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Call me crazy. Or any other description. Updated from a mini retina 2 to an IPP 9.7 earlier in the year. Put an apple silicone case on the back and smart cover on the front and it became the perfect iPad. (I prefer to use the Logictech Keys-to-Go rather than the 9.7 version of the ASK... the 9.7 keys are a bit too knobby imo.) Went to BestBuy a few weeks ago and brought home a 10.5. Put a Khomo case on the back and Smart Cover on front. It was almost as good of a feel in my hands. But the real deciding factor in returning the 10.5 was the eye strain and headache from its screen that a few others have mentioned in different threads. Would've been nice, perhaps, to have the latest, shiniest iPad... but better to stay with what already works well for me.
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Call me crazy. Or any other description. Updated from a mini retina 2 to an IPP 9.7 earlier in the year. Put an apple silicone case on the back and smart cover on the front and it became the perfect iPad. (I prefer to use the Logictech Keys-to-Go rather than the 9.7 version of the ASK... the 9.7 keys are a bit too knobby imo.) Went to BestBuy a few weeks ago and brought home a 10.5. Put a Khomo case on the back and Smart Cover on front. It was almost as good of a feel in my hands. But the real deciding factor in returning the 10.5 was the eye strain and headache from its screen that a few others have mentioned in different threads. Would've been nice, perhaps, to have the latest, shiniest iPad... but better to stay with what already works well for me.

I'm not getting the eye strain's actually better for me. So much so that I'm leaving my Kindle behind when I travel - something I never used to do.
10.5 owner here, sold my 9.7 to upgrade. The difference is night and day. I say that still saying the 9.7 inch is an astonishing device.

Yes me too. I'm going to take a significant loss on the 9.7 but it's worth it.
I'm not getting the eye strain's actually better for me. So much so that I'm leaving my Kindle behind when I travel - something I never used to do.

Yes me too. I'm going to take a significant loss on the 9.7 but it's worth it.
Same here.
I'm more concerned about how early Apple will discontinue support for the 9.7" iPad Pro. For me it's perfect and I'm heavily considering buying it:
writing and collating notes (onscreeen KB and maybe pencil)
Apple Education iTunes U and Coding (their new front on this)

I just don't know.

Your last sentence is describes a lot of us in weighing value in terms of our particular usage.

I can see good reasons to buy the 10.5, but in terms of my usage, it may be overkill, not only now but over the next two or three years. And it's not a matter of affording the 10.5, but a matter of not spending unnecessarily. "I just don't know," not ever having had an Air 2 or a Pro 9.7. I've ordered a 10.5, but a final decision won't be made till we're outside the 15-day return window.
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$779 for last year's model seems expensive -- that's almost what it sold for when first released. I've seen the 9.7's in the U.S. being blown out for hundreds less. At a blowout price the 9.7 is a bargain. At $779 I'd go with the current model.
$779 for last year's model seems expensive -- that's almost what it sold for when first released. I've seen the 9.7's in the U.S. being blown out for hundreds less. At a blowout price the 9.7 is a bargain. At $779 I'd go with the current model.
Agree. I know I will get hundreds less for mine & its 128/WiFi/Cellular

Check Apple refurbished. My model there is $650 I think. Good option.
$779 for last year's model seems expensive -- that's almost what it sold for when first released. I've seen the 9.7's in the U.S. being blown out for hundreds less. At a blowout price the 9.7 is a bargain. At $779 I'd go with the current model.

In Canada (which is where the OP is)?

What do you think about $450/no tax (U.S.) for a 128GB 9.7 Pro?
In Canada?

$779 in Canadian $ is roughly $615 U.S. dollars. That is no bargain for last year's model. We are talking about a C$200 difference between that model and the 256GB iPP 10.5. For that difference you get 2x storage, a larger, brighter, screen, and the guts that were designed with iOS 11 in mind. Those are not insignificant upgrades for that small difference in money, esp. if OP is going to hold on to it for a few years.

