every time I open my ios devices I get reminded of the annoyance of the missing slide to unlock.
3 ios devices with 3 different home buttons. I really hate the press to open. also it keeps tipping over my ipads with apple covers when pressing.
Also when things go fast I still end up in panic... just pressing the button again and again.
dont understand why users were not given a choice between how to open. In stead I end up in fast message and widget menues... that I rarely use anyway... especially on ipad
3 ios devices with 3 different home buttons. I really hate the press to open. also it keeps tipping over my ipads with apple covers when pressing.
Also when things go fast I still end up in panic... just pressing the button again and again.
dont understand why users were not given a choice between how to open. In stead I end up in fast message and widget menues... that I rarely use anyway... especially on ipad