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Well, guess who a lot of my Faceberg friends are... Kids! Kids with drama! That I get to read all over my wall! BLAH!

While I love the fact that I can catch up with my cousin who is pregnant in North Carolina, and an Aunt that's building a house in Maine, and a cousin who's a vet in NYC, I also HATE the fact that I read everyone's problems / that they're "going to bed now / getting up now / eating now / sitting now / breathing now / doing nothing now"...

Well, as I said before... your experience with Facebook is as good as the friends that you have. If you are annoyed because a bunch of your friends are posting whiny trivialities, you can always block them...

There's plenty of sites on the internet Photobucket, even MobileMe if I want to share photo albums. I have Address Book and iCal to manage events, contacts, Birthdays, etc.

Facebook brings nothing to the table other than a consolidated web interface, which I don't need, and the ability to read about the boring everyday minutia in the lives of a bunch of vain idiots. Which I definitely don't need. Facebook will come and go and in a few years, no one will even remember them.

You're absolutely right about the consolidated interface. That's the entire point to me. You claim you don't need it because you're happy with all of the other tools that you mentioned (Photobucket, MobileMe, Address Book). Which is fine, for YOU to share your stuff with others. But what are your friends using to share with you? (If you even care to keep up with them.) I'd have to track the fact that my brother and my friend Joe like to use Flickr but Aunt Ethel and Uncle George have sites on MobileMe, while my sister prefers Photobucket, and my friend Jen prefers Picasa. My friend Steph likes to blog on her WordPress site while Darren and Gordon use Blogger. Geez, I'd have to visit an entire bookmark list every day just to keep up, or use an RSS reader to consolidate everything into one cohesive news feed. Hmmm..... :p

Facebook lets you be a passive participant: it brings all your friends' news to you. Now you can argue that this can be a bad thing (it seems to encourage us to be lazy about keeping in touch with people) but it does have its benefits.

I didn't "get" Facebook either for the first few years that everyone was starting to get into it. I had done the whole MySpace thing and abandoned it because it was little more than a hangout for angsty teenagers. I was afraid Facebook would be the same thing, until I realized that I could look up old classmates, my relatives overseas, etc.
Maybe you should rent the movie. ;) But I don't totally get it either but I have found it to be useful to keeping in touch with people I want to keep in touch with. I don't post much--almost never start my own threads but I reply to some if I have something to say--so it works for me in that way and I'm glad it is out there. :)
Maybe, I'm hip (hi res, thinks so) or un-hip. Maybe, I'm cool or is it un-cool. Whatever. Maybe in my small middle-aged world I just don't know the right hip/un-hip or cool/un-cool people. Whatever. I've got an account, I'm on Facebook. Okay, I guess, I "get" Facebook.

First of all, ignore almost every post here. Facebook is simply a tool, a communication tool. Some people like writing letters, others the telephone, email, twitter, in person doing something, in person just talking...making the nightly news. All of it is a way of communicating with the people around us.

And just like any communication tool, it can be used in a multitude of different ways depending on your needs/desires. Some people use facebook to make new friends. I've had people try and add me as facebook friends just because we went to the same highschool...and were 5 grades apart. Like, wtf? But that mades sense to them. Doesn't mean I add them :)

Personally, I use it to track my closest friends. I'm 26 though, and facebook was "College only" back when I was actually in college, so a lot of my friends do maintain a presence there.

I find facebook is primarily good, at this point in my life, for 3 things:
1. Tracking birthdays.
Because if you don't have one on a holiday, I won't remember it)

2. Tracking location.
Many people my age are still city jumping. Many friends are "lost" because it is difficult to maintain an "up to date" relationship with someone a couple hundred miles away. But what if you both move to the same city? An old highschool friend that I lost track of over the years turns out to work in the same building as me. I didn't even know they were in the same city as me until facebook. How often though do you move to a different city and call up every acquaintance you've ever had to see if they live near you? How often do you even know what number to call?

3. Job tracking / Networking.
There are other networking sites that are starting to fill this role in better ways. But that doesn't keep facebook from being useful. I can see where my friends work, and if they get a new job. My generation is expected to work at a multitude of different companies (even in the same field) before we retire. Knowing where to work next is a difficult task, getting an "in" is even harder. "knowing people" as they say, is key.