Of course, if OP wasn't too far from the U.S. border she could drive over and save a few bucks on either model.

US$450 for an iPP 9.7 is a great deal considering the regular 128GB iPad is $429 and not nearly as nice. That is why C$779 is no deal.
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Your last sentence is describes a lot of us in weighing value in terms of our particular usage.

I can see good reasons to buy the 10.5, but in terms of my usage, it may be overkill, not only now but over the next two or three years. And it's not a matter of affording the 10.5, but a matter of not spending unnecessarily. "I just don't know," not ever having had an Air 2 or a Pro 9.7. I've ordered a 10.5, but a final decision won't be made till we're outside the 15-day return window.

Well said!
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I sold my 9.7" iPP 32GB with Apple Keyboard Cover on Kijiji for Cdn $550. Everything was mint. It wasn't easy to find a buyer.

This gives you an idea how much it is worth in the used market. What you paid is definitely not a good deal.
US$450 for an iPP 9.7 is a great deal considering the regular 128GB iPad is $429 and not nearly as nice. That is why C$779 is no deal.

As I've said, I have a 10.5 open box and accessories coming, but I finally drove 40 miles to a Best Buy to actually handle a 10.5 and return the new 128GB 9.7 Pro that I had ordered a couple of weeks ago when BB was selling it for $499.99 plus tax ($535 total). I ended up returning and "re-buying" the new 128GB 9.7 Pro ($450) plus a new Apple Pencil ($95), taking advantage of our state's tax-free weekend and the one-day Best Buy sale. For my needs, the nicely-discounted 9.7 Pro should work out just fine.

I think I'm done with this process, except for making a second trip next week to return to Best Buy the 10.5 and accessories after they arrive.
For me I struggled as to what to get, the new 2017 32GB - €362, iPad Pro 9.7 128GB - €540 new and Apple case and keyboard - €110 s/h or iPad Pro 10.5 64GB - €665 or 256GB - €795 and case and Keyboard €230.

I have an iMac for heavy work, for me the iPad is for consumption - website and newspaper viewing, maybe watching movies on the move.

I chose the 9.7 Pro as I wanted a laminated screen and also thought I might like the better sound. I also thought the smart connector could come in useful with the keyboard as I may want to see if I could do more on the iPad. The overal size of the iPad is also slightly smaller than the 10.5.

I also did a quick calculation - a 10.5 iPad Pro 128GB ( which doesn’t exist) equates to €708 and with keyboard €938, the previous version, 9.7 with s/h case/Keyboard €650. Massive difference!

Apple does have an interesting marketing strategy. I went in to buy a new iPad 9.7 (€362), then you think it’s only a bit more for 128GB, a little more for the older Pro, a little more for the newer pro, a bit more for the extra memory then you realize you have gone from €362 to €795 ( and over €1000 with case and keyboard) for a tablet!

I will give it a go. if I find I use it for more things than my old 4th gen iPad and I feel the need for more power, I will upgrade to either the current 10.5 or the next version depending on its size, function and price.
I think they are both great devices. But I think the 10.5 iPad has the edge with the reduced bezels and Promotion display.

Do you notice any difference in the fonts in iBooks or Kindle with the 10.5 compared to the 9.7? Based on what I saw at Best Buy with the 10.5, I got the 9.7 Pro. However, I have a 10.5 Best Buy open box on order, and it should be here in a few days. I think I'll activate both with the same apps and do a good comparison. I'll return the one I like less. Unless something changes, the 10.5 will go back, but I hope I'm wrong.

Between the 10.5 and the 9.7, while I like both, I prefer the 10.5 a little more. The fonts of books, though, has to be at least as crisp as my 2012 rMBP or iPad Air.
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I'm not getting the eye strain's actually better for me.

Yes me too. I'm going to take a significant loss on the 9.7 but it's worth it.

