So here's my story, maybe it will work for you:
I have the wifi only iPad but really want the 3G. I currently am an iPhone user. I do not like that you cannot drop data from the iPhone and I certainly do not like the thought of giving AT&T another $30 a month for data on the iPad. I was considering the palm pre plus because of it's wifi hotspot for free deal and $29 price point.
So i called AT&T to see what my cancellation fee would be if i jumped ship. I was told $125. My plan was the 900 minute, free nights & weekends and rollover minutes for $59. I explained why I was considering canceling. I told about my recently having purchased an iPad and not thrilled about paying yet again twice for data, especially seeing as most of my needs would be served by the iPad not the iPhone.
I know from past experience that from time to time, AT&T will float out different rate plans other than the ones in the brochure if you ask. So i asked. She sounded as surprised as me but there was a cheaper plan available. I had two options: 1000 minutes with rollover & NO free nights and weekends or 1000 minutes free nights and weekends & NO rollover. Either option: $39. Now i can get the 3G iPad and not feel so bad about spending another $30 per month for data. After all, i just saved $20 a month immediately.
I have the wifi only iPad but really want the 3G. I currently am an iPhone user. I do not like that you cannot drop data from the iPhone and I certainly do not like the thought of giving AT&T another $30 a month for data on the iPad. I was considering the palm pre plus because of it's wifi hotspot for free deal and $29 price point.
So i called AT&T to see what my cancellation fee would be if i jumped ship. I was told $125. My plan was the 900 minute, free nights & weekends and rollover minutes for $59. I explained why I was considering canceling. I told about my recently having purchased an iPad and not thrilled about paying yet again twice for data, especially seeing as most of my needs would be served by the iPad not the iPhone.
I know from past experience that from time to time, AT&T will float out different rate plans other than the ones in the brochure if you ask. So i asked. She sounded as surprised as me but there was a cheaper plan available. I had two options: 1000 minutes with rollover & NO free nights and weekends or 1000 minutes free nights and weekends & NO rollover. Either option: $39. Now i can get the 3G iPad and not feel so bad about spending another $30 per month for data. After all, i just saved $20 a month immediately.