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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 19, 2009
In Australia I have to pay $3400 to get the 2.93 GHZ ATI 4850 other standard config with wireless mouse and keyboard. With all these issues with blue tooth, the new ATI card, dead pixels and screen issues (screen bleed), wi-fi connection - and so on - i am certainly not going to buy an iMac anytime soon, no way will i give $3400 to Apple for a computer system that has so many faults. The ATI card is the way to go cause i want to get the best graphics card for an all-in-one.

Sure blue tooth and all the rest is no issue, its just a random thing and your unlucky to get it, HOWEVER with the ATI card having so many freezing issues and all the rest i have been really turned off. I don't want to be a drama queen, however this IS like the 2007 iMacs and i am not investing $3400 for problems.

I shall buy one sometime, but by the time Apple sorts out this mess and gets it right, as well as when they finally release Snow Leopard THEN i will think about buying one again, however by that time the new update would have been released most likely with new specs.

I am just disappointed and my first Mac will have to wait longer. I guess people were right about 'Macs' and "Apples" - they are just ordinary computers that freeze and have a heap of issues, only problem is that you have to pay 250% more for a mac when compared to a PC, and the system is unchangeable being an all in one.

Don't get me wrong i do LOVE macs due to Leopard however this time round i don't think Apple has got it right and their quality is falling. Oh well to me and to Apple. It hurts me to think i have to wait longer.
In Australia I have to pay $3400 to get the 2.93 GHZ ATI 4850 other standard config with wireless mouse and keyboard. With all these issues with blue tooth, the new ATI card, dead pixels and screen issues (screen bleed), wi-fi connection - and so on - i am certainly not going to buy an iMac anytime soon, no way will i give $3400 to Apple for a computer system that has so many faults. The ATI card is the way to go cause i want to get the best graphics card for an all-in-one.

Sure blue tooth and all the rest is no issue, its just a random thing and your unlucky to get it, HOWEVER with the ATI card having so many freezing issues and all the rest i have been really turned off. I don't want to be a drama queen, however this IS like the 2007 iMacs and i am not investing $3400 for problems.

I shall buy one sometime, but by the time Apple sorts out this mess and gets it right, as well as when they finally release Snow Leopard THEN i will think about buying one again, however by that time the new update would have been released most likely with new specs.

I am just disappointed and my first Mac will have to wait longer. I guess people were right about 'Macs' and "Apples" - they are just ordinary computers that freeze and have a heap of issues, only problem is that you have to pay 250% more for a mac when compared to a PC, and the system is unchangeable being an all in one.

Don't get me wrong i do LOVE macs due to Leopard however this time round i don't think Apple has got it right and their quality is falling. Oh well to me and to Apple. It hurts me to think i have to wait longer.

So whats your point besides crying like a little girl that didn't get is candy?

Do you think Apples reads this forum?

You seem to forget that not everyone has those problems. I myself (even if i got a freeze ONCE before i've updated everything) don't have those issues with a 3.06 and ati card.

You have just as many chance to get a bad dell or a bad hp or what ever. To me just the fact that your saying that your paying 250% for a mac means you don't know what your getting for that price. Your still comparing a pc to a mac and you just can't. Personnal opinion.... stay on windows you will be happier and we will be getting one less fanboy that thinks the world owes him for choosing Apple.
Regarding your fears over hearing about the ATI cards freezing problems I know what you mean as i have just ordered my new top spec iMac just a couple of days ago.

But I think you are looking into these minor problems too much! Yes there will always a very small percentage of Mac's that will have problems etc, but the vast majority will work fine!

Mac's in general are very reliable, well built computers; but it is only technology, and technology can break down & stop working - very frustrating but a reality!

But I also think your comment on Mac's being:

"ordinary computers that freeze and have a heap of issues, only problem is that you have to pay 250% more for a mac when compared to a PC, and the system is unchangeable being an all in one."

Is slighty unfounded as I'm sure several people on here will say that you getting confused with PC's or window's OS :D, but you don't pay 250% more for a mac. If you check other PC manufacturers all-in-one products from the likes of Dell, HP etc and then match spec for spec, you'll find the iMac to be very comparible (if not better value for money - esp. when you take the software like iLife etc into account).

