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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 4, 2006
i am looking for lcd monitor (20 inch+),
my budget is 350$+-.
i will buy the lcd monitor in nyc.
i prefer to buy lcd monitor with international guarantee .
did you want widescreen or normal 4:3 ratio. Anyways, i would check out viewsonic, samsung, and LG's websites and see what you like. Those would probably be your best bet in your price range. :)
What do you plan to use it for? Photo editing, spreadsheets, movies/games?

That will help determine what kind of monitor you need.
Do you need to physically purchase it in NYC, or can you order it online for delivery there?
"Do you need to physically purchase it in NYC"
i want to buy from J&r or bestbuy or compusa or else store:s
lg\samsung \dell have a international guarantee for thier lcd monitor?:D
which lcd monitor recommended?:)
I fear that you will see a price premium by buying from a physical store :(. Little that can be done though...If I stumble across a deal for an in-store purchase, I'll post it:)
inxxcasinoxxout said:
I understand you're looking for 20+", but this looks like a great deal.

Samsung SyncMaster 19" Flat-Panel TFT-LCD Monitor
-4ms respsonse time
-but only 1440 x 900 resolution

Best of all, $200!

go for that one! its excellent and a great deal. its got better response time from most other 19" monitors, that is if you don't mind that its not 20" +
If my budget up to 400$ :)
have a good lcd monitor 20inch+ for my uses ?(the mean of the + is 20.1inch or 20.3inch not 21inch-24inch )
The Viewsonic and the Samsung monitors you link to are mighty nice (I'm researching those as well)...The Apple is more expensive (I think) due to the absolutely divine enclosure and a slightly different LCD panel technology, that reproduces colors better...a must for true design professionals.
I just noticed that the Samsung you linked to is 4:3 aspect ratio...if 4:3 is OK w/ you, dive right in...but I personally enjoy my 16:9/16:10 widescreen aspect ratio.:)
what is aspect ratio 4\3?
i'd like to buy a widescreen...
the Viewsonic is also aspect ratio 4\3?

about the acd,it is the best lcd monitor on the world(20inch)?
Wikipedia has a good article on aspect ratio. You dont have to read through all the words, unless you want to...there are some images as you scroll down that will give you a visual representation of what the difference between 4:3 and 16:9 is.

I see it as...4:3 is the past and 16:9 is the future. The Viewsonic is nicer, in my opinion, due to its 16:9 greatness:)

The ACD is a great display, but hardly the finest in the world...there are others, I dont know them off the top of my head.

I enjoy helping you in your decisionmaking, but I cannot walk you through the whole process, do some google research, find reviews, articles:)
ok,thank you,:)
in my budget (400$) i canot to buy a widescreen 20 inch??
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