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Sorry but i didn't deny PC's having issues, its just the fact that when you pay 250% ($AU) more for a Mac you expect it to have LESS problems.

And also i implied i would wait longer for Apple to fix it that is why i said "it hurts me to think i have to wait longer".

No your paying more cause Apple = US. NOT AU.

If i want Champagne and buy it in the US ... its gonna cost me an arm and a leg. Here in France its cheap. Same thing.

Don't blame Apple, blame your country foreign policy and taxes.

Oh and BTW. You CAN get mecanic problems even with a Porsche. The price you pay is not a garanty that everything will work.

I've been running my 3.06 4850 imac for 2 days without any problems. I must be special.
So whats your point besides crying like a little girl that didn't get her candy?

Do you think Apple reads this forum?

You seem to forget that not everyone has those problems. I myself (even if i got a freeze ONCE before i've updated everything) don't have those issues with a 3.06 and ATI card.

You have just as many chance to get a bad Dell or a bad HP or what ever. To me just the fact that your saying that your paying 250% for a mac means you don't know what your getting for that price. Your still comparing a PC to a Mac and you just can't. Personal opinion...stay on Windows you will be happier and we will be getting one less fanboy that thinks the world owes him for choosing Apple.

Apple do read this forum. You think they don't? I am the real Steve Jobs you know. ;)

One user put it's blasphemously idiotic to expect to get a perfect machine every time.
All i am saying is that (1) i will wait due to the overall issues i have been hearing (2) and Apples quality has fallen overtime (we all know this).
Actually, regarding (2), if you search back on MacRumors (the forums go back to at least 2001), you'll see that Apple has ALWAYS had quality issues, especially the first batch of products containing new components (like the iMac with the 4850). And for the most part, Apple ends up dealing with the issues fairly well, although not nearly as quickly as most would like. The iMac issue from 2007 was fixed via a firmware update.

Which brings up (1) ... since Apple's had a fairly consistent track-record of "quality issues" going back 7-8 years, it's generally wise to wait until the issues are taken care of before pulling the trigger on a new model of anything, especially for people like you that correlate the price tag to a manufacturers apparent magical ability to pump out nothing but initially perfect products.
is there seriously another "i h8 AppPleE" thread. seriously. there's 2 or 3 a month. it's getting kind of old
So whats your point besides crying like a little girl that didn't get is candy?

Do you think Apples reads this forum?

You seem to forget that not everyone has those problems. I myself (even if i got a freeze ONCE before i've updated everything) don't have those issues with a 3.06 and ati card.

You have just as many chance to get a bad dell or a bad hp or what ever. To me just the fact that your saying that your paying 250% for a mac means you don't know what your getting for that price. Your still comparing a pc to a mac and you just can't. Personnal opinion.... stay on windows you will be happier and we will be getting one less fanboy that thinks the world owes him for choosing Apple.

Please read over your post for grammar and spelling errors, as it's very painful to read what you wrote!

get a 2.93 iMac and upgrade the graphics card to gt 130, that's probably going be cheaper than what you had originally plan.

The ATI, will just give you more juice in games, it doesn't give significant increase in most porefessional apps.

If you want to play games, then buy a console, or buy a PC, worth every dime.

It seems that the gt130 people doesn't have issues with freezing much like the ATI.

In my humble opinion, you are set with the gt 130.
Too much

The Apple hardware was always grossly overpriced. Arrogantly, and without any explanation. The limitation of use and upgrade the Apple hardware was, and is, the biggest arrogance in the computer industry. The Apple software-too. FileMaker Pro 500E? No chance boys... . You pay for macmini 1000E and must to pay anoter 30E for the QuickTime Player Pro? What arrogance... i would take the MPlayer OSX Extended- he is better, much better, and no charge at all.

I sincerely should like these boys from Cupertino bellow the famous "Designed in California" to wrote "Made in China by Foxconn". Simply to be honest toward their consumers. And to let him know, where their computers are made. "All today computers are made there"- yes, but does not cost 3500E.

