Useful questions:I've been a happy MacBook owner for two years now, and would like to add a desktop to my collection...or at least the experience of one.
So, should I just buy a large lcd screen, mouse and keyboard for my MacBook, or should I get an actual desktop, like a mac mini (and all the peripherals)?
* What's your budget?
* How much time is spent at-desk and not-at-desk?
* Would you need / want to keep two separate Macs synchronized in apps, data, music, etc.?
* How much do you dislike unplugging cables?
I have a laptop for home, mostly used at the desk. I plug in:
* one USB, for the hub which has mouse, keyboard, TimeMachine drive, iPod cable
* speaker cable
* video cable for second monitor
It's a minor inconvenience to plug/unplug as I come and go from the office. But it's easier, affordable, and takes less room than managing two computers for myself.
My wife, a graphic designer, has no interest in a laptop, and uses a desktop solely.
Since you're apparently happy doing graphic / video work on a MacBook, there's no downside to using it as a "desktop". If budget allows, I'd suggest the iMac over the mini. The mini is especially overpriced and still requires a keyboard, mouse, monitor; If you're buying those, just use your MacBook.