All I can say is make sure you try using one extensively before you commit. I bought an Android phone and have regretted it many times. The number one problem is that apps are terrible and there is little to choose from.
Also the phone may see only see one or two minor software updates before being abandoned.
Android simply isn't very well designed compared to iOS, and is full of annoying things. For example in the browser, if you zoom in on something, the text will reflow causing the thing you zoomed in on to be pushed off screen, and you then have to scroll around to find it. Also zooming in isn't intelligent like on the iPhone; on iOS if you double tap on a paragraph or a photo it will zoom until that paragraph/photo fits the screen, on Android it just zooms a preset amount regardless of whether that means you're zooming in too far or not far enough. Another annoying thing is the gmail app will not let you zoom out on emails, so if you have an html rich email you cannot see it how it should be displayed and you are stuck zoomed in.
I could go on and on forever, Android is full of quirks that Google doesn't seem bothered to fix. Sometimes my phone rings but the screen won't turn on so I can't answer the phone, sometimes I have an alarm set but the alarm won't show up so I can't cancel it without restarting the phone, often near the end of a month the calendar will forget the order of the months, so I tell it to go to the next month on from March and it jumps to May. Why? I have no idea. Does Google care? Do they even know?
Some people can overlook these annoyances but for me the next iPhone can't come soon enough lol.