re: can't trust Apple software anymore?
I'm sure many people feel the same way, Razeus. But as someone supporting both Windows and OS X systems daily (for a creative/marketing firm), I still consistently find I prefer the Mac experience.
You've *always* been able to get more raw power for less money by going with the Windows platform. That doesn't change the fact that raw power and benchmark results aren't the whole story. "Usability" has more to do with having ENOUGH power to get the task(s) done that you want to do, while not getting slowed down by such things as system errors, software updates that fail to install properly, viruses, spyware, etc. etc.
iWork may/may not really be a "joke", depending on each person's needs. Where I work, people find Keynote far superior to PowerPoint for making presentations. On the other hand, I haven't met anyone yet who finds "Numbers" a superior spreadsheet to Microsoft Excel. At best, I consider Numbers kind of a "desktop publisher for numerical data". It has some nice templates to make a spreadsheet look pretty, vs. the power to do a lot of advanced formulas or calculating large numbers of cells.
There's also the fact that whenever Apple does a Windows version of an OS X app, it takes a back seat in performance and stability to the Mac edition. iTunes for Windows has always been a bloated mess, compared with how well it runs in OS X. I have little doubt the new "Photos" app will be the same way in a Windows version.
I definitely hold out some hope that Windows 9 will be a pretty good release, but it's still going to be chained to some of the design weaknesses in that OS, such as the system registry and its security model.
If Apple really blows it with the Yosemite release, THEN I might reconsider a switch back to Windows PCs for my personal use. But just the headaches of malware, alone, keep me happier in OS X.
This might be my last dance with Apple iMacs. I can get more power for much less on Windows. As soon as they fix Windows 8.1 to my liking or just wait until Windows 9. Without Aperture and iPhoto, I really don't have much use for a Mac. iWork is a joke and I prefer MS Office, so again, why do I need to get using Macs when all Apple is going to do is can the software or outright gimp it to pure simplicity? Every other app I use is on Windows so, again, I'm at a loss on why I'd drop another $2k on an iMac. And since will be on Windows, I'm leaning more and more towards a Microsoft OS.
I simply can't trust Apple software anymore.