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I have no idea what that english not your 1st language...?

lol... and from an American I presume.

mark wilson is doing a good 'public service' job with his Gizmodo articles about totally unacceptable standards and ethics of doing business by a large 'rip off corps'

let me know if you want it in symbols... ;)
The guy at Giz is a dope and a troll. Don't feed him.

He's doing a great service to the public. Kinda like a Ralph Nader. ;)

Seriously though...

Journalists have more credibilty than forum posters and they also reach a broader audience with more legitimacy.

I for one am happy someone like him posts what he does and details how Apple is treating him. If it werent for guys like him, Apple would have a much easier time pulling the wool on the average consumer.

Persoanlly, I dislike the fact that EVERYTHING these days are made in China. There have been so many problems with China pipeline to the US. Melamine for one along with a myriad of other dishonest practices. I'm sure the ppl in China assembling these expensive machines are low-paid and couldnt care less about the quality. Its all about who bids cheapest. It would appear that its a quality problem within the manufacturing process if some monitors are flawless.

Please Apple - FIX THIS!!!
Your repellent comment tells us a lot more about YOU than it tells us about Chinese professionals. don't think they are low paid? That is WHY they make them there, to take advantage of ridiculously low pay scales.

Look, people who are "low paid" anywhere tend to not care about their job. That's WHY they are in those jobs. They are not go-getters. Of course it's surely harder over there to move up and while that is an entirely different topic, I would have to agree in that I seriously doubt any of the workers give a crud about how uniform the screen is. But that same ethic applies to any country and anywhere at all with low skilled, low paid workers.It's not like the US is the bastion of hard conscientious workers. It has nothing to do with being "racist", and jumping on that bandwagon is in poor taste.
Your repellent comment tells us a lot more about YOU than it tells us about Chinese professionals.

Have you actually conducted any sort of business anywhere, that you made such a silly comment, or are you just overly sensitive? I've dealt with European and Chinese manufacturers while sourcing pro-audio and consumer electronics products.. and 4 out of 5 Chinese suppliers have always shipped inferior products to my company.

Quality control is a huge issue with Chinese manufacturing - I'm not saying that it's not an issue with companies in the US or anywhere else - it's just that you literally have to be standing over Chinese manufacturers 24/7 over QC. It's a pain frankly, and I've stopped dealing with China for a few years now.

If Apple has a permanent QC solution in place in China, and these products *still* come out with such defects - then you can imagine what the lower level factories churn out. don't think they are low paid? That is WHY they make them there, to take advantage of ridiculously low pay scales.

Look, people who are "low paid" anywhere tend to not care about their job. That's WHY they are in those jobs. They are not go-getters. Of course it's surely harder over there to move up and while that is an entirely different topic, I would have to agree in that I seriously doubt any of the workers give a crud about how uniform the screen is. But that same ethic applies to any country and anywhere at all with low skilled, low paid workers.It's not like the US is the bastion of hard conscientious workers. It has nothing to do with being "racist", and jumping on that bandwagon is in poor taste.

I dont really know what deems low paid in China etc but the main point is that you are correct in that things are made in China as they are generally cheaper to produce. That does generally mean workers are paid less than elsewhere BUT it doesnt mean they are lowly paid. Its all relative to the other salaries in that country. In relative terms they may be paid the same as nurses in China.. who knows!
I dont really know what deems low paid in China etc but the main point is that you are correct in that things are made in China as they are generally cheaper to produce. That does generally mean workers are paid less than elsewhere BUT it doesnt mean they are lowly paid. Its all relative to the other salaries in that country. In relative terms they may be paid the same as nurses in China.. who knows!

It's not the workers at fault here, which I should have mentioned in my earlier post - they do what they're instructed to do. It's the executives who will try and use shoddy, low-quality parts during manufacturing or other tricks. Anything to save a few bucks and make more profit.

Just like the melamine tainted milk scandal - the owners of the factories were involved in that. The workers probably didn't even know what melamine was or assumed it was an ingredient like any other.
I dont really know what deems low paid in China etc but the main point is that you are correct in that things are made in China as they are generally cheaper to produce. That does generally mean workers are paid less than elsewhere BUT it doesnt mean they are lowly paid. Its all relative to the other salaries in that country. In relative terms they may be paid the same as nurses in China.. who knows!

Good point.
As someone who has personally lived in China for a year, less than a decade ago, I can definitely attest to the worksmanship quality issues. It DEFINITELY has to do with the Executives. I've seen it first hand. They cut corners, and buy "equivalent materials" from their friends for equivalent prices, to help out their buddies. The "Good old boys" network there runs everything, and most common people are caught up in it, just trying to get ahead and provide for their families. Thing is, to really get ahead there, you need to do things for your friends, so they will in turn do things for you later. It's called "Guan-Xi", and it means "relationships" or "hookups". It's an ancient tradition there, but I suspect the reason it's so widespread is due to having been impoverished and life having been difficult there for over a hundred years due to a poorly-run aging dynasty followed by a cruel and corrupt nationalist regime, followed by WWII, followed by a civil war, followed by Communism who essentially couldn't generate any sort of international trade to save their lives, until the 1980's, which was when things really started to change - and people were totally on board, with a surprising amount of popular support for the communist government despite evens like Tiananmen; then again, maybe that had something to do with people actually having enough to eat under communism.

It's going to be this way there for quite some time, until companies (like Apple?) punish manufacturers for inferior quality and materials by taking their business elsewhere - even if that means other businesses in China. China CAN make (and even design!) a quality product, and has plenty of times - look at the Beijing Jeep, look at the new firearms their military uses... But these have the common distinction of falling under close government scrutiny - remember that the Chinese EXECUTE people for corruption - when I was there, I saw two NATIONAL representatives (equivalent of congressmen) executed on TV. Until US corporations (and European corporations) become as discerning as the Chinese Government, and are willing to spend a little bit of money to retool a different factory to ensure the quality of their product, it's going to be more of the same. ...but as long as corporations act only for the short term and for the immediate bottom line, that change will be very long in coming indeed.
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