I got my copy of XP Pro for FREE!!! 100% legal through my school. They give it to certian majors for free, you just have to pay for the CD-R to burn the image to (it's downloadable). I think we also get Windows 2003 Server for free.
Considering everyone else has to pay for XP and they just have to (optionally) pay for a CD, I don't think it's a rip off. It kinda does make sense it costs money in (campus) stores than it does online.
yeah, we can get versions of XP Pro, Office 2003 Pro, and/or Office 2004 through our school, too. They charge us 10 bucks for the CD though, which is a rip for the cost of a CD, but a damn good deal considering the software, lol.
and in theory have to be deinstalled /destroyed when the student leaves school. The University is NOT selling you a license, they are granting you the right to use one 'seat' of their license while you attend.
FWIW, the the majority of software licenses at my university are specifically perpetual. A few of them have an expiration, either a set time or the time when the student leaves the school. Office and Windows are both offered with perpetual licenses (both around $50-$60).
On the flip side, I think the EULA for both VS and the copy of XP i grabbed for free said I coudn't transfer the license to anyone else but there was nothing about uninstalling/destroying it.
and in theory have to be deinstalled /destroyed when the student leaves school. The University is NOT selling you a license, they are granting you the right to use one 'seat' of their license while you attend.
We just have to graduate from our school and we get a perpetual license. Otherwise the black Microsoft helicopters come and hunt you down. The only software that's per seat is MATLAB, Mathematica, Adobe suites, and Apple Pro applications in the labs. Only so main licenses can be open cocurrently.