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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2009
I have done well by buying the 20 inch imac? other intel will come very soon
I'm not very sure.

Sorry but i'm spanish and my english is bad :(
If you're happy with the 20" size, you shouldn't regret buying it. :) Sure, there will always be a better Mac on the way, but if you needed a Mac right away, you made a good purchase.

Sure, I could have waited until the quad-core iMacs come out... But I've already waited almost a year! I don't want to wait any longer. So even if a great new iMac comes out in just a few months, I don't care. I didn't want to wait anymore, and I couldn't wait anymore. :)
I just bought the new 20" to replace my G5. It is a major performance upgrade, and looks like could hold its own for many years to come.
Yes, there will always be better computers around the corner.

But not all updates are the same or equal!

—Going to Intel processor was a major one and I wished I had waited because I bought my Imac and half a year later Mac went Intel.
—So yes, if u can wait, yes. But if not, go for it.
what year is your iMac? 20" Sounds good to me. I have one and its been serving me for a look time now.

Good buy! :D
I just bought the new 20" to replace my G5. It is a major performance upgrade, and looks like could hold its own for many years to come.
I did the same thing with the 24" but put the G5 on a desk next to me for my GF to use. Still works great for her needs.
I did the same thing with the 24" but put the G5 on a desk next to me for my GF to use. Still works great for her needs.

I sold the G5, and the girlfriend gave away her eMac, replaced by the new Mini. It was an expensive weekend, but we are now PPC free. :)
How do you like that Mini? Never really got a chance to use one.

I use the 1.8s at work regularly, and she got the new one. For basic stuff like web, music, and word they are just fine. I can't use them as a workstation unless they have maxed out ram. Even 2GB of ram kills me, I need at least 4GB in all of my system (ram is on order for the iMac :p). But ya, very small and capable machines.
I use the 1.8s at work regularly, and she got the new one. For basic stuff like web, music, and word they are just fine. I can't use them as a workstation unless they have maxed out ram. Even 2GB of ram kills me, I need at least 4GB in all of my system (ram is on order for the iMac :p). But ya, very small and capable machines.
Sounds good for basic use though. That would be something good for my girl friend when the G5 tanks. The thing just keeps going and going and going. ;-)
Thanks for your answers ;)

I bought the new 20" Imac 2009 last week. Will arrive this thursday.
320Gb Hard Disk
2GB of RAM DDR3 at 1066MHz
Nvidia GeForce 9400M
Core 2 DUo INtel 2,66GHz

I'll use it for music, video, internet and photoshop.

you must be doing well to afford such a computer in these times

but seriously though any new computer is good and that thing will run windows 7 great.

I'm a pc because I'm cheap (and good with them)
Springfield, you did a great choice with an iMac. I also have the same exact iMac as you. And you should pre-order snow leopard from apple's website right now !
Of course you done well, the iMac is a great machine. Hope you enjoy it, as I certainly do :).

It's a great machine. But I have a problem. In some videos I can only see the image not the sound. What can I do? Please help!
I installed VLC. In the normal view i have not problem. but in front row i cant see anithing. HELP

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