Any brand have had problems in the past. The question is not there. The question is when you ask for whole fortune, you must have to offer quality. Not balance or "compromises" between quality and your arrogant high price. The high price=low failure rate.

In reality, all of the Apple consumers pay for the OS exclusively. The rest are usual, cheap components, overpriced in scale between 30%-1200%.
I'm also curious- Boys, there is any soul here, which are able to answer to me, which type of sound chip is inside these macmini and iMacs?? Nobody never was able to answer this... . Realtek? or? model? Apple is silent about this. Like usual, when the things are bad for them.

Intel Xeon 5500 chip =330E x 2= 660E
Supermicro Mobo X58 =270E
8GB RAM = 60-70 E
ATI HD 4670 = 65-70E

>>>Mac Pro->>>3100E

The conclusions is yours. There is smart people in this world, because there is so many naive people.
I like Mac OS- he is the best OS for personal computing today. No doubt about this.
But I shall never pay for the Apple hardware, except for the Mac Pro, if i have had these money. iMac, macmini are unacceptable for me restrictions of my rights to use the hardware freely and to update freely on my interest.
The Vista, Windows 7 and so on are truly rubbish.
The MS era ends with Windows XP, but they until today does not understand this.
I am also part of the crowd that's holding back on an ATI IMac purchase until their is a resolution to this freezing problem.

This thread is derailing itself quite rapidly and I fear for its survival.:(
There are more and more grumpy and unfriendly people on this board lately. What gives? :confused:

It is still completely up in the air whether or not its a hardware or firmware/driver problem. I have been following this situation all over the internet with great interest and there is no evidence to suggest either.

Also, some questions that I've been meaning to ask to the community:
1- Are there any 2.93 and 3.06 models with nvidia graphics out there? What is their behavior like?
2- To all those with ATI graphics, have any of you not reinstalled the OS from the provided dvd? Because it is quite possible that Apple loaded the drivers/firmware on every machine without printing dvds with the fix.

Good luck to all of you with the freezing problem, it is truly a disappointing story as many of us have been waiting a long time for this machine.
I'm not buying an iMac, etc.

So basically you're not buying a machine because you've read posts by members on a forum which is used in the main by people with problems looking for solutions?

There are thousands of people who own the new iMac's and have no problems, yet you're basing your purchase decision on a small portion of the community who chose to complain on a forum renowned for people using it to vent their frustrations.

Bizarre, and ultimately your loss.
I am also part of the crowd that's holding back on an ATI IMac purchase until their is a resolution to this freezing problem.

I cancelled my existing ATI-iMac order yesterday,
and will wait until the smoke clears.

I relooked at MacPros.. and fahgeddagboutit..
They're way too much of a moolah jump..

The dreaded acronym "PC" has resurfaced in my brain :rolleyes:

I wasn't aware of the history of problems with some new :apple: releases,
and in my most humble opinion,
why did any notable duds slip on through :apple:'s QC? :mad:

And, Why aren't we seeing this Mac Rumor on the Rumor's Page?

Latest iMacs with ATI Cards in Trouble?
:eek: :confused: :eek:

Well, I've had my new iMac for 4 weeks and 1 day and I am loving it.

I got a great deal on the 2.4GHz 20" model in mid-February, even though it wasn't ordered and delivered until March 18th/20th when newer models had been launched.

This is my fourth iMac and as I've said before I've had no problems with any machines I've bought from Apple and all my previous Mac's are still alive and kicking in the homes of various family and friends.

It's human nature to worry, we all do it. However when it comes to new technology I try not to read too much into the voices of people complaining, especially if the complaints are loudest on only one forum.

Anyone who takes the complaints made here and applies them to their thought process when considering buying a new Mac really should reassess things in a more positive manner.

Every line of product has troublesome units, and those who unfortunately receive them complain louder and more often than those who have perfectly good iMacs. The people posting here represent a very small percentage of those with issues, but at the end of the day it's down to the individual to decide.