Also, Apple are a victim of there own success because they are so high profile, always in the media spot light and through their own PR machine, recieving wows and ahhs and some very highly rated reviews etc; Apple have this image of creating divine products by such Demi-Gods like J.Ives etc. that would never fail!:eek:

So as soon as there is a few problems, be it graphics cards or dead pixels, then it becomes a major thing like what you have described above. When it could be the same/or less (delete as appropriate) ratio of problems compared to another PC manufacturer.

Put things into context and I think you'll see that odds that happening to you are slim. In the 12+ years of being a mac user/graphic designer (soon to be 3rd iMac, one iBook, 1 G4, 1 G5's) I have a only ever had one major problem: the iBook HD going down on me about 2 months after buying it (Apple fixed it ASAP, no problems). Am I lucky? Maybe.

Make of it as you like but at the end of the day a Mac is a piece of technology and with any piece of technology there is small risk of failure!

Enjoy! :rolleyes:
i bet you will have no problems with your iMac if you buy it.

bluetooth problems ive never heard of, backlighting issue are not widespread and same for the wifi dropouts and the ATI chip will probably run a little hot becuase its very powerful but mostly will be fine… but who knows? if you have a problem send it back for a replacement/repair!

they are a bit of a steep purchase but very much worth it. youll love the iMac if you get it.
Hi Rugbee79,

I think the problem is (as you say) expectations.
When anyone talks about macs the say:

Mac's in general are very reliable, well built computers

But when you read the forums and see problems then you can be put off, especially as you are paying a lot of money.

I also agree with the following:

But I also think your comment on Mac's being:

"ordinary computers that freeze and have a heap of issues, only problem is that you have to pay 250% more for a mac when compared to a PC, and the system is unchangeable being an all in one."

Is slighty unfounded as I'm sure several people on here will say that you getting confused with PC's or window's OS :D, but you don't pay 250% more for a mac. If you check other PC manufacturers all-in-one products from the likes of Dell, HP etc and then match spec for spec, you'll find the iMac to be very comparible (if not better value for money - esp. when you take the software like iLife etc into account).

I have been looking at a lot of All in one computers recently and the Imac is comparible on price to other manufacturers. People don't tend to look like-for-like, they see a desktop PC with a top spec and compare to that.

I am looking to switch some time later this year but will be keeping my eye on this and other Mac sites for any issues I may come accross.


what people forget is that ONLY people with problems post about them. Very few post to say things are fine

of that maybe only its only about say 1% of the iMac's that have the problem,

the amount of iMac users that post here compared to the total number of iMac's sold is very small , and in MHO do not represent a true state of affairs with iMac's failure rate
what people forget is that ONLY people with problems post about them. Very few post to say things are fine

of that maybe only its only about say 1% of the iMac's that have the problem,

the amount of iMac users that post here compared to the total number of iMac's sold is very small , and in MHO do not represent a true state of affairs with iMac's failure rate


When I go to buy a new computer, or any expensive purchase, I never go in with the mentality 'This is gonna go wrong'. Instead, I think 'there's virtually no chance of it happening to me'.

So stop whining and buy the bloody computer, because there is virtually no chance of it happening to you. Be logical.
When I go to buy a new computer, or any expensive purchase, I never go in with the mentality 'This is gonna go wrong'. Instead, I think 'there's virtually no chance of it happening to me'.

OMG, you would go out and blindly spend thousand of pounds/dollars on something that you have never even researched.....:eek:


So whats your point besides crying like a little girl that didn't get is candy?

Do you think Apples reads this forum?

You seem to forget that not everyone has those problems. I myself (even if i got a freeze ONCE before i've updated everything) don't have those issues with a 3.06 and ati card.

You have just as many chance to get a bad dell or a bad hp or what ever. To me just the fact that your saying that your paying 250% for a mac means you don't know what your getting for that price. Your still comparing a pc to a mac and you just can't. Personnal opinion.... stay on windows you will be happier and we will be getting one less fanboy that thinks the world owes him for choosing Apple.

