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Congratulations mate! I get all warm and fuzzy inside seeing you so happy about your first mac :p This will be the best investment you've made sofar.

Everyone here thinks fondly of their first mac purchase. The iMac is a great computer and it will serve you well.

Oh and remember to backup.. External firewire (get firewire 400 or 800, much faster) drives aren't that expensive anymore and you can find a good 500gb hdd to go with it for a decent price. It's just such a relief to know that whatever happens you have your photos and music safely stored and safe outside your actual computer.

I also do reccomend you drop the mighty mouse and get a Logitech MX518 or some other variation. The mouse that shipped with the iMac just isn't to par with other mice, it will break easily and the wheel will stop working after awhile due to dirt collecting in its very bowels ;)

Other additions Airport Express maybe? Play some wireless music where you have speakers.. Just a thought. Think different ;)

Again, congrats and enjoy. Welcome to the Mac side of the force!
Nice to see a thread like this .... a positive one :)

I can remember the day i decided to pop the cash on a MacMini (it was only 4 months ago :) ) ...

I went into my local apple store .... bought it .... and couldn't wait to get it home and set it up.

I never once had that feeling with a PC ... even when i bought a high-power new gaming rig .... it was just another windows machine .... the mac actually got me excited and i love the whole mac shopping experience.

I'm waiting until macworld09 to get a new iMac (or soooner if they rev them before)
woah. you got the backup just on time.

i am so happy with the imac. :D ill try to get an external hard drive soon. i would hate to lose all my pictures. thats my worst nightmare! i have so many. i was thinking about using the mouse i used with windows. i bought a wireless logitech for it. thanks for the tips. :D

synagence before the mac mini you used windows? when i got the imac i was at school. my sister texted me and i decided to go home and skip the next class. LOL.. i dont remember if i said this already. lol

i really love the imac!! i installed the sims and ITS SO FAST. it's faster than it was on my pc. i was so shocked. lol
Backups are important if you want to keep your sanity. My first iMac was a Core Duo 2ghz 20" first ones with Intel processors. 18 months in of rock solid performance the hard drive died along with all my data. Thank god for Time Machine! Restoring the machine on the new HDD the Apple store replaced was a breeze. Everything was exectly as it was before the drive xploded :D

I've had some bad experience with the Logitech wireless mice that require those dang USB dongles everywhere. I had the MX revolution mouse. It was really nice looking and felt awesome in my hand but it didn't handle well at all under Mac OS X for some odd reason, at least for me. I've always stuck to wired mice after that fiasco. Currently use a Logitech MX518, greatest mouse I've ever used.

As for an enclousure I use 2 Sarotech Hardbox's. 1 with firewire 800 for backup the other with firewire 400 for movies, tv shows and everything in between. They'r great, built in powersupply meaning no fugly black powerbrick lurking around and they are very quiet, you only of course notice the disk spinning up and down.

From now on in you will always be thinking of ways to make your setup a wee bit better ;) Welcome to the club :apple:
I got my 1st (well 2nd, my parents had an Apple 2C when I was young) and it's a Macbook and I really like it a lot. My mom just got a 20 inch Imac also and shes liking it more and more. :D
Congratulations to all of you who got their first mac! Some app recommendations:

Microsoft Office 2008
Toast 9 Titanium
FireFox/Google Chrome (when it's released)
Google Earth
iShowU or iShowU HD/Pro
thanks for the replies guys!! :D i am so happy with it. i haven't done homework on time because of the imac. lol. right now i only have one pic. ill post more when my room is clean. im too lazy to clean. :( this imac has made me a very lazy person. LOL.


i got that small desk when i had my very small room + very small monitor. i need a new desk!
thanks for the replies guys!! :D i am so happy with it. i haven't done homework on time because of the imac. lol. right now i only have one pic. ill post more when my room is clean. im too lazy to clean. :( this imac has made me a very lazy person. LOL.

i got that small desk when i had my very small room + very small monitor. i need a new desk!

Nice! Does the refurb come with a free iPod like the new ones?
Reading this thread makes me want to buy another mac, Since I have a Apple store closeby now. I got my macbook about two years ago.
thanks for the replies guys!! :D i am so happy with it. i haven't done homework on time because of the imac. lol. right now i only have one pic. ill post more when my room is clean. im too lazy to clean. :( this imac has made me a very lazy person. LOL.


i got that small desk when i had my very small room + very small monitor. i need a new desk!

thanks for the reply guys. i think i already know some stuff of the imac! i got used to everything so fast except for the right clicking, but i can get a new mouse. :D
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