I would have no qualms about buying another Apple product, and the components of this iMac (in terms of who makes the SuperDrive and HDD) are superior and better quality than my previous iMac, so I am more than happy.
So basically you're not buying a machine because you've read posts by members on a forum which is used in the main by people with problems looking for solutions?

There are thousands of people who own the new iMac's and have no problems, yet you're basing your purchase decision on a small portion of the community who chose to complain on a forum renowned for people using it to vent their frustrations.

Bizarre, and ultimately your loss.

I agree. He should give it a bit of time, things will work out. Besides he may not get a machine with problems.
Some rude replies here. It's a lot of money that the OP is gonna spend. It's good for him to get views on what others think.

Edit: But i also agree that the portion of people with problems on their iMacs are very minimal. Don't worry about it.
There were many items in the original post that bated people into making rude posts.

Yep, the threadstarter was baiting everyone. Guy admits he never owned a Mac before, therefor has no clue. Period.

Go buy a Mac. An iMac, whatever, then have the great experience everyone else has and come back here and tell us about it. Or, "save" a bunch and stick with your PC headaches. But don't criticize what you don't have first hand knowledge of. If you have a problem with your Mac, they will take it back. It's a great chill. :p
There were many items in the original post that bated people into making rude posts.

I don't agree. He came off as someone who is disappointed and disheartened regarding the high failure rates of the 4850 IMacs and wants to share it with the Apple community. I share the same sentiment as him and I am an active member of this forum community with good standing I believe. I am glad someone brought this up as I am sure there are many of us with the same sentiment.

I didn't detect any "trolling" or wrong intentions in the OP and I frequent some of the worst troll-heavy forums on the internet so I doubt its just me.

Anyways, I am not gonna defend this point anymore as its a grave thread derailment :eek: but I felt it necessary to make it just this once.
I can totally understand the feelings of apprehension when you read the posts about issues with the new iMacs with ATI cards. When you are ready to make a big investment, it is not a great feeling to start reading about what appears to be a legitimate issue.

On the other hand, I would not write off purchasing a Mac altogether.

Personally I have been on the Windows/DOS platform (primarily) as a user and developer since the days of the 286 (having reluctantly given up my Commodore computers...). I have owned some Macs off and on throughout the years - but for the most part Windows had always been my primary OS. Because of this, I hardly consider myself a Mac fanboy or fanatic.

Right now, the other computer we have in the house is an HP Core 2 Quad 2.66Ghz with 8GB Ram and a Nvidea 8800 GT GPU. It's a great computer and we have had no issues with it for about a year. That computer, currently, is functioning as a Media Center PC as well as a general use computer for my wife and the kids.

I am writing this message on a recently purchased iMac 24" 2.8Ghz, 4GB, ATI 2600 GPU. I purchased it as a refurb from Apple for $1199. Initially I was a little hesitant about going from a Quad Core 8GB machine down to a Dual Core 4GB machine, as my primary computer.

I was expecting to notice a little more sluggishness on the iMac compared to my Quad Core - but I am truly amazed. I am sure it has everything to do with OS X, and nothing to do with the hardware - but my new iMac does not miss a step, and feels FASTER than the HP Quad Core 8GB machine running Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

Everyday I learn something new about OS X, and I am amazed at the productivity enhancements that are available in the OS compared to Windows (like Spaces for instance). Right now, a couple of weeks into owning my first All-In-Once PC (which I thought I was going to hate) and the first Mac in some years, I have to say I may never go back to Windows again.

So, I guess what I am trying to say is that OS X performs so well, that maybe a 3.06Ghz with the 4850 is not necessary. I can understand that everyone want to have the latest and greatest - but if I lived in a country that has to pay 250% more - I think I would be looking at Macs that were on the lower scale, anyway, so that the 'penalty' would be less severe.

From my experience on my new iMac, I can definitely say that if I was looking at the 3.06 w/4850 and decided against it (under current conditions I probably would feel the same as you), I would be happier going with a high end refurb - than going to a PC. The difference between Windows and OS X is night and day. If you really decided to get a Mac, I think you should.

