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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 21, 2009
Santa Monica, CA
I'm not gonna lie, I was part of that "It's just a big iPod Touch LOL" camp before I even picked one up.

Now it's knocked my socks off.

Immersive, fast as hell, much more customizable and functional, and the screen is huge and beautiful. All things it has over the iPod Touch or iPhone.

<3 it. :p
Welcome to the club! I thought it was going to be a "Giant iPod Touch" based on what people were saying. But it's so much more! More interactive and the large screen makes is fun to use on games. Way to go Apple! :apple:
As mentioned, I was a part of the "It's a big iPod touch, it's useless" crowd but after seeing reviews and playing with one, I instantly fell in love. I just got mine early this morning and I haven't put it down since! Fun games, amazing browsing, it's pure awesome. :apple:
As mentioned, I was a part of the "It's a big iPod touch, it's useless" crowd but after seeing reviews and playing with one, I instantly fell in love. I just got mine early this morning and I haven't put it down since! Fun games, amazing browsing, it's pure awesome. :apple:

Which one did you get? I have a 32 Wifi only, really no need to have 3G. I use it for home use and when I go camping...but they all have wifi
I never doubted how nice the iPad would be, especially since it was delay for a long time to reach Australia. But even I wasn't prepared for how amazing a large, smooth multi-touch display is to use. I was adamant I didn't want/need one, and I almost traded something I set my sights on for the iPad the second I played with one at an Apple Store.
Yeah I am basically the same. Thought it looked interesting but it was just a big iPod Touch. Then I used one I knew I had to have it.

Like many in the UK it turned up the day before release and since then my MBP has only left my desk once so I could copy files from my time capsule over Ethernet, it would normally be used in front of the TV, in the kitchen, in bed etc daily. Away this weekend and again I'm not taking my MBP like I use to.
To me it doesn't seem like a big iPod Touch when I am using it.

Everything just flows on the device and my kids love it more than anything. My 2 and 4 year old will sit and use it all day just watching YouTube Video after YouTube Video. It's endless content. The learning Apps are great and kids pick up on how to use it really fast. My 2 year old daughter thought everything was touch screen after and was touching my 52" TV to change it.
Technically it is just a big iPod Touch. But that size difference does make it a completely different experience and allows for things that just aren't realistic on the Touch.
Mmmm.. I'm not quite sure I agree yet. I just got it a few weeks ago and i'm still torn. The form factor sure is slick & pretty. I kinda wish I had gotten the 3g version but i can't justify paying more to AT&T.
I was the same, it's just a bigger pod touch. But i love it, I switch my MB for an IMac and now I have the iPad for browsing while I'm at work or just laying in bed.
Which one did you get? I have a 32 Wifi only, really no need to have 3G. I use it for home use and when I go camping...but they all have wifi

You have WiFi where you go camping? Jealous... sort of. But isn't the point of camping to get away from the internet and computers and enjoy nature :rolleyes:
Mmmm.. I'm not quite sure I agree yet. I just got it a few weeks ago and i'm still torn. The form factor sure is slick & pretty. I kinda wish I had gotten the 3g version but i can't justify paying more to AT&T.

It's funny because I got the 3G to be able to go around and have people sweat me. It's worth the extra $30 a month to help out the company I own a little stock in. Hahahaha
Big iPod touch, eh? It looks like a big iPod Touch, but being able to watch videos whether it's through youtube or in Safari while still being able to browse the content that's on the page is not something that you can do on just a bigger ipod touch.

Another words, even with the bigger screen, Apple changed the way we view videos which is a great addition and definitely adds to my user experience. Love the way the iPad feels in my hands as well.
My 2 year old daughter thought everything was touch screen after and was touching my 52" TV to change it.

Ditto. Whoops, I mean +1.

But I think I'm worse. When I get back to work on a Monday I'm scowling at my monitors 'cause they won't let me control them with my fingers.
I use my MBP so heavily for work stuff that I can't face dredging it up at home for the typically light things I do on it in the evenings. The iPad has filled the niche that my net book, which has had windows, OSX and Linux on it, never could.

And Teleport is a stunning VNC client that gives me iMac access from the comfort of my bed, sorted!

Suffice to say, it has exceeded my expectatations and I have only really used the MBP at home to either program for my iPad or sync stuff to it.
Former EPIC FAIL converts? Welcome to the iPad crowd. :)

It's very heartening to see that after all the fud from the pc crowd settled down, the device spoke for itself to these forum members. Many of us as long as two or more years ago where envisioning what a game changer the ipad would be, but of course we were the minority, and even within apple circles the vocal majority just didn't see the point. Of course in the pc crowd the numbers were even worse and as a result the morons that run the tec companies on the pc side (with infinitesimally few exceptions) didn't prepare for an answer to it and as a result the pc folk are using vapourware, marginal low tec crapware, or legacy tablets. The perennial pundits/experts/analysts on the pc side also painfully embarrassed themselves.

Technically it is just a big iPod Touch. But that size difference does make it a completely different experience and allows for things that just aren't realistic on the Touch.

I will have to respectfully disagree. This is a garbage catch phrase used to attack the ipad by the pc pundits. It's absolute rubbish. An ipad is much a big ipod touch, as a skyscraper is a big two storied building. The idiots that came up with this derisive meme and spread it around knew damn well that changes in scale/size do bring about changes in kind, and more often than not a large something can very well be something completely different than the original item. Of course they conveniently chose to ignore this piece of common sense.
I will have to respectfully disagree. This is a garbage catch phrase used to attack the ipad by the pc pundits. It's absolute rubbish. An ipad is much a big ipod touch, as a skyscraper is a big two storied building. The idiots that came up with this derisive meme and spread it around knew damn well that changes in scale/size do bring about changes in kind, and more often than not a large something can very well be something completely different than the original item. Of course they conveniently chose to ignore this piece of common sense.

I'm not even sure you read my post that you quoted. You're welcome to disagree, but the iPad is *technically* very similar to the Touch, with the most meaningful difference being the size. And that is only a "garbage catch phrase" if you state it without including the second part of my post above, which is how that difference in size dramatically changes the user experience. I find it interesting how offended people seem by this. "idiots that came up with this derisive meme"? Seriously?

The iPad is a wonderful device and the user experience is completely different from the Touch. Not sure why you (and others around here) sound so offended when people point out the technical similarities with the Touch.
Big iPod touch, eh? It looks like a big iPod Touch, but being able to watch videos whether it's through youtube or in Safari while still being able to browse the content that's on the page is not something that you can do on just a bigger ipod touch.

Another words, even with the bigger screen, Apple changed the way we view videos which is a great addition and definitely adds to my user experience. Love the way the iPad feels in my hands as well.

So HTML5 video is the defining difference between the Touch and the iPad, "eh"? You may be interested (and a little embarrassed) to know that this is just an OS feature in 3.2, and it'll be available for the Touch and iPhone in 9 days:

Former EPIC FAIL converts? Welcome to the iPad crowd. :)

Love it, and welcome aboard I say, this ship has room for many more;)
Had my 64 GB WiFi since day one and it has never left my side. Very FAST, outstanding screen and battery life, plug in my Chill-Pill speakers and it is my pool-side buddy. MY BMB is down to 20% duty, await the iO4 update and the ability to print from any app and I be good to go. FANTASTIC DEVICE!:eek::apple::apple:
Just discovered yet another unexpected use for the iPad. This is multitasking at it's recursive best.

I happen to have mine in an Apple case, and it's just the right size to hide a chunky Kit-Kat in while you're typing your Macforums posts.
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