You and PBz have me thinking about giving it another try, despite the loss. There are others who have experienced the same eye strain, but another 10.5's screen seemed to do the trick for them. Would love to have the 4g ram to carry me for a few more years.
For me I struggled as to what to get, the new 2017 32GB - €362, iPad Pro 9.7 128GB - €540 new and Apple case and keyboard - €110 s/h or iPad Pro 10.5 64GB - €665 or 256GB - €795 and case and Keyboard €230.

I have an iMac for heavy work, for me the iPad is for consumption - website and newspaper viewing, maybe watching movies on the move.

I chose the 9.7 Pro as I wanted a laminated screen and also thought I might like the better sound. I also thought the smart connector could come in useful with the keyboard as I may want to see if I could do more on the iPad. The overal size of the iPad is also slightly smaller than the 10.5.

I also did a quick calculation - a 10.5 iPad Pro 128GB ( which doesn’t exist) equates to €708 and with keyboard €938, the previous version, 9.7 with s/h case/Keyboard €650. Massive difference!

Apple does have an interesting marketing strategy. I went in to buy a new iPad 9.7 (€362), then you think it’s only a bit more for 128GB, a little more for the older Pro, a little more for the newer pro, a bit more for the extra memory then you realize you have gone from €362 to €795 ( and over €1000 with case and keyboard) for a tablet!

I will give it a go. if I find I use it for more things than my old 4th gen iPad and I feel the need for more power, I will upgrade to either the current 10.5 or the next version depending on its size, function and price.
The prices of things over here are so rubbish at the moment. Had the 9.7 pro been significantly cheaper than the 10.5 I would have been tempted to go for that but over here the 128GB 9.7 was only £100 cheaper than the 256GB 10.5 inch. I need at least 128GB of storage and to be honest I often ran out of storage on my 128GB iPad Air 2.
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Call me crazy. Or any other description. Updated from a mini retina 2 to an IPP 9.7 earlier in the year. Put an apple silicone case on the back and smart cover on the front and it became the perfect iPad. (I prefer to use the Logictech Keys-to-Go rather than the 9.7 version of the ASK... the 9.7 keys are a bit too knobby imo.) Went to BestBuy a few weeks ago and brought home a 10.5. Put a Khomo case on the back and Smart Cover on front. It was almost as good of a feel in my hands. But the real deciding factor in returning the 10.5 was the eye strain and headache from its screen that a few others have mentioned in different threads. Would've been nice, perhaps, to have the latest, shiniest iPad... but better to stay with what already works well for me.

sorry to hear that, I upgraded from the 9.7 Pro to a 10.5 Pro and there really is a big difference. 2 to 4GB RAM, Promotion makes a big difference, 10.5 screen isn't a big difference between the 9.7 but the larger screen is nice since the bezels are slim now
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I'm giving the 10.5 another try. I ordered a Best Buy open-box 10.5 that should be here in a couple of days (hopefully, because it sat two in the Albany, New York, USPS Regional Facility, with USPS tracking daily reporting that it was "In Transit to Destination"). I have the 9.7 Pro set up, and I'll set up the 10.5 the same in order to do an Apple to Apple comparison. If the 10.5 font problem doesn't appear to be a great issue, I'll return the 9.7, even though it was such a great deal.
I've owned every 9.7 iPad since the iPad 1 ... I recently purchased a 10.5 128GB ... THIS is by far the best tablet I have ever owned. 10.5 has my vote!

256GB, right? Glad you like it.

How does a book in iBooks or Kindle look? How are the fonts compared to your 9.7 iPad Pro, if you still have it? Thanks.
I think about the longevity of the 9.7 soon you'd have to upgrade to ios 12 and the iPad will start to slow down. I just bought my 10.5 and I thought about the 9.7 but after putting much thought into it I chose the 10.5 with 256gb and very happy with my choice also I can sell it 2 years from now which in part will pay for the newer model 2 years from now.
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