No need to be rude about it. The poster has valid fears after all. Just because you had a freeze ONCE doesn't mean it wont happen again :rolleyes:. What happens if he/she gets a lemon, are you going to help him/her do all the chasing around to get it fixed/replaced?

I also don't buy the 'only people with problems post here' argument the same was made for the 2007 aluminium iMacs issue which turned out to be pretty widespread across tech websites/forums.

MR is not the only tech/mac related site out there, there are people on other sites that will be posting in their respective forums as well.

Also just because the general public doesn't know of a website called MR or any other tech site doesn't mean they aren't filling up Genius Bar appointments at their local stores

As for the OP i think it is very much a wise decision to wait it least till 10.5.7 where the issue would be possibly fixed. $3000+ is a lot of money to splash without careful thought/research
No need to be rude about it. The poster has valid fears after all. Just because you had a freeze ONCE doesn't mean it wont happen again :rolleyes:. What happens if he/she gets a lemon, are you going to help her do all the chasing around to get it fixed/replaced

I also don't buy the 'only people with problems post here' arguement the same was said for the 2007 aluminium iMacs issue which turned out to be pretty widespread across tech websites/forum.

MR is not the only tech/mac related site out there, there are people on other sites that will be posting in their respective forums as well.

As for the OP i think it is very much a wise decision to wait it least till 10.5.7 where the issue would be possibly fixed. $3000+ is a lot of money.

Fair point; but really, as a percentage how many owners with problems post on all tech web sites taken together?

Not many, I'd imagine.
No need to be rude about it. The poster has valid fears after all. Just because you had a freeze ONCE doesn't mean it wont happen again :rolleyes:. What happens if he/she gets a lemon, are you going to help her do all the chasing around to get it fixed/replaced

I also don't buy the 'only people with problems post here' arguement the same was said for the 2007 aluminium iMacs issue which turned out to be pretty widespread across tech websites/forum.

MR is not the only tech/mac related site out there, there are people on other sites that will be posting in their respective forums as well.

Also just because the general public doesn't know of a website called MR or any other tech site doesn't mean they aren't filling up Genius Bar appointments at their local stores

As for the OP i think it is very much a wise decision to wait it least till 10.5.7 where the issue would be possibly fixed. $3000+ is a lot of money to splash without careful thought/research

Yes, it is the chasing around that is the issue. Having to get UPS or someone to pick up the old machine and wait for the new one to arrive. Then you have to set it up from the old Time Machine backup before you realize that Apple actually have a load of dud 4850 cards and you have another dud machine! Let's hope that doesn't happen.
Don't forget, its always those with faults and problems that shout the loudest ... all of us with "perfect" iMacs and no troubles don't usually post to say so...

Making a judgement call based on the noisy complaints isn't always the best course of action
And you think PCs don't have these kinda problems? All ATI 4850 problems should get fixed in 10.5.7, all bluetooth problems should get fixed in 10.5.7 and all wifi problems should get fixed in 10.5.7. Usually the problem is software, not hardware. Just give Apple some time to fix all these problems
All ATI 4850 problems should get fixed in 10.5.7, all bluetooth problems should get fixed in 10.5.7 and all wifi problems should get fixed in 10.5.7.

10.5.7 must be something like God :rolleyes:

Apple have a closed hardware and software platform and such problems never should exist .. except of course some statistic acceptable hardware failures.

When i'm buying something i'm buying it to use it and not to put it aside and waiting for a fix ...Why should they sell a broken product in the first place ...

I LOVE APPLE and i don't want these things happens.

p.s sorry for my bad english
Put this into the "totally useless thread" bucket. That's 42 seconds of my life I'll never get back...:mad:
In Australia I have to pay $3400 to get the 2.93 GHZ ATI 4850 other standard config with wireless mouse and keyboard. With all these issues with blue tooth, the new ATI card, dead pixels and screen issues (screen bleed), wi-fi connection - and so on - i am certainly not going to buy an iMac anytime soon, no way will i give $3400 to Apple for a computer system that has so many faults. The ATI card is the way to go cause i want to get the best graphics card for an all-in-one.