Recently Apple has had 2008 24" 3.06Ghz iMacs with the Nvidea 8800 GPU for $1599. Sure the GPU is not the same as the 4850 - but the iMac is a significant discount, and with you having to pay 250% more - the savings would be quite significant. Plus it seems that the 2008 iMacs were pretty reliable and I haven't read of a lot of issues with them. I think for most things, except for games, the experience would be quite similar, and you can save some money and be reasonably confident that you will receive a machine with the quality that you are looking for. I have the model down from that one and I am more than pleased with it compared to my other Quad Core machine running Vista, and I wouldn't even dream of switching this iMac out from being my new primary PC.

Anyway good luck to everyone who is considering the new iMac 3.06 w/ ATI 4850. I tend to over analyze all of my purchases and I can definitely understand that some have become a little 'spooked'. If it were me, I would probably go with a high end refurb and sell it next year and pick up a 3.06 w/ATI 4850 (if I decided I really needed it) after the bugs had been worked out. With Apple's commanding pretty good resale value, and the possibility of new iMac upgrades next year, it might end up costing the same in the long run...

Good luck all..
Hi Guys,

As far as I know, the Apple macs are all made in China by Foxconn (contract manufacturer). They are the same guys who make computers for Acer and Hp etc... Thus by paying more money for an Apple computer translate into getting a higher quality machine is nonsense.

In terms of build quality, every manufacturer is subject to the same issues. However, what I would like Apple to do is to quickly identify and admit that there are certain batches of the 4850 which can cause the system to hang rather than having so many people trying to figure out what is wrong. I am very sure the guys at Apple would have known about this issue and are working very hard at a fix. I can also understand that they need to keep silent about this issue or else they would be bombarded with returns and tech support would probably quit overnight by number of callers that would insist on a "miracle pill" to solve their problem instantly.

Paying more for apple has always been a long debate for over 10 years. Yes.. You pay extra for the OS period. Stop arguing. If you think the OS X is not worth the money, forget about the specs or upgrade elements on the hardware. The mac is about the software not hardware.

With regards to this issue, we may never know why or what went wrong. However, I personally feel that the OS X updates are coming up fast and hard. The frequency of the updates are much faster than before. Apple is now forced to support more hardware with alot of third party apps. If they wish to expand their base users, then they have to make them more friendly to developers and other hardware manufacturers.
Hi Guys,

As far as I know, the Apple macs are all made in China by Foxconn (contract manufacturer). They are the same guys who make computers for Acer and Hp etc... Thus by paying more money for an Apple computer translate into getting a higher quality machine is nonsense.

ummmm no. Your theory does not show up in the reliability rankings, and ignores the concept of design and specification differences.
I have a HD issue now that i'm going back for the second time this week for. The guys at the so called genus bar did not even bother to check or listen to my HD. Made in china, you bet. Sad.
Buy the iMac and be happy!!!!! If a problem comes up, you deal with it when it arrives. As of now get the iMac and be happy.

True, forums are always going to be filled with problems and you will begin to second guess yourself.

BTW guess what's going to happen when they drop Snow Leopard? These forums are going to be FILLED with issues and guess what's going to happen after that? Apple will identify problems and they will be addressed.
I bought an iMac 3.06 GHZ last gen ... saved $1000 over the 2.93 GHZ model .... this is all i need and now i have $$$ left over to buy a laptop as well.

For $1400 there is a 1 GB Graphics Card ATI 4000 series with 2.4 GHZ Intel C2D and 4 GB Ram with 500/800 GB HDD... well worth it.

The 4850 was a contributing factor, but it was more so $$$ as well. Being a UNI student i don't have unlimited $$ to save. so i am quite happy with my 'balance' if the 8800 cant handle some games.. my laptop will and the laptop will also be a good cheap UNI run about for lectures etc....

Don't say i should have got a macbook, they start at $2000 and the specs are crap compared to that $1400 beast ... PLUS i only wanted an iMac. My desktop needed replacing.
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