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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Central New York
Ever since I updated, which was the first day, my MacBook Air is running much much smoother. No more beachballs, no more just a general feeling of laggy-ness! I am very impressed with the result of OS X 10.11.4, and think this is what the El Capitan Golden Master should have ran like!

Just my experience on a Late 2010 MacBook Air & 2013 MacBook Air.

Let me know your positive experiences!

Same here. After 4 days of uptime it continues to run beautifully smooth (as it should, on a 2015 MBP) and there's really nothing negative to report so far. Going to put it on a 2008 MacBook this weekend and see how it behaves there.
Agree 100%, best update so far.
For me, it almost puts El Cap in the same class as Snow Leopard and Mavericks - most enjoyable, smoothest and fastest OS Xs.
Let's wait for the final update to make that official. :)
<offtopic>Also, iOS 9.3 fixed all buggy animations on my iPhone 5. It runs now as the first day i bought it.</offtopic>
Running great so far. Stable. No bugs. Smooth and snappy operations. Fans don't spin as often somehow even though I am streaming movies.

Safari seems slower though... Loading pages (especially search) takes too much time.

Otherwise, good job Apple
2014 5k iMac & 15" Mbpr. Running perfectly all day. Upgraded with a fresh install from Yosemite when 10.11.3 arrived though.
Late 2013 13" rMBP here running 10.11.4 OK. Seems responsive, problem with audio device on USB intermittently cutting out (Blue Yeti) seems to have been resolved. Everything else working OK.

Must resist urge to upgrade to whatever version they announce this year.
For me, this is the best OS I've ever used (and I used them all :) ), no questions about it. My MBAir from 2011 is as fast or even faster than when I bought it, and way more useful now than in 2011. This is great value.

However, there are some weird minor bugs that we encounter here and there.
it's been 2-3 times where I go back to an open instance of Safari and the system freeze for 10-15 seconds. No beachball, mouse cursor stops working.
Just wanted to say that I have an old MacBook 2009 which hasn't been used for about two years. Cleaned it up and put El Capitan on it. Can't be more impressed with it. Absolutely transformed the machine. Love it !

Same here. After 4 days of uptime it continues to run beautifully smooth (as it should, on a 2015 MBP) and there's really nothing negative to report so far. Going to put it on a 2008 MacBook this weekend and see how it behaves there.
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it's been 2-3 times where I go back to an open instance of Safari and the system freeze for 10-15 seconds. No beachball, mouse cursor stops working.
And? how are we suppose to help you with that?

Any extensions installed like adblock plus? Plugins? Flash? Silverlight? Same with Chrome?
I had one crash when booting for the first time after the update. My mouse was frozen after I got to my desktop. 15 seconds later my 2014 Mac mini rebooted. Ever since then, all is well. My 2011 Mac Mini had no problems at all
And? how are we suppose to help you with that?

Any extensions installed like adblock plus? Plugins? Flash? Silverlight? Same with Chrome?

I was not asking anything, just saying the whole system is freezing. At least once a day.
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It fascinates me that every model seems to have different issues. Was this ever the case with previous versions?
Yes. It was never as bug free and reliable as it is today.
I was not asking anything, just saying the whole system is freezing. At least once a day.
And you have no interest in knowing why and assume the OS is the problem? k.
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I haven't noticed that the update has done anything at all.
There's probably some new stuff there, but it hasn't bugged me in any way whatsoever.
That's success as far as el Cap updates go.
Sooner or later I'll dig up the list of new features, and maybe check a few out.
As of now everything I normally do is running as it should, and there's no weird dialogs popping up telling me to recromulize my tertium index effectualizations before opening Safari.
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I'm happy with 10.11.4 now. But I don't really see what I have gained over Yosemite. I had no issues with 10.10.5 in the first place (except for standard issues where OSX is lagging behind Windows) and El Capitan doesn't do anything but perhaps lay some groundwork for the future.
it's been 2-3 times where I go back to an open instance of Safari and the system freeze for 10-15 seconds. No beachball, mouse cursor stops working.
Happened the same thing to me on my MacBook Air 2015. The machine was completely frozen to the point that I had to turn it off...
Happened the same thing to me on my MacBook Air 2015. The machine was completely frozen to the point that I had to turn it off...
same issue here. mbpr 2015 13"
any idea?
27.03.2016 10:26:08,804[536]: [10:26:08.804] FigAgglomeratorSetObjectForKey signalled err=-16020 (kFigStringConformerError_ParamErr) (NULL key) at /Library/Caches/ line 92
27.03.2016 10:26:08,805[536]: [10:26:08.805] <<<< Boss >>>> figPlaybackBossPrerollCompleted: unexpected preroll-complete notification
27.03.2016 10:26:26,742[660]: [10:26:26.742] FigAgglomeratorSetObjectForKey signalled err=-16020 (kFigStringConformerError_ParamErr) (NULL key) at /Library/Caches/ line 92
27.03.2016 10:26:30,432 WindowServer[165]: _CGXRemoveWindowFromWindowMovementGroup: window 0xf2 is not attached to window 0x131
27.03.2016 10:26:30,561[660]: [10:26:30.561] <<<< Boss >>>> figPlaybackBossPrerollCompleted: unexpected preroll-complete notification
27.03.2016 10:26:32,015 WindowServer[165]: _CGXRemoveWindowFromWindowMovementGroup: window 0xf2 is not attached to window 0x131
27.03.2016 10:26:33,628 WindowServer[165]: _CGXRemoveWindowFromWindowMovementGroup: window 0xf2 is not attached to window 0x131
27.03.2016 10:26:54,425 watchdogd[342]: [watchdog_daemon] @(_wd_daemon_service_thread) - service ( reported as unresponsive
27.03.2016 10:26:55,431 watchdogd[342]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(__wd_service_report_unresponsive_block_invoke) - failed to gather a spindump for (
27.03.2016 10:27:19,501 watchdogd[342]: [watchdog_daemon] @(_wd_daemon_service_thread) - service ( reported as unresponsive
27.03.2016 10:27:20,504 watchdogd[342]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(__wd_service_report_unresponsive_block_invoke) - failed to gather a spindump for (
27.03.2016 10:28:00,000 bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1459063680 0
27.03.2016 10:28:01,000 syslogd[46]: Configuration Notice:
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Mine is just fine. No complaints. Few of you are. What the heck did you do to your system ? Apps/Programs perhaps ?
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