletes this data either.![]()
Does it recent the keyboard dictionary?
I believe it does. After I did it, it didn't understand the F word anymore.
You mean female?![]()
One final question about this. You stated sounds are set to default. I assume that doesn't mess with the ringtones, correct? Also, all ringtones that are associated with someone in contacts stay the same?
Someone stated the alarms got reset. Not a big deal. However, does all the stuff in the calendar stay put?
Alarms get reset
Ringtones stay
Calendar stays the same
Not sure about custom Contacts ringtones. I think those stay, but I'm not positive.
Hmmm.... some guy who did the method, said he lost his ringtones and lost his calendar events. Is he messed up?
Hmm... Ringtones are part of data that is sync'd to the iPhone through iTunes. They shouldn't get erased. Also, Calendars are sync'd through iTunes, so that's data that shouldn't get erased either. Neither of mine didn't. It set my Ringtone to default, but it didn't delete my custom ringtones from the device.
No, what I meant is he had to sync after. Is that what you had to do......sync, that is?
No I didn't have to re-sync. That's what I'm saying. It didn't delete my ringtones or calendar events.
Okay, I finally did it. Everything was deleted from my iPhone. Damn it SPAZ!!!!
j/k Well, it didn't mess with my contact pictures. All calendar stuff stayed the same. All ringtones are still there (default changed, but changed that back). The main thing is the icons get all distributed and you lose the 10 and 11th page, but I added those back easily enough. I'll have to sort them out again some other time. Otherwise worked like a charm. I'll report how it goes on lag and battery over the next few days.
so how is your battery after this? im thinking of doing this but not sure if its worth the trouble.
hopefully you have the 3gs