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they will make an iMac on steroids before they make a mac pro that is missing a nut. it is really very simple they don't want to hurt iMac sales. Just think for a lot of users an imac with a 2 real esata jacks 1 pci slot and hdd access will sell like mad. it will also cut into mac pro sales. so sell 2 imacs and don't sell 1 mac pro makes sense to me on my accounting end.
they will make an iMac on steroids before they make a mac pro that is missing a nut. it is really very simple they don't want to hurt iMac sales. Just think for a lot of users an imac with a 2 real esata jacks 1 pci slot and hdd access will sell like mad. it will also cut into mac pro sales. so sell 2 imacs and don't sell 1 mac pro makes sense to me on my accounting end.

Thats true, but your forgetting the iMacs key idea - simplicity. Steve and his team have made it clear time and time again that on the desktop for most people in their view, there should be a thin, large screened all in one without any form of expandability (Just try fitting a PCI slot into the iMacs thin body, would be a nightmare, and the cables would be right in front of your eyes - something apple has done lots to avoid).
I can confirm that the 32GB are working perefectly in my 2010 Quad MP.
Besides what other people said, with an MP you get a much better graphics solution and of course 4 HD bays for VERY easy configuration of RAID etc. Try to change a HD in an iMac ......
With certain limits you can also upgrade the CPU over time and you achieve a very good resale value even for a five year old MP.

If you want to pay £1000 for a processor! :D
still researching it. I do not want to f it up. the two parts involved are costly. I believe cooling is the same fans but fans run a little higher rpm.

would be useful if you post your findings in this thread thx
Thats true, but your forgetting the iMacs key idea - simplicity. Steve and his team have made it clear time and time again that on the desktop for most people in their view, there should be a thin, large screened all in one without any form of expandability (Just try fitting a PCI slot into the iMacs thin body, would be a nightmare, and the cables would be right in front of your eyes - something apple has done lots to avoid).

Perfect reason why the mini should be made bigger. You could up the capability by using iMac components but keep the corporate definition of simplicity for the iMac because it wouldn't be called an iMac.
The real reason that a small mini-tower makes sense to me is for enterprise businesses. Apple laptops are great, but without a true docking station (sure a HengeDock is nice) they are not fantastic work machines (says the guy typing from the MBP on his desk).

I know if it was a decent option from a pricing perspective, we'd replace all our Dell desktops with an Apple mini-tower in a heartbeat. What do I know though, I just run IT for a 2000 seat shop...
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