We have a contract that allows us to use 5GB (unlimited data) per month. How I use it should not be limited. I may switch to Tmobile after my contract is up....
For those who have moved ahead with jailbreaking to support Sling on 3g I do have a question or two. First, which tool to you use and second did you lose all your application data in the process?
I used voipover3G.
Had to modify the file to include acess for sling but it was a 1 minute process.
Nothing was lost, I was already jailbroken.
If you're stock you'll have to jailbreak and then sync again all your stuff from backup.
The tower itself, no.
The outbound pipe from the tower to the CO/next hop, maybe.
It's not uncommon to see a T1 or two supplying a whole tower's worth of users. Generally high contention ratios are fine -- the high latency of mobile data lets you pull some clever QoS tricks, and the usual usage patterns of mobile data users (light browsing, some e-mail here and there) mean that you don't really have to worry to much about being over-committed.
That is, until some guy decides he's going to "stick it to the man" by convincing loads of folks to stream relatively-high-bandwidth video over UMTS/HSDPA. If you've only got 3mbit on the backhaul, all that's needed is 5 smug pricks streaming video before you make the experience suck mightily for everyone on that tower.
So please: don't. You won't "stick it to the man". You won't prove anything to AT&T. They won't even notice. What you will do is help ensure that everyone on the same tower as you has higher latencies, lower throughputs, and an all-around worse experience than they otherwise would.
In summary: don't be "that guy".
Tricker ThreeG was simple, you install it off cydia and your good to go
Not to mention, I'm pretty sure that even if they did open up 3G streaming, and it's slow and sluggish, people would just complain anyway, so it's a loose-loose situation for AT&T either way you look at it.
Yes, when I did it the tricker threeG wasnt out yet so you had to do it the manual way.
And after I just left it like that.
The Tricker threeG is simpler and you dont have to SSH or edit any files.