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not sure, but i clicked on cydia - manage - sources - add -

type in then install the ""Installous" then install "Appshare" in that order

then click on APPSHARE in apps

and go get apps :D

Oh once your launch appshare, it will take you to and you an choose all the freebies you want

Man Im SO GLAD I did this today

if you get stuck let me know, I just played around with it as there is no tutorial on how to use cydia :/

yeah i typed that into the sources and it says "did not find repository"


EDIT: if you want to get all the free apps you can handle the correct source you add is -
yeah i typed that into the sources and it says "did not find repository"


EDIT: if you want to get all the free apps you can handle the correct source you add is -

lol aye I forgot to add the *cydia* part to my post above. Weird I didn't remember that part as I did it fine on the iphone first go

thanks for correcting me :)
lol aye I forgot to add the *cydia* part to my post above. Weird I didn't remember that part as I did it fine on the iphone first go

thanks for correcting me :)

yeah all good. next problem to do you delete jailbroken apps?
yeah all good. next problem to do you delete jailbroken apps?

I think it's the same as deleting normal ones.

You hold down on an application until they start to wiggle and you should see a "x" in the top left hand corner of the app, just click it and it will ask you if you really want to delete it.

Do you know why the cracked apps are not showing up in itunes 8.0.2? it syncs all my paid/free ones but not the ones I downloaded with appshare.

EDIT*** I found aptbackup here (Arg doesn't work on 2.2) bah

it details how to download aptbackup from cydia so you can save/sync/backup all your apps to itunes :)

Im putting this info here for any newbies who need this info as I am sure you have figured it out already Harry heh
I watched the video from YouTube.
With quickpwn, on the video the
kid said you need a password when
you are in the quickpwn program
what would this password be?
Also does a soft jailbreak mean
that my contacts and other stuff on
my iPhone will be there after I jail
break? I am thinking about using
quickpwn to jailbreak my iPhone.
Does anyone know anything about
syncing after I jailbreak with
quickpwn can I still use iTunes to
sync music photos etc.?
yeah i dont know why cracked apps dont show up in itunes - doesn't happen for me normally either.

when i hold down the apps so you can delete them - everything that is not a jailbroken app is able to be deleted but there is no "x" or any way for you to remove it from your phone.. hmm..
The above post was referring to the
bottom of page one of this thread.
I have questions about jailbreaking
with quickpwn, I just installed an
update for my iPhone, does that
mean I have firmware 2.2 ?
nice. yea all works well for me. so whats the difference between cydia and installer?

Cydia is what you use to install programs, Installer is what you delete from your phone.

That is the difference. :D

@jamesapp - You know, on computers we have this thing called auto wrap. I don't know if you've ever heard of it before, but it makes it so you don't have to hit return and the end of every line of text, the computer knows to do it automatically. It is a vast improvement over the old typewriter technology.

Anyway, the MobileInstallation and cracked apps hack works on 2.2 and with iTunes and before. If your iTunes is a newer version than it will not work.

yeah i dont know why cracked apps dont show up in itunes - doesn't happen for me normally either.

when i hold down the apps so you can delete them - everything that is not a jailbroken app is able to be deleted but there is no "x" or any way for you to remove it from your phone.. hmm..

Open Cydia, go to Manage, select the package you want to remove and remove it.
I watched the video from YouTube.
With quickpwn, on the video the
kid said you need a password when
you are in the quickpwn program
what would this password be?
Also does a soft jailbreak mean
that my contacts and other stuff on
my iPhone will be there after I jail
break? I am thinking about using
quickpwn to jailbreak my iPhone.
Does anyone know anything about
syncing after I jailbreak with
quickpwn can I still use iTunes to
sync music photos etc.?

The password Quickpwn asks for is your user/root password to your computer (not quickpwns passwd) so it can carry on building the ipw.

I used Quickpwn the other day and it actually synched perfectly with itunes and my old settings were all there as well as my apps.

Just leave your iphone connected after the Quickpwn is done.
yeah i dont know why cracked apps dont show up in itunes - doesn't happen for me normally either.

when i hold down the apps so you can delete them - everything that is not a jailbroken app is able to be deleted but there is no "x" or any way for you to remove it from your phone.. hmm..

Weird mine works fine on all the cracked apps.

I did see someone helped out on how to delete them by navigating through Cydia , then selecting them and deleting.

Did this work?
The above post was referring to the
bottom of page one of this thread.
I have questions about jailbreaking
with quickpwn, I just installed an
update for my iPhone, does that
mean I have firmware 2.2 ?

If you have connected your iphone to itunes, and updated the firmware then you should be on 2.2.

Now you have done that go download quickpwn and follow the video tutorial, seriously I was new to this just 2 days ago and it's really easy.

The video tutorial is on this page or the previous page.

It will show you where to download everything from.
Removing Cydia Apps


The way you uninstall your Cydia apps is via Cydia. There is a Manage Apps section and it will list everything thats installed on your phone. Just sellect the item you wish to remove and it gives you the option to reinstall or uninstall.

I think thats right, I haven't done it in a while but I'm sure you'll find it ok!

I installed open SSL by accident, I believe it was in installer. Does anyone know anything about open SSL? I was trying to get open SSH. Is it possible to remove open SSL if I wanted to from installer?
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