The majority of the OP's posts seem to be about finding "faults" with the iPad and deterring people from buying it.
5 dollars says he created that "first post" user here as a sock puppet.![]()
That's exactly what I'm talking about. The actual screen itself is amazing, it's a font smoothing issue. It probably didn't help that I had looked at the HTC Evo right before because the text looks super sharp on that. Someone left a photo on an iPad and I did a double take because it looked so nice. I did play around with the landscape and portrait orientations a lot in Safari. And I should have been more clear that zoomed in text looks very sharp, but mlblacy knows what I'm talking about.
Those of you who don't have fanboy goggles on know what I'm talking about.
I have an iPad which I use almost exclusively for reading and I love it. However, it is indisputable that the text rendering is a little low-res and could be dramatically improved.
I would never use the iPad for reading, as I dont buy books. Never been in a book store in my life to buy a book to read - not my thing. I use the iPad primarily for internet / email.
I find it very scary that people like you exist. Not meant to be an insult by the way.
Those of you who don't have fanboy goggles on know what I'm talking about.
I do have fanboy goggles on and I know what you're talking about. I made a post about the exact same thing several weeks ago. I bought an iPad but couldn't get past the blocky rendering of the text - especially at small sizes. I also felt like I could almost see the grid of pixels as I was reading web pages in low light. I felt like the next generation iPad would resolve this with a better screen so I returned my iPad to the Apple store and ate the restocking fee. I'll get back on the iPad bandwagon on the next generation likely.
Games and videos look great. Text....not so great.
I agree completely. My dissatisfaction was solely with text - particularly text on web pages and not necessarily iBooks. But seeing as I was using the iPad for 90% reading, and 90% of that was reading web pages, I decided to wait for generation 2.
The majority of the OP's posts seem to be about finding "faults" with the iPad and deterring people from buying it.
5 dollars says he created that "first post" user here as a sock puppet.![]()
Ever heard of multitouch zoom?
Text still looks great and perfectly clear when zoomed in on iPad.
Yeah. The OP obviously doesn't actually own any device that performs anti-aliasing properly.
Irrespective of what anyone might like to think, for a computer screen 1024x768 pixels these days it pretty low res to fit everything in.
For games, yeah, it's fine, but not when you are trying to render all the text on a web page.
The OP isn't crazy. The iPad's text rendering is incredibly blocky/aliased.