4. Who married who.
Okay, so really this is probably only useful for a couple minute "wtf" conversation with the friends that are still close. "She married THAT jackass?!!!" :)
However, when I finally get married I will make personal contact with all the close friends I want to tell and invite to the wedding. After that, I would have to rely on the grapevine to get the word out. Now though, I can post it on facebook and it'll expedite the information flow. People won't be finding out years and years later that you're married and have 2 kids.

5. Random information.
I looked up a pretty neat guy I sold a car to last summer. Based on the pictures on his wall, it looks like he is building a track car. That happens to be what I want to do this summer with one of my own old cars. I contacted him and we're going to get together and talk cars. Facebook allowed that casual exchange of information, and allowed us to decide whether we wanted to act on it or not.

Those are my uses for facebook. And I do a pretty good job of sticking to only tracking my own friends. My mom the other day though said that she added an old high school friend, and didn't like that she did. She started telling all these bad high school stories, which prompted me to ask "So why did you add them as a friend?!". She responded "Because I felt guilty about not accepting their invitation". I have no such guilt problems :)
I would you suggest you use facebook just like you use CallerID, or a letter in the mail. Don't pick up and don't reply if you don't want to communicate with them! :p
You're absolutely right about the consolidated interface. That's the entire point to me. You claim you don't need it because you're happy with all of the other tools that you mentioned (Photobucket, MobileMe, Address Book). Which is fine, for YOU to share your stuff with others. But what are your friends using to share with you? (If you even care to keep up with them.) I'd have to track the fact that my brother and my friend Joe like to use Flickr but Aunt Ethel and Uncle George have sites on MobileMe, while my sister prefers Photobucket, and my friend Jen prefers Picasa. My friend Steph likes to blog on her WordPress site while Darren and Gordon use Blogger. Geez, I'd have to visit an entire bookmark list every day just to keep up, or use an RSS reader to consolidate everything into one cohesive news feed. Hmmm..... :p

Rather than having everyone need to use the same app/site for this, what you'd be wanting then is an app/site that can access/display all these different sites at once so all the other people can still use whichever one they prefer. The Cyberdog browser on Mac OS9 could do this I recall before they abandoned OpenDoc. How would it be possible now? Maybe loading each one as a widget into Dashboard.
I like a quote that I read from one of the other Facebook threads...

If you have a crappy Facebook experience, it's because you have crappy friends!

I think that was my quote! :D And it's still true.

I use Facebook because most of the people I know in life don't live anywhere near me. The day I left college, I went on tour with numerous entertainment shows (theater, ice shows, etc). I met and became friends with a LOT of people on these tours. But the tours would only last less than a year, and I did this for over 7 years. So there are a lot of people out there I like to keep in touch with. After those 7 years, I moved to a city where I didn't know that many people, so I don't have a whole lot of life-long friends out there. Growing up, my parents were divorced, and I spent my time in two separate states, and had friends in both. I live in neither location now.

I'm not the type of person (like a few in this thread) who only wants to keep in touch with the few friends I want to anyway. I like to keep in touch with a lot of people out there. Are they my best friends? No. But they are friends who were a part of my life.

Most certainly not a waste. It all depends on how you want to communicate.
Do I "get" Facebook?
Not quite yet…

Perhaps when I am older it'll all fall in place.
Right now it seems as if most of my friends and acquaintances around my age (47) are not fussed about being on Facebook.

But, the older ones, uncles, aunts and parents and their friends are almost all Facebook users.

Then again everyone I know below, say, 30 has a Facebook account and use it all the time "to keep in touch".

So does Facebook "life" start around 12, run wild through your twenties/thirties and then take a dip through the forties only to revive with a vengeance when you hit late fifties? ;)

There will probably be something much better by the time you hit your late 50s.
oh that's right...I don't want to oversell the MOST SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE EVER CREATED. So taking into account possible multi-users their numbers must be much closer to....oh, say 499.98 MILLION USERS! get lost with your multiple account BS. If you can't find someone you know on Facebook you need to get off of MR and make some friends.

It's just a website. No need for the cringe-worthy defence.
I like facebook. Helps me keep in touch with them who don't have Skype. I just make sure my privacy settings are maxed out every now and then.
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