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macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
Don't you have to disable SIP to do launchctl bootout?
Yes, I forgot about that :) "Operation not permitted while System Integrity Protection is engaged"

During the installation of iTunes 12.9.5, Retroactive downloads InstallESDDmg.pkg to /tmp and extracts from it.
At the moment, Retroactive downloads InstallESDDmg.pkg from


macrumors member
Feb 22, 2017
The music on your iPod is stored in a Music folder inside a hidden folder called iPod_Control. The easiest way to get at it is using the terminal. For that to work, 'disk mode' must be enabled for your iPod.

First, connect the iPod to your computer. If you're running Catalina or newer, open a Finder window and click on the iPod entry under Locations in the sidebar on the left. If there are two entries for the iPod, click on the one with the icon that looks like an iPod. Now, in the General tab look in the Options section and make sure that Enable disk use is checked. If you're running an older OS, launch iTunes and then click the (tiny) iPod icon in the topbar and make sure the Enable disk use box is checked. You should now see a disk icon corresponding to your iPod on the Desktop. If you don't see the icon, eject the iPod, unplug it and then plug it back in.

Now open a terminal by using Finder to navigate to Applications. Double-click the Utilities folder, then double-click to launch the terminal. In what follows you'll be using terminal commands to copy the contents of the iPod's Music folder onto your Desktop and unhiding the contents so that you can import them into either the Music or iTunes apps. In the attached screenshot, I'll show the terminal's prompt as a single dollar sign '$' but your prompt may look different, as may be color of your terminal. Double-check your typing before you hit Enter on each command.

The 'mount' name of the iPod will probably be 'iPod' but we need to make sure using the 'ls' command:
ls /Volumes
If the name is something different for you, you'll have to substitute that name for 'iPod' in what follows.

Now you'll execute several commands to copy the contents of the iPod's Music folder to your Desktop and then change the attributes of the files to make everything visible. This is required before you can import the music. iPods are slow devices communicating over slow USB connections, so the copying part (the 'cp' command) can take quite a while.
cp -r /Volumes/iPod/iPod_Control/Music ~/Desktop
chflags -R nohidden ~/Desktop/Music
xattr -rd ~/Desktop/Music
xattr -rd ~/Desktop/Music

After the 2nd 'xattr' command, you should see the Music folder appear on the Desktop. Now you can import everything. To import into, use the File -> Import... menu to navigate to the Music folder on your Desktop, then click Open. To import into, use File -> Add to Library... to navigate to the Music folder on your Desktop, then click Open.

If you already have music on your computer, something to be aware of is that the possibility of duplication. You can avoid that by holding down the Option key when you launch Music or iTunes and then creating a new library to hold the music from your iPod.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.

View attachment 2146377

@Grumpus I want to say thanks for sharing this helpful information . I managed to save my wife's music from her old iPod with this commands.

I would just like to add one thing, after following you instructions,
Copy the ArtWork and the iTunes Db files from the iPod folders and paste them into your Mac/PC's iTunes folder (run the chflags + xattr commands on these files as well)

Open all songs from the the new folder in the computer/Mac with VLC , save the list as an 'Extended Playlist' .
Open that same playlist BUT this time with Itunes/Music . Voila, you'll see the Album/Song info.


macrumors 6502
Jan 17, 2021
@Grumpus I want to say thanks for sharing this helpful information . I managed to save my wife's music from her old iPod with this commands.

I would just like to add one thing, after following you instructions,
Copy the ArtWork and the iTunes Db files from the iPod folders and paste them into your Mac/PC's iTunes folder (run the chflags + xattr commands on these files as well)

Open all songs from the the new folder in the computer/Mac with VLC , save the list as an 'Extended Playlist' .
Open that same playlist BUT this time with Itunes/Music . Voila, you'll see the Album/Song info.
I'm glad it helped you @ferko86, and I hope you impressed your wife, that never hurts :)

Thanks for the tip regarding VLC, I'm going to give that a try this evening.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2009
For what it’s worth, I’ve always copied the media right out of the iPod Control folders, right into iTunes, and it always has the metadata - this has worked on a 2nd, 5th, and 7th Gen Classic, as well as a 1st and 3rd Gen Nano. I use macOS so maybe that’s it, but even though all the music may have funky file names, iTunes and Music always see all of the metadata that was imbedded… artist, title, year, disc and track numbers, album art if any was imbedded, etc…


macrumors 65816
Aug 31, 2010
@stiligFox Good to hear. Can you confirm that you hadn't selected convert higher bitrate songs in iTunes/Music when you originally transferred music to your iPods? It's my observation, that this (and only this) removes the metadata from affected songs (not songs already less than the selected bitrate). [#13]
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macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2009
@stiligFox Good to hear. Can you confirm that you hadn't selected convert higher bitrate songs in iTunes/Music when you originally transferred music to your iPods? It's my observation, that this (and only this) removes the metadata from affected songs (not songs already less than the selected bitrate). [#13]
Ah yes, you're right! I've never used that feature, but I just went and tested, and sure enough it strips out ALL of the metadata. Strange!
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