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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 15, 2006
I have a 3G iPhone and was waiting for the new update before i jailbreak.

What are the positives and negatives to jailbreaking? Is there any chance im going to f up my phone and render it useless? Thanks!
The negative is that you have to wait a short period every time the new firmware is released before it's hacked and available to be jailbroken. Like I'm doing today, patiently waiting for my podcast direct downloads and google streetview.
If you update today you will not be able to jailbreak today and you will lose the unlock option later. You would be best to wait until the DEV team releases their newest program for the 2.2 update. :)
I was waiting for the update to see if I wanted to jailbreak too. I think I'm going to go ahead and do it. How long does it usually take the DEV team to hack the new firmware?
The negative is that you have to wait a short period every time the new firmware is released before it's hacked and available to be jailbroken. Like I'm doing today, patiently waiting for my podcast direct downloads and google streetview.

yeah but is there any legitimate negatives once it is jailbroken? Once jailbroken - will my phone restore to all my settings and everything I have on it now?
I was waiting for the update to see if I wanted to jailbreak too. I think I'm going to go ahead and do it. How long does it usually take the DEV team to hack the new firmware?

It usually only takes a few days. They are done with the 3G unlock they are just "implementing it" which I think means they are just updating pwnage tool so it can do the 3G unlock. Who knows how long. I think they might release and update to pwnage tool for 2.2 with out the 3G unlock for now. I'm not sure though.
yeah but is there any legitimate negatives once it is jailbroken? Once jailbroken - will my phone restore to all my settings and everything I have on it now?

If you overload it with themes and skins for safari and sms and stuff like that the phone can definitely get a little sluggish. But I would say by far the biggest negative(for me) is when a new update comes for the iphone like today waiting till the dev team cracks it. Other than that I haven't had any problems and I have alot of stuff installed like widgets and themes and skins and such again just don't go crazy with everything and you'll be fine.
I will jailbreak my phone when the new MobileInstallation patch comes out no point in losing all of that stuff.

There is nothing in 2.2 that looks appealing, hell it would be a downgrade from my JB 2.1
I will jailbreak my phone when the new MobileInstallation patch comes out no point in losing all of that stuff.

There is nothing in 2.2 that looks appealing, hell it would be a downgrade from my JB 2.1


I'm also gonna wait for the patched mobileinstallation file.

2.1 + Jailbreak > 2.2
Thanks for the replies everyone. Im going to jailbreak today. What is the most legitimate website for downloading all of the hacks and stuff for jailbreaking? (the devs website or what not)
I will jailbreak my phone when the new MobileInstallation patch comes out no point in losing all of that stuff.

There is nothing in 2.2 that looks appealing, hell it would be a downgrade from my JB 2.1

It's already out. :cool:
Thanks for the replies everyone. Im going to jailbreak today. What is the most legitimate website for downloading all of the hacks and stuff for jailbreaking? (the devs website or what not)

I heard this is a good site and instructional guide

I am debating as to whether to JB my iphone , I have already downloaded the Apple 2.2 Firmware and the site above is for that specifically.
PwnageTool from Deselect as it is not needed and SLOWS the entire iPhone interface.

See iClarified for step-by-step.
PwnageTool from Deselect as it is not needed and SLOWS the entire iPhone interface.

See iClarified for step-by-step.

Thank you so much! I was on iclarified site earlier and didn't realize they had updated it to 2.2!

Oh will this work even though I have already installed apples firmware 2.2?
PwnageTool from Deselect as it is not needed and SLOWS the entire iPhone interface.

See iClarified for step-by-step.

so if i have a 3g black iphone (firmware 2.2) (normal unlocked with at&t all legitimate) do i use pwnagetool or quickpwn?
so if i have a 3g black iphone (firmware 2.2) (normal unlocked with at&t all legitimate) do i use pwnagetool or quickpwn?

I have decided to go with quickpwn. I am following this tutorial via youtube here

I am on o2 PAYG & this is my first time so I am hoping it goes well.

The author of the video above actually states quickpwn is a soft JB and pwnage is a hard JB so ... whether thats true or not I don't know but I am going for it as it looks pretty simple etc
I have decided to go with quickpwn. I am following this tutorial via youtube here

I am on o2 PAYG & this is my first time so I am hoping it goes well.

The author of the video above actually states quickpwn is a soft JB and pwnage is a hard JB so ... whether thats true or not I don't know but I am going for it as it looks pretty simple etc

yeah im doing the same here with quickpwn. once i get everything jailbroken - how do you get all the your old phone information onto your new jailbroken phone? (apps,contacts,email etc) just restore from old backup with new jailbroken phone? thanks!
yeah im doing the same here with quickpwn. once i get everything jailbroken - how do you get all the your old phone information onto your new jailbroken phone? (apps,contacts,email etc) just restore from old backup with new jailbroken phone? thanks!

Yeah I have read on this forum just backup all your contacts, apps, etc first! then restore from old backup :)

After I have finished my JB ill post back here and let you know if/how it worked

Oh if anything should go wrong here is the forum thread I found on how to restore your iphone to factory settings (just in case)
awesome. i just jailbroke and it seems to work fine. Im restoring factory settings now.
awesome. i just jailbroke and it seems to work fine. Im restoring factory settings now.

No no! don't restore factory settings UNLESS something went wrong with the jailbreaking!

Just restore your backups!

I hope you meant backups and not factory lol
awesome. i just jailbroke and it seems to work fine. Im restoring factory settings now.

Quickpwn worked beautifully!! that video tutorial was awesome!!!!

I was worried about baseband as it was updated during Apples official 2.2 update but since it doesn't matter yay!

I now have a jailbroken 3G iphone on o2 with cydia!

Thanks for hanging out with me Harry. Guess now I have to find out where to go next and what to do to get my customized apps etc

Weird I didn't have to backup any of my apps, contacts etc it was done automatically :)
Quickpwn worked beautifully!! that video tutorial was awesome!!!!

I was worried about baseband as it was updated during Apples official 2.2 update but since it doesn't matter yay!

I now have a jailbroken 3G iphone on o2 with cydia!

Thanks for hanging out with me Harry. Guess now I have to find out where to go next and what to do to get my customized apps etc

Weird I didn't have to backup any of my apps, contacts etc it was done automatically :)

nice. yea all works well for me. so whats the difference between cydia and installer?
nice. yea all works well for me. so whats the difference between cydia and installer?

not sure, but i clicked on cydia - manage - sources - add -

type in then install the ""Installous" then install "Appshare" in that order

then click on APPSHARE in apps

and go get apps :D

Oh once your launch appshare, it will take you to and you an choose all the freebies you want

Man Im SO GLAD I did this today

if you get stuck let me know, I just played around with it as there is no tutorial on how to use cydia :/
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