Preview Invite Referral Code = HYUGREY
Worked for me...
I found the code with a Google search...
Half way down....
So did you get immediate access to the entire catalog by going to the invite page and using this code?
Nope...just got a confirmation that I was on the invite list and that I would be contacted soon.....
If you believe the Twitter page....I guess I will get a couple months free? A trial? Don't know...
Nope...just got a confirmation that I was on the invite list and that I would be contacted soon.....
If you believe the Twitter page....I guess I will get a couple months free? A trial? Don't know...
I got a preview invite from Hulu yesterday
You are the first person I have heard of getting an invite, congratulations.
I got my Hulu Plus Invite, here are my impressions.
I'm not sure where people are getting the "video looks great" impressions. It's very pixelated, stutters and sometimes after commercials the video lags while audio maintains. And this happens both on full bar 3G and my home wifi's not "unwatchable" but it's no where near impressive in my opinion.
Also, if I'm paying $9.99 why can't I access all of hulu AND the hulu plus content on my iPhone?? I think that's ridiculous! Hulu needs to get on that stat.
I'm really not impressed also by how many shows are only offering one season. Why am I paying extra just to see the last season? I don't understand the networks only licensing one season. Do they not realize that offering all seasons opens it up to people who would watch the old content and then start watching the new content?
WOW, I have an invite and my experiecne has been flawless, I watched the entire season of The Office on it(US version), and never once had a quality or any issue with audio or video, maybe your connection is just one big turd??
I have nothing but praise for this app and the service. Literally all my fav shows are at my fingertips now.
I don't understand all the technical aspects but if I have full bars doesn't that by definition mean my connection is the best it can be??
My home wifi is Comcast, which I've heard isn't great. But I've noticed something curious and wondered if anyone else saw this too.
Curiously, the ADS consistently look like they are way higher quality video than the actual shows. Isn't that strange? Seems strange to me why I am getting a crappy video quality during viewing but as soon as the ad pops on it's like voila! I'm clear!
Just did a search for Hulu Plus and the app is available for the iPhone and iPad
Watching an ep of 30 rock via 3G and it looks pretty good!