I agree as I did a lot of simplifying on my end as well. I started to realize that I don't need all this digital junk and just started to rely completely on cloud services. iCloud, Apple Music, and Plex on an NAS were everything I needed. Using an iPad takes some getting used to, but it's been a freeing experience. The portability and flexibility have changed my workflow completely for the better.
It is part of a larger plan that I have of becoming a minimalist. I've made a lot of progress and it has improved my life in a big way. Technology has really made the process much easier - for example, my use of Kindle made getting rid of my paper book library much less painful.
Moving to an iPad as your main device really forces you to make the hard decisions and helps you focus on the results (what is it in your life that you really want to achieve) rather than the processes and hardware.