HD Uppgrade
What has changed is that the heat sensor is now part of the HD enclosure.
That means if the new HD or SSD does not have this cable plug-in, the fans will go overdrive. This is only on the latest iMac's.
There have been some hacks done, i.e. "short-circuit" the sensor cable, but this is not recommend. If the machine would fail for any reason and Apple guys would see this immediately and your warranty would be gone.
NOW ! Many Mac SSD and HD distributors are of-course working on this and I would not be surprised we will see some modified SSD's and compatible fast HD with the heat sensor cable plug-in.
I can't believe Apple has such powerful machines and doesn't let you upgrade the hard disk -- at least they could have a SATA input.
What has changed is that the heat sensor is now part of the HD enclosure.
That means if the new HD or SSD does not have this cable plug-in, the fans will go overdrive. This is only on the latest iMac's.
There have been some hacks done, i.e. "short-circuit" the sensor cable, but this is not recommend. If the machine would fail for any reason and Apple guys would see this immediately and your warranty would be gone.
NOW ! Many Mac SSD and HD distributors are of-course working on this and I would not be surprised we will see some modified SSD's and compatible fast HD with the heat sensor cable plug-in.