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paulwhannel said:
Yeah, this is the one i have a problem with. Since most of my PC using friends are just used to having windows maximized at all times, by default, they get all sorts of confused when my browser windows are 800x600, so you can actually move them around and navigate between them... i can't get people to stick to it.


When I switched, I tried hard not to get into the habit of maximizing windows. I wanted to learn the Mac way. And as one with some layout/typesetting training, I know that narrower text panes are better for reading anyway. But I've never really warmed to a cluttered desktop with numerous windows open, bits of them showing out from behind others. I'm a neat freak, and unless I'm doing a project that necessitates frequently switching back and forth between more than app (for example, when catching up on the forums I have Mail and Safari open), I keep everything else hidden. I like a clean, neat appearance, and I think this is at least partially a holdover from my Windows-using days when windows were always maximized so that there was only on thing onscreen at all times.
ffactory said:
haha, you said Open-Apple.... you can always tell us nerds who've used Apple computers since like the Stone Age :D

ugh, my viscom professor says that. Now there's a class of future Graphic Artists who'll all use the term "Open-Apple."
How to tell a Mac User has Used Your Wintel-based PC

stoid said:
All your application windows have been minimized to the Dock.

I never minimize my windows anymore. Not with handy Panther Exposé anyhow.

S/he visits a Mac bulletin board to post self-congratulatory notes about his/her decision to use a Mac vs. a Wintel-based PC instead of simply recognizing a computer for the tool - not an elitist status symbol - that it is.
Haha too bad none of my friends have done that yet, especially the girls (I've yet to meet a girl Mac-user in MD so far). They probably would get confused by my Firefox, because of it being skinned to look like Safari--inducing a WTF reaction :)

Of course, since i have this page bookmarked, it'd be all to easy ;)
brhmac said:
S/he visits a Mac bulletin board to post self-congratulatory notes about his/her decision to use a Mac vs. a Wintel-based PC instead of simply recognizing a computer for the tool - not an elitist status symbol - that it is.

The elitist status symbol is only a benefit. Colorsync gets the work done. Mmmmmm colorsync...
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