As someone who has personally lived in China for a year, less than a decade ago, I can definitely attest to the worksmanship quality issues. It DEFINITELY has to do with the Executives. I've seen it first hand. They cut corners, and buy "equivalent materials" from their friends for equivalent prices, to help out their buddies. The "Good old boys" network there runs everything, and most common people are caught up in it, just trying to get ahead and provide for their families. Thing is, to really get ahead there, you need to do things for your friends, so they will in turn do things for you later. It's called "Guan-Xi", and it means "relationships" or "hookups". It's an ancient tradition there, but I suspect the reason it's so widespread is due to having been impoverished and life having been difficult there for over a hundred years due to a poorly-run aging dynasty followed by a cruel and corrupt nationalist regime, followed by WWII, followed by a civil war, followed by Communism who essentially couldn't generate any sort of international trade to save their lives, until the 1980's, which was when things really started to change - and people were totally on board, with a surprising amount of popular support for the communist government despite evens like Tiananmen; then again, maybe that had something to do with people actually having enough to eat under communism.
It's going to be this way there for quite some time, until companies (like Apple?) punish manufacturers for inferior quality and materials by taking their business elsewhere - even if that means other businesses in China. China CAN make (and even design!) a quality product, and has plenty of times - look at the Beijing Jeep, look at the new firearms their military uses... But these have the common distinction of falling under close government scrutiny - remember that the Chinese EXECUTE people for corruption - when I was there, I saw two NATIONAL representatives (equivalent of congressmen) executed on TV. Until US corporations (and European corporations) become as discerning as the Chinese Government, and are willing to spend a little bit of money to retool a different factory to ensure the quality of their product, it's going to be more of the same. ...but as long as corporations act only for the short term and for the immediate bottom line, that change will be very long in coming indeed.