I have a 2016 MBP that needs to be upgraded, but works fine, and a PC used for gaming, the
sole purpose for it’s existence. That used to be true.
1990s- Windows sucked. I hated the idea of a registry that if it gets scrambled, your PC is dead in the water. I also did not like the constant software maintenance it required and the many times I was required to do a clean install to fix an issue on Windows. Fixing a Windows issue was easy, CLEAN INSTALL! I spit on it.

Yet it is better today than it used to be. I’ve not had to perform a clean install of Windows for about 9 years and I keep my C drive backed up just in case.
The MacBook Pro in 2016 was over priced in 2016, I was incensed that Apple yet again had raised their prices so I downgraded to “just” a $2k MBP because I greatly prefer the MacOS and like how my iPhone, and iPad integrate together. I use this computer for my daily computer related tasks, finances, documents, note taking, browsing. I used to think of the Mac as the Photo manipulation master, and I still do like what it offers on my iPad for altering mages. I also remember the stories of how many techs it took in the corporate setting to keep Windows boxes running as compared to Mac. Lack of OS related maintenance issues gave the MacOS a big leg up Imo.
My PC, home built in 2013, rebuilt in 2019 use to exist just for gaming, until December when I jumped into Unreal Engine learning as a hobby, and realized just how inadequate my Mac is for such an endeavor. The PC has got the power, the video card, and the monitor for the job, and it originally cost me $1100 to build, although with the new video card, more like $1500. In comparison, the pricing on capable Macs still suck, and my impression is that a truly capable video card capability on a Mac is North of $3k.
If you look at my desk today, there is a large 4k monitor, powered by my PC and my little MBP sits on the corner, I play games and work on UE on the PC and take notes on my Mac. And while I’m not ready to abandon the MacOS, it still pisses me off, the price to have it. I’ve thought about downgrading to a MacBook Air, but would really prefer to have 4 USB connections instead of a measly 2. Those extra USB ports are really expensive in Mac land. The PC advantage today is an open hardware architecture, a better price, and an OS that no longer sucks. 🤔