Please indulge me, I'm an old man.
In 1983 I purchased my first computer for $3,000, an IBM PC with two floppies and a 12 inch CRT.
I was living in Danville, CA and working in Silicon Valley as CFO of a Fortune 500 high tech company.
In 1986 I had drinks with Steve. I was always enamored with Apple but stuck with MS because, then and now, high end accounting apps are MS apps.
When Apple embraced Intel I was all aboard. The OS was, and still is, vastly superior. However, when you've been around computers as long as I have, you're not going to get lathered up about the OS.
For me, Apple was all about the luxurious hardware, I was hooked, two MBP's, one Pro, one ACD and all kinds of ancillaries.
I have always been a bit skeptical about iMac's. They are not portable but still have the same maintenance concerns of a notebook, if something goes wrong, the entire unit needs to be involved, vs a messy desktop where a HD, card or monitor can be pulled, with everything else still functioning.
But the new 27's were just too cool for the old man to resist. Alas, I have most of the issues, at least the most important ones, yellow tinge, flickering (what's maddening about the flickering is that it occurs when the machine is being pushed, in other words, when real work is actually occurring).
After at least 25 hours on the phone with Apple Care, I decided to have a new experience, I made an appointment to visit the Apple Store in West Palm Beach, FL.
I'm not sure I'm glad or sad I never had the experience prior, because I never would have purchased an Apple product if I had.
Genius = Early 20's Social Misfit Moron. Customer Service = Can we sell you an iPhone or an iPod?
Right now my view is Steve = Putin and Apple = Kremlin, they will not acknowledge what experienced Apple consumers know is obvious.
The Morons told me my issues were all within acceptable Apple tolerances.
No worries, I'll wait it out, eBay it, take a loss and move on.
In 1983 I purchased my first computer for $3,000, an IBM PC with two floppies and a 12 inch CRT.
I was living in Danville, CA and working in Silicon Valley as CFO of a Fortune 500 high tech company.
In 1986 I had drinks with Steve. I was always enamored with Apple but stuck with MS because, then and now, high end accounting apps are MS apps.
When Apple embraced Intel I was all aboard. The OS was, and still is, vastly superior. However, when you've been around computers as long as I have, you're not going to get lathered up about the OS.
For me, Apple was all about the luxurious hardware, I was hooked, two MBP's, one Pro, one ACD and all kinds of ancillaries.
I have always been a bit skeptical about iMac's. They are not portable but still have the same maintenance concerns of a notebook, if something goes wrong, the entire unit needs to be involved, vs a messy desktop where a HD, card or monitor can be pulled, with everything else still functioning.
But the new 27's were just too cool for the old man to resist. Alas, I have most of the issues, at least the most important ones, yellow tinge, flickering (what's maddening about the flickering is that it occurs when the machine is being pushed, in other words, when real work is actually occurring).
After at least 25 hours on the phone with Apple Care, I decided to have a new experience, I made an appointment to visit the Apple Store in West Palm Beach, FL.
I'm not sure I'm glad or sad I never had the experience prior, because I never would have purchased an Apple product if I had.
Genius = Early 20's Social Misfit Moron. Customer Service = Can we sell you an iPhone or an iPod?
Right now my view is Steve = Putin and Apple = Kremlin, they will not acknowledge what experienced Apple consumers know is obvious.
The Morons told me my issues were all within acceptable Apple tolerances.
No worries, I'll wait it out, eBay it, take a loss and move on.