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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 3, 2009
I have an iPhone 4S running happily on iOS 7.

I'm using PhotoStream to get the photos onto my Mac into Photos. This is working great.

However, everything that my iPhone uploads to PhotoStream also gets downloaded AGAIN by the same iPhone. This is stupid because those photos are already in Camera Roll because I took them with this iPhone in the first place!

Also every image in Photos on my Mac is for some reason part of PhotoStream, so that also gets downloaded to the iPhone. All of these photos are already in my camera roll, so I have duplicates of everything! I have a 16GB iPhone and overnight it always fills up and I get a "out of storage" error in the morning and there is no way to "select all > delete" in PhotoStream - I have to delete the one by one, so I can use my phone for one day, then they get re-downloaded after a day anyway. I have to do this EVERY SINGLE DAY to be able to use my phone. This is very, very stupid, obviously.

How can I make the iPhone only UPLOAD photos to PhotoStream but never download them?
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