Wow, reading through that very slow loading PDF file they have sounds like a Nigerian scam. If these guys didn't have their pedigree I would have ran away as fast as I could have after reading it. So only one close up picture, no other pictures or specs whatsoever? Crappy website with just one slow loading PDF file which sounds like someone's testimonial on why you should buy this completely blind? And it's ONLY $1195 for the aluminum version, who said Apple was expensive? Oh and that has the caveat "Current pricing is for a limited time only" If you look through their terms seems like they will share your info with their partners, hmm maybe it's just information phishing?
Just seems like a really weird product release. I thought Rubin's essential phone was a bit hokey in the way it's being marketed/released, but that is nothing near as bad as this Red phone. What does the holographic image mean? Will I be playing chess like Star Wars? What about the 3d? Didn't Amazon try a 3d phone a few years back and massively flop? Has any company really been successful with an "algorithm" to make 5.1 sound out of 2 (maybe) speakers? What is "nanotechnology", sounds like something made up in a B sci fi movie when explaining why the aliens are so powerful.
Anyhoo, let me get back to their PDF loading as it keeps crashing and I have to recover the webpage, back in 10 minutes, I hope. Wow guys, get a web programmer please!