I feel you man. Cook is just out for money. Don't know when will his greed be satisfied. I know, at this age, he should have had a more philanthropic and generous heart, but damn, the greed of business is just too enveloping. And to top that, there is no innovation happening that we are liking.
I mean, apart from the wonderful P3 display in the new MacBooks, good battery life, Touch Bar with its dynamic control options, Touch ID and Secure Enclave now on the Mac, what else have they done?
And lets not get into software. iOS 11 was a joke, iOS 12 even more so with no innovation at all. So what if it feels fast and fluid in beta 1, promises excellent performance right down to 2013 devices, and brings some features (battery graphs, better DND, Screen Time, better password management)? Bloody hell, where is Apple heading with no innovation at all!
macOS is in a similar dilapidated state. With 10.14, so what if they brought Desktop Stacks, a wonderful way to bunch up the clutter on the desktops and one that works so fluidly! So what if we can now have 3 recent apps in the Dock, dynamically changing, and this can potentially save us from launching Launchpad more frequently or typing out the name in Spotlight? So what if the memory usage was brought down by at least 2GB in beta 1, where High Sierra constantly used to eat close to 7GB standard with no programs open? Damn, they still come with 8GB standard, we need 16 standard and 32 optional otherwise no innovation is happening.
So what if MAS in 10.14 now looks so much more beautiful, so less cluttered, and so more content-focussed? So what if it works so fast now! So what! We need damn innovation that we will like, man! Not innovation that will help us in any tangible-intangible way, but innovation that we will like!
I feel you, man, I feel you. This bean counting attitude of Tim Cook with creating a lottery of wattage in adapters in the pack is just the attitude that will take Apple down once day. I know. If only Jobs..
More seriously,
Return the device if those 2w are consequential to you, and learn from the experience. Make notes - checklist to ask before handing out the credit card - using any of the excellent in-built apps or third party apps - so that you can be more informed and happier with the purchase next time. This way, when you buy a new iPad, you can go through the checklist and confirm with the sales rep beforehand, what wattage ships currently. Really, for you, it is a no-brainer.
It gets more anguishing in places like India with no return window. We are stuck with what we got if we are displeased with the purchase, since we have no way of returning it.