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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 27, 2010
Hi all,

I am new on the block. So please forgive me if I make any mistake in this forum. :p

My company recently upgraded our old OS 9 server to Mac OS X Server 10.4 Tiger (Ok, we didn't go for the newer version like Snow Leopard as related cost involved is too high...). This server is mean to host a number of iMac terminals for Computer-Based Learning.

We soon ran into problem :(. The seller, instead of getting us the Unlimited Clients version, provided us the 10 Client version instead. Obviously that left us in a fix, because we have more than 10 iMac to be doing file sharing!!!

We tried looking around, but locally it seems no shops are having this Unlimited Client version anymore. Hence I am seeking help:

1) Is there a way to "upgrade" the 10 client edition to the Unlimited Clients edition, offline / online or otherwise? :confused:

2) If the above is not possiible, anyone here can help me with any knowledge of anywhere or anyone still having stock of Mac OS X Server 104 Tiger Unlimited Clients, locally I meant? :confused:

any help if really appreciated!!! :)

THANKS!! :apple:
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