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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Just thought i would share this because im pretty happy about it

My Town's newspaper has given me two assignments to shoot two home games, and if all goes well they might start to give me more with some pay :cool:

im happy about it since Im still in high school :p



macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Just thought i would share this because im pretty happy about it

My Town's newspaper has given me two assignments to shoot two home games, and if all goes well they might start to give me more with some pay :cool:

im happy about it since Im still in high school :p


Congratulations! Will they provide lenses, or are you going to have to do it with your own? If so, do you have lenses that are fast/long enough for whichever sport it is in whatever venue?

I'd see if you can get them to give you credentials or at least an assignment letter and go speak with the coach(es) and see if you can practice during some team practice sessions so you'll get an idea of the conditions and be able to start to learn who to focus on if you're not a sport follower.

Good luck!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Thanks, Its just a town paper so mostly you provide your own lenses, I wish they had some so I could practice with some above par glass but its all good

Oo ya i just though this was funny, my brother called me the other day from Vermont and said, " wish I could of had a sick job like that when i was in high school, instead I had to work at a gas station." :p



macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Thanks, Its just a town paper so mostly you provide your own lenses, I wish they had some so I could practice with some above par glass but its all good

Oo ya i just though this was funny, my brother called me the other day from Vermont and said, " wish I could of had a sick job like that when i was in high school, instead I had to work at a gas station." :p


Well, hopefully you've got glass fast enough to capture the action. If the team suits up for practice then you might try to get some team and individual player shots posed and scripted- that way they can always do a portrait of the scorer or something if the action's too fast for event pictures.

Experience is experience, make sure you have fun too!

Don't forget things like cheerleaders and crowd pictures, they'll help in your overall portfolio. You also may want to try to write an article for each shoot so that if you're ready to go full-time at some point, you'll have a body of work.

Best of luck, let us know how it goes!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Ill be posting up some of my shots soon i just need to load them to my flickr


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Here ya, this is just what I submited to the paper






Thats, half.. Im a little lazy right now so enjoy

Ps this is my first attempt at basketball, Im more soccer :cool:



macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
Your pictures are framed great and you caught the perfect moment of action. A faster lense would help you out on the darkness a bit. Also, you might check out strobist to see how he lights basketball, it's genious and it wouldn't cost you a ton in the long run. But, your pictures look great man.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Thanks man, I got the other 5 posted up on my flickr if u want to see them, The link is in my sig

Nice work- one further piece of advice that I wish I'd gotten at your age (not that I would have paid attention to it...) See if you can work something out with your parents where any payment you get is sent straight to an IRA that reinvests the interest and they can maybe help you out with cash here and there. Over time that'll do more for your standard of living once you're older than anything else you can possibly do that doesn't involve hitting superstar fame. Worst-case, put half of it into an IRA.

(well, ok, I *really* wish it'd been done when I was mowing lawns in elementary school, because then I'd be kicked back living off my millions now!)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Im going out again today for my last time, unless they want me to do more, Ill post a few up again incase anyone wants to see them, thy should be up around 10:00pm EST



macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2006
Nice! I'm trying to get into sports and gig photography (the tickets are a bonus :D ) , at the moment it is just stuff for my school magazine and my Saturday job as an assistant. I am going to take a lot more photos at gigs (not when I only have standing tickets though, crushing is a problem ;) ) in hope of getting them published...need to start somewhere.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Nice! I'm trying to get into sports and gig photography (the tickets are a bonus :D ) , at the moment it is just stuff for my school magazine and my Saturday job as an assistant. I am going to take a lot more photos at gigs (not when I only have standing tickets though, crushing is a problem ;) ) in hope of getting them published...need to start somewhere.

Thats what i want to do too, Personally Im not a big person to sit and watch sports, but when u give me a camera I cant turn away, and if u cant tell sports are my favorite thing to shoot. :p



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
My last set most likely, It was fun while it lasted





Yet again the rest are in my flickr



macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
Okay, I realize this is off topic, but did anyone else notice that the Drury team shorts have the Duke basketball emblem on them? haha, that's funny. Anyways, I hope they send more assignments your way, you have talent and more practice = better pictures each time.


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
haha oh i know, I saw that too, I just thought it was funny that the shorts have the exact same logo as the Duke teams have haha. But then again, my high school had the same mustang logo as Southern Methodist University....


macrumors 6502
Aug 10, 2006
Mt Brook, AL
Good Work!

The advice about writing an article to go with your shots is excellent advice. I am not much of a sports fan, however I am a car nut. In college, I shot some photos of new cars and sent them with a short piece about each to the Clarion Ledger in Jackson, MS. I landed a stringer gig with a weekly column and got to drive all the new cars. I shot most of the photos for the articles as well. I really got to know the dealers in town, and the paper's staff photographers were a great help in improving my dark room skills. They also would let me order lenses from Nikon Professional Services using their accounts ( paid for by the Clarion-Leger!) Keep up the good work and never take no for an answer from a newspaper. Make your stories concise and grammatically correct, and do not forget spelling. When you keep your name in front of the various editors, hopefully yours will be the first name to come to mind when they need a stringer/freelancer in a hurry. Always take the last minute stringer assignments, and do your absolute best work; you will build credibilty and a great portfolio of work. Earn some money too!
Be persistant and continue to do good work while still improving, you will make your own luck because you will have earned it!


macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
Congratulations on doing so well.

I thought the first few shots were a bit rubbish, but you improved so much over the next few shots!

I personally would crop the photos tighter - I like the action to fill the frame, and it would cut out some of the dark areas, but maybe that's just the brit newspaper style. I did notice on a trip to the USA that USA newspapers are very different in layout and style to brit ones (even including the sports photos).

Feel free to ignore me, I am in no shape or form a sports photogger at all.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
congratulations, b0tt094! I myself am currently trying for a photojournalism internship at the Chicago Tribune. Wish me luck!:)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Thanks everyone, Im still just praying that they give me the job, right now this is just for free, I can do this for ever thoguh. I got to save up for a car, New lenses, Gas all kinds of stuff. Still it would be pretty sick to get to do this for a High school job :cool: :cool: :cool:

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