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I started getting a sore wrist about a year ago, but I made a couple of changes and it's all better now :)

First of all, if you're not sitting up straight, do so. But perhaps more importantly, stop using the scroll wheel and use the on-screen scroll bar instead. Spinning the wheel all the time isn't good for you.
farqueue said:
above - my grandpa
below - me

They're testing out my new macbook.:rolleyes:

Tell your grandpa to make an account for himself. It would be nice to nudge the demographic profile here a little upwards. Not a lot of us oldies here.
annk said:
I just ordered one. The theraputic bit really caught my eye - I'm constantly trying to keep arm and wrist pain in check. Thanks for posting the link! :)
no problem.
It's quite fun really. And by the time you get the hang of starting the thing without the wire your wrist problems will be a distant memory.
Then you can start training to beat that world champion dude... ;)
This might seem crazy but

Wacom Tablet?

I use the pen to do everything, inkwell for type and short cuts. I also leave a small keyboard on the screen so i can use the pen to hit it.
DXoverDY said:
I use these...

Washable, relatively cheap and do wonders for using a computer. It does take a little getting used to but it's worth it. Pain in my wrists disappeared a week or so after using these full time while on the computer.
And so fashionable! You know she's getting some tonight...

have you tried the app SteerMouse at all? It helps you adjust not only the tracking speed of your mouse, but also the accelleration. Very cool, cept I think it might cost like 5-10 dollars. Maybe theres some unix code to do the same? hope that helps!
Fashion is so overrated. They work well enough that the slightly bad fashion statement is worth it. For the record I don't wear them when I'm at school.. like right now. But when I'm at home, on they go. Works wonders. You don't need those gel pad wrist rests anymore, they're built into the gloves.
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