OK, first off, let me get this out of the way: I know there have been a hundred threads associated with "should I wait to buy an iMac" or not; please feel free to berate me as much as you desire but what I REALLY need is some help.
I purchased an iMac (21.5", 3.3 GHZ, 9400m, 500 GB) on Tuesday, 08Jun10, as a gift for my father's birthday on 18Jun10. I waited to see if Apple would update the iMac but due to time constraints (his birthday) I pulled the trigger.
I am no computer expert, I switched to Apple a couple of months ago (MBP 2.66 GHZ) and I LOVE it! I use my MBP for work, word, excel, surf the net, pay bills, download photos and video from camera, etc. very lite stuff.
My father will be using his new iMac for web surfing, paying bills, sending emails, downloading photos from camera, etc., again, very lite stuff. He does like to play ONE game, Total Annihilation, which came out in 1923 or something super old. Other than that ONE game he doesn't play ANY other game nor does he want to, no first person shooter, or demanding games at all. It makes him motion sick to play those types of games, so TA only.
I couldn't decide if I should get the second tier iMac with the upgraded graphics card or not. I don't know much about computers but after researching it a bit, I concluded that if you aren't going to be playing games on the iMac the upgrade was a waste of money.
Now I'm second guessing my decision. Apparently, the graphics card does more than just play games (again, please feel to berate, "look a the noob!", and things like that). Anywho, the question is, will this iMac be obsolete in a few years due to the processor, or graphics card, or transmission, change the oil every 3 thousand miles and all that stuff.
So, will the above mentioned machine suffice for a few years for what my father needs it for?
PS: Dumbing down your answers would be greatly appreciated.
The way I see how people are talking on this thread, the way your father uses the computer(web, email, bills, photos) there is absolutely no need for the higher end graphics card. I don't see any of those tasks needing a better processor or graphics card in the next 5 years.
Besides high level video, photo, music editing programs, and of course games, no one so far has really pointed out why someone would need a top of the line graphics card, or why the low end iMac would not let you do most things normal people use a computer for in the next few years.