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macrumors 604
Apr 30, 2013
Los Angeles
So? I'm assuming you're being sarcastic by rolling your eyes. If you don't agree with the thread, then don't participate in it.

There are a lot of us that don't like iOS 7 and wish we could go back to iOS 6, but we don't have that option now. I like the functional changes in iOS 7, my beef is with the design and color choices. I notice many pro iOS 7 folks like to bash those of us that disagree with their love of this OS. And in my opinion they are acting the way Windows followers bash Apple users. I only jumped on the Apple bandwagon in 2010 and while I like their products and have no desire to go back to the Windows platform, I don't like everything Apple creates and I shouldn't be attacked for expressing my feelings.

I'm not attacking you. You hate iOS 7 and I'm irritated by the 100's of "I hate iOS 7" threads that started back in June of 2013.

We're both just expressing ourselves.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2013
I'm not attacking you. You hate iOS 7 and I'm irritated by the 100's of "I hate iOS 7" threads that started back in June of 2013.

We're both just expressing ourselves.
Many Microsoft fans were irritated with 1000's of "I hate Vista" threads back in 2007.

doug in albq

Oct 12, 2007
You do both realize that the hi-res screens are the reason why every electronics company is making their graphics flatter, yeah?

Fake 3D, shadows, and fonts like Arial were all necessities born from the need to make low-res screens of the past more usable. These were design choices which were made because of limitations. Limitations that are now being removed.

Now that displays are behaving more like the printed page these electronics are all taking on the same principles as print.

Is flat a fad? Perhaps. No one can see the future. But I have to say that you're probably going to be waiting a long time if you think this is a short-lived fad.

Let's look at the last 91 years of Time Magazine as an example.


Doesn't look to me like this "fad" is going anywhere in a hurry.



iOS 6 and earlier




The amateur designers on dribbble seem to be better designers than the ones over at Apple.

Most of the good stuff on Dribbble is not done by amateurs. Maybe not Silicon Valley all-stars, but most of those people are pros, or soon-to-be-professionals.


macrumors regular
Mar 10, 2010
I Hate...

the way they changed the end call button... it's just really dumb if you ask me.


macrumors regular
Sep 3, 2013
I agree. The problem with Cook's Apple is they just have no taste. I mean that in a big way.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I have no problem with the end call button, or the slide to power off which people also complain about. There are much bigger things to worry about.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2013
I have no problem with the end call button, or the slide to power off which people also complain about. There are much bigger things to worry about.

What was the point of reducing the size of the call/accept and end/decline buttons if they weren't gonna use that screen real estate for anything else? It looks like a lot of wasted screen space now and we have tiny circular buttons that aren't as easily tappable anymore.

That and the fullscreen caller ID need to return in iOS 8.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
What was the point of reducing the size of the call/accept and end/decline buttons if they weren't gonna use that screen real estate for anything else? It looks like a lot of wasted screen space now and we have tiny circular buttons that aren't as easily tappable anymore.

That and the fullscreen caller ID need to return in iOS 8.

I hear you with the full screen caller ID, but I guess with the end call and accept buttons they were just making them aesthetically similar to the other buttons on the dialler screen. This makes sense, the rectangular 'long' end call button (although helpful) didn't fit in with the round number keys.
I can live with it, but it does of course take a more precise hit to accept and end calls.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2013
I hear you with the full screen caller ID, but I guess with the end call and accept buttons they were just making them aesthetically similar to the other buttons on the dialler screen. This makes sense, the rectangular 'long' end call button (although helpful) didn't fit in with the round number keys.
I can live with it, but it does of course take a more precise hit to accept and end calls.

I thought the rectangular buttons were a nice break from all the circles. Not every button needs to be a circle.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2012

I don't think this is a good representation of iOS 7. iOS 7 is NOT "as clean as possible". Not anywhere close! That analogy is a better fit for something like Windows Phone 8.

No, much of the problems I personally have with iOS 7 are TACKINESS (aka almost the direct opposite of "cleanliness"). For example:

- unnecessary gradient overlays
- extremely incoherent and often distracting icons
- parallax effect just for the sake of eye candy
- glass effects just for the sake of eye candy
- bounce effect while scrolling in Messages
- textured background in Notes, Reminders
- overcrowded and cramped control centre
- "today" and "missed" views in notification centre

it's more like... I understand what iOS 7 wants to be but I often find that the implementation is very misguided.


macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2013
I do miss the icons and the dock from the iOS 6 but with the new features like the control center, air drop feature, and improved app store, I can overlook the small stuff. Basically what I'm saying, the benefits outweigh the cons!


Jan 15, 2003
Design-wise and visually, it's the worst by far.

Feature-wise and functionality-wise, it's definitely the best, except for the music app and the new notification center.

With this I agree.

I personally think it looks hideous.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I dislike the new app store. The icons for new apps should fill the screen, as it is tedious to flick through one line of apps when searching.
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