Hi eVolcre, its been about a week. Where are you up to?
I've finally got a delivery date for my iPhone -tomorrow before 1pm UK time.
I have been trying to keep up-to-date but things are moving crazily fast.
To summarize as I understand it:
The process (from out-of-box to sim unlocked) is and always was 3 steps:
1)Activating Sim without AT&T
(an apple term and extra layer of secutiry, not to be confused with unlocking of jailbreaking).
2) Jailbreaking- Opening iPhone for 3rd party apps. Also then installing AppTap
3) SIM unlocking- uses a 3rd party app to do this.
At the moment we are still in between stools- the holy grail of 1.1.1 full unlock is here but does not have nice easy interfaces for us who are not confident with a terminal screen and stuff like that.
Jailbreak software is now available for 1.1.1 but the steps involve downgrading to 1.0.2, jailbreaking and then reupgrading and rejailbreaking and i think it may be beyond me. This does Activation and Jailbreaking.
AnySim for 1.1.1 is available (as is the $60 iphonesimfree)
I think you need to figure out whether your new iPhone is 1.0.2 or 1.1.1- maybe someone can help you there??
Once you have done that we are in the same boat (I think mine will be a brandnew boxed 1.0.2).
I will be looking into it more tomorrow but any advice or corrections from other readers would be well recieved.
Dan, were you able to figure out how to find the firmware model on your phone? I cold post a different thread but have allready been smacked down twice for asking "stupid" questions.