Sure blue tooth and all the rest is no issue, its just a random thing and your unlucky to get it, HOWEVER with the ATI card having so many freezing issues and all the rest i have been really turned off. I don't want to be a drama queen, however this IS like the 2007 iMacs and i am not investing $3400 for problems.

I shall buy one sometime, but by the time Apple sorts out this mess and gets it right, as well as when they finally release Snow Leopard THEN i will think about buying one again, however by that time the new update would have been released most likely with new specs.

I am just disappointed and my first Mac will have to wait longer. I guess people were right about 'Macs' and "Apples" - they are just ordinary computers that freeze and have a heap of issues, only problem is that you have to pay 250% more for a mac when compared to a PC, and the system is unchangeable being an all in one.

Don't get me wrong i do LOVE macs due to Leopard however this time round i don't think Apple has got it right and their quality is falling. Oh well to me and to Apple. It hurts me to think i have to wait longer.

You got to b careful when you talk about things. You CANNOT rely on some ppl having problems with the ATI or the Bluetooth as this is not happening to everybody. Also if you thinking u paying too much for a Mac, just get a PC for a cheap price and spend the rest of the money buying antivirus and ad aware software which you will need for the pc.

Once you go Mac u never go back!!!!!!:apple:
Buy a Mac Mini - they are really solid, well-designed, reliable & energy-conscientious (if that word exists) computers!
So whats your point besides crying like a little girl that didn't get is candy?

Do you think Apples reads this forum?

You seem to forget that not everyone has those problems. I myself (even if i got a freeze ONCE before i've updated everything) don't have those issues with a 3.06 and ati card.

You have just as many chance to get a bad dell or a bad hp or what ever. To me just the fact that your saying that your paying 250% for a mac means you don't know what your getting for that price. Your still comparing a pc to a mac and you just can't. Personnal opinion.... stay on windows you will be happier and we will be getting one less fanboy that thinks the world owes him for choosing Apple.

Regarding your fears over hearing about the ATI cards freezing problems I know what you mean as i have just ordered my new top spec iMac just a couple of days ago.

But I think you are looking into these minor problems too much! Yes there will always a very small percentage of Mac's that will have problems etc, but the vast majority will work fine!

Mac's in general are very reliable, well built computers; but it is only technology, and technology can break down & stop working - very frustrating but a reality!

But I also think your comment on Mac's being:

"ordinary computers that freeze and have a heap of issues, only problem is that you have to pay 250% more for a mac when compared to a PC, and the system is unchangeable being an all in one."

Is slighty unfounded as I'm sure several people on here will say that you getting confused with PC's or window's OS :D, but you don't pay 250% more for a mac. If you check other PC manufacturers all-in-one products from the likes of Dell, HP etc and then match spec for spec, you'll find the iMac to be very comparible (if not better value for money - esp. when you take the software like iLife etc into account).

Also, Apple are a victim of there own success because they are so high profile, always in the media spot light and through their own PR machine, recieving wows and ahhs and some very highly rated reviews etc; Apple have this image of creating divine products by such Demi-Gods like J.Ives etc. that would never fail!:eek:

So as soon as there is a few problems, be it graphics cards or dead pixels, then it becomes a major thing like what you have described above. When it could be the same/or less (delete as appropriate) ratio of problems compared to another PC manufacturer.

Put things into context and I think you'll see that odds that happening to you are slim. In the 12+ years of being a mac user/graphic designer (soon to be 3rd iMac, one iBook, 1 G4, 1 G5's) I have a only ever had one major problem: the iBook HD going down on me about 2 months after buying it (Apple fixed it ASAP, no problems). Am I lucky? Maybe.

Make of it as you like but at the end of the day a Mac is a piece of technology and with any piece of technology there is small risk of failure!

Enjoy! :rolleyes:

Thank you for a pleasant reply.
I kinda feel the same way. Here the 3.06 with 4850 would cost me about $2.5k after taxes. I'm planning on doing work on this system rather than just internet surfing and gaming. It's a bunch of bs that they rushed the systems out of the door, sacrificing quality in order to make an extra buck in today's poor economy.

