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Traded my 64gb WiFi for 64gb 3G= Thrilled again

I loved my original 64gb WiFi. But many places didn't have WiFi including commuter train and bus.

Traded it in for a new 64gb 3G on Saturday. Now have complete roaming freedom. Doubt I'll regret the expense of the trade.

Go for it!
This is a tough choice but it all depends how much internet you are in access with. Sadly, when trying to show off my iPad, one thing was clear, most of the good reasons why the ipad rocks, you need an internet connection. So i ask that question to you again?

Me personally, as much as i would love the convenience but i have wifi at work which i can access and i have wifi at home. Starbucks also offers free 2 hours per day and borders is free. Which would mean that for the 10 minutes i need internet outside of a internet area, im going to be whiney but not for 130 plus 30 per month.

Also, my iPhone is still king. Iphone or iPad, I would still choose an iPhone and a MacBook. Ipad is a luxury convenience entertainment device. That said, if i need to use the internet for those 10 minutes, well i have an iPhone.

Get my point? It's all on you. If you feel like you need it then go for it. If not, wait.

Save 130+360 dollars of potential costs and that's a 2G iPad or...partial cost for good rims.
Do you not have a phone with a data plan :confused: I suspect most here do and those who are suggesting this option are doing so with this in mind; you are comparing :apple:s to oranges.
This is a really good comment you made. I have been beside myself to exchange my wifi for a 3 g...missed by 10 mins on Friday.

But maybe I need not be so compulsive...I have a perfectly good palm centro with an ok unlimited data connection. I pay $75/mo for smartphone and wides dumb phone (but still gets email, unlimited text and can even acess basic google search like phone number). I can even connect the palm modem to a laptop via USB.

But I cant help but wish I I had the iPad connected all the time. But $30 isn't chump change on a monthly basis. And I really do go from wifi to wifi most of the time. If fact work (a school) just put acces points all over the campus.

So, maybe I might be away from wifi for 1 hr per week where I might actually be able take advantage of it.

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Such a decision...and later today is my last day to return...after a great 3+ weeks with pad.

One thing I was thinking I would do is move from the 16 to the 64.

If I could just read the might help.
my line of thought:

i already have 3G on my iphone, whenever I am out, I usually will only bring along the iPhone anyways.

The only place an iPad 3G will benefit me is at an airport, and it will only payoff if I spend significant time at airports. However, in that case, i'd just pony up and buy an airline lounge membership which will come with wifi access anyways. Also figured that I still have quite a few of those lounge wi-fi cards un-used from my previous one time visits where I can hop onto a lounge's wifi just by standing near the lounge.

Also figured that 64GB will only be a place-holder for me anyways and I'd upgrade to 128GB ASAP and then, I might opt for 3G.

another factor, my #1 intl destination would be China and I doubt microsims will even be there at all these next few years. China is extremely slow on cellular networks, even worse than AT&T!

so with all that said, while I can easily afford the $130 difference, I concluded that having a 3G model would be more of a veblan feature than anything else for me, and thus, I opted to cancel my 3G order and buy the wi-fi on Apr 3, and plus, I got an extra 27 days of playing with an iPad!:D
Jailbreak your iphone and get mywi. I just did that yesterday and am really impressed. First off I get download speeds of 2mbps which is twice what my DSL connection at home is, and there is no reduced video qaulity when watching youtube.

As far as battery life goes, ive been using mywi this morning to surf the net on my imac. In that hour my battery has gone from 100% to 80%. I dont think thats too bad.
Use MiFi

Silly post, I know. But it's driving me crazy! Love my 64gig wifi and it works like a champ. Have only had one or two instances where wifi was not available, but the last one was a doozy -- a luxury resort with no wifi! Used my airport express for in-room but no solution for being elsewhere at the resort.

A big deal? No, but frankly had both models been available at launch I would for sure have purchased the 3G. And now I'm thinking I should have waited!

Talk some sense into me, willya? I can give my wifi one away but then I will have spent a small fortune on ipads for no good reason! Yes I have the money but it is the principle of the thing!

I bought MiFi from eBay and it works perfectly with my ipad and other devices... It is pocketable....
This is a tough choice but it all depends how much internet you are in access with. Sadly, when trying to show off my iPad, one thing was clear, most of the good reasons why the ipad rocks, you need an internet connection. So i ask that question to you again?

Me personally, as much as i would love the convenience but i have wifi at work which i can access and i have wifi at home. Starbucks also offers free 2 hours per day and borders is free. Which would mean that for the 10 minutes i need internet outside of a internet area, im going to be whiney but not for 130 plus 30 per month.

Also, my iPhone is still king. Iphone or iPad, I would still choose an iPhone and a MacBook. Ipad is a luxury convenience entertainment device. That said, if i need to use the internet for those 10 minutes, well i have an iPhone

Get my point? It's all on you. If you feel like you need it then go for it. If not,

Save 130+360 dollars of potential costs and that's a 2G iPad or...partial cost for good rims.

You are so right -- for me it would be whining for about ten minutes a week. The only significant issue was at the resort with no wifi but I did solve that problem in room and how big a deal is it, really, to not be surfing while eating breakfast at a fabulous resort? At airports I used boingo and it worked at half of them. And yet I have an iPhone for those times.

I think it's clear that if apple would take mine back I'd swap it for 3G. But since they won't at this point I'm going to stick with the wifi. I'm not having an issue with the cost of 3G but rather the cost of the 3G along with the cost of my original iPad. seems just oo indulgent. Not to mention the fact that we are a two iPad household.

I keep trying to make the numbers work on mifi. Verizon is missing a major opportunity by not being a little more aggressive in their pricing right now,
ok i want to put to rest all these Bandwith worries... you will not get charged if you use more than 5GB a month... believe me i have been using tethering for almost a year on my iphone i tether to my laptop and my ipad... for the past 6 months i have used around 6-7GB of data a month and some months i have used 10+ GB of data without a single charge or anything at all.. and believe me its SOOO easy to jailbreak and get mywi.. and security ??? what the hell are you guys talking about ... saying should you ever wanna use 3G you can...

Guess what should i ever wanna use 3G i have my iphone and i hit a button and i have 3G speed instantly without paying 30$
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