If I could afford a Mac Pro or a fully loaded MacBook Pro, then I'd go with that instead, and not even bother with the iMac.
And you think PCs don't have these kinda problems? All ATI 4850 problems should get fixed in 10.5.7, all bluetooth problems should get fixed in 10.5.7 and all wifi problems should get fixed in 10.5.7. Usually the problem is software, not hardware. Just give Apple some time to fix all these problems

Sorry but i didn't deny PC's having issues, its just the fact that when you pay 250% ($AU) more for a Mac you expect it to have LESS problems.

And also i implied i would wait longer for Apple to fix it that is why i said "it hurts me to think i have to wait longer".
Macs are good due to the OS and iMacs are good due to the All-In-One but when we are speaking about $3400 you would expect a certain high standard of quality. Sorry. call it what you like but that's how i see it. All i am saying is that (1) i will wait due to the overall issues i have been hearing (2) and Apples quality has fallen overtime (we all know this). I am simply expressing my opinion on how i feel about the latest iMacs and Apple. I am not trying to force my opinion on anybody. Its just my thoughts. Time will fix it but by then why bother buying it, may as well wait a few months for the next upgrade lol.

I know it will get fixed 'in time' but i agree with another above comment, i am not spending $3400 and then WAIT for issues to be resolved. All i am saying is that i am disappointed that i have to now wait due to Apples lower standards (i.e. meaning i have to wait for them to fix issues).

And i am in no way defending "PC's" however i must say that a few of people's comments are annoying regarding PC's. PC's are OK, i know they have viruses and all of whatever but lets face it, Windows One Live Care is $90 for 3 users for ONE year. I have used it for 2 years and have NEVER had a problem. It is seamless and easy. Say what your think about it, I don't care. But $90 is not much at all. It isn't going to cost an arm and leg to afford that when we are talking about saving $1000 - 2000 from buying a Mac.

And to all the informative people that have to keep reminding me and others that the forum is a small sample size and people only comment to complain, cause happy customers have nothing to say often, i do realize this and quite honestly i don't care. I will still buy a Mac but you cant deny that their is a high abundance of complaints about the 4850 iMac after like a week of release. Please stop trying to reassure your own purchases. I know that most iMacs will be fine, but at the moment i can quite safely wait longer and buy a better quality more hassle free product later.

Most people already made their purchases on this forum based on what they had read about iMacs etc, i am simply doing the same. So i find it weird when people say that i am basing my decision about a Mac based on what the 'small sample size' said on the forum when in fact other people who went along with their purchases did the same.
Macs are good due to the OS and iMacs are good due to the All-In-One but when we are speaking about $3400 you would expect a certain high standard of quality. Sorry. call it what you like but that's how i see it. All i am saying is that (1) i will wait due to the overall issues i have been hearing (2) and Apples quality has fallen overtime (we all know this). I am simply expressing my opinion on how i feel about the latest iMacs and Apple. I am not trying to force my opinion on anybody. Its just my thoughts. Time will fix it but by then why bother buying it, may as well wait a few months for the next upgrade lol.

I know it will get fixed 'in time' but i agree with another above comment, i am not spending $3400 and then WAIT for issues to be resolved. All i am saying is that i am disappointed that i have to now wait due to Apples lower standards (i.e. meaning i have to wait for them to fix issues).

And i am in no way defending "PC's" however i must say that a few of people's comments are annoying regarding PC's. PC's are OK, i know they have viruses and all of whatever but lets face it, Windows One Live Care is $90 for 3 users for ONE year. I have used it for 2 years and have NEVER had a problem. It is seamless and easy. Say what your think about it, I don't care. But $90 is not much at all. It isn't going to cost an arm and leg to afford that when we are talking about saving $1000 - 2000 from buying a Mac.

And to all the informative people that have to keep reminding me and others that the forum is a small sample size and people only comment to complain, cause happy customers have nothing to say often, i do realize this and quite honestly i don't care. I will still buy a Mac but you cant deny that their is a high abundance of complaints about the 4850 iMac after like a week of release. Please stop trying to reassure your own purchases. I know that most iMacs will be fine, but at the moment i can quite safely wait longer and by a better quality more hassle free product later.

Buy the iMac and be happy!!!!! If a problem comes up, you deal with it when it arrives. As of now get the imac and be happy.
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