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Most of the time visiting an Apple store = mistake.

They are sales geeks, first and foremost. The sooner everyone accepts that, the sooner you will be happy with your visit to the store.

As painful as it may seem, get back on the phone with Applecare. If you dont feel like its going anywhere, just asked to get kicked up a notch. Things should happen the way you like then.

I dont understand your overall rational, and whats funny is that I see/hear this with a lot of other people, its not just you. You have tons of great experience with Company XXX, you really like them. Best ever. Then you have one bad experience with them and they become the devil and you curse a pox on them. You cant say enough bad things about them or how disappointed you are with them because as a long time customer you thought they were a lot better than this, or in the olden days they used to be. They have just gone to hell in a handbasket. Ugh.

Just call and get it replaced or repaired.
I agree with Badger ^. It's so easy for one negative experience to ruin your perception of a company for a long time.

You have to remember that the people you deal with at these stores are people that were hired to sell products and do what they are trained to do.

These are people from your own local community or city. These are not clones of Steve Jobs that were shipped out of Cupertino to work at every Apple store. These are people like you and me, with all their faults, attitudes and bad hair days.

Treat your dealings with them like business transactions. Business people don't let themselves be cheated for what they agreed to pay for. Get your computer repaired if it's defective.
stick it to em

OP, you should definitely get your money's worth. if i was in your position, i would NOT take a loss because the company that manufactured a defective product says that "it still works" you are a customer and your money is as good as any of the other people who had refunds or exchanges.
I agree with everyone here. Apple store geniuses are mostly young individuals, some are brighter than others. They get retail wages, which means they don't care about the BS they're feeding customers. Most of them think their jobs are cool, because they work at a "Genius bar". Overall, their level of expertise is very low, for example they're capabale diagnosing that my power supply on the macbook failed. It still takes them over 40 minutes to figure that out (both times it happened), and they have to run diagnostic software to come to that conclusion. To resolve some more serious issues, call applecare. It's a lot easier to get things done that way. Just like the OP, I will no longer use the "genius bar".
I have given the iMac to my nephew, a graduate engineering student at the University of Florida.

He's a natural born geek, is totally enamored with the unit, and has the patience and youthful exuberance necessary to deal with its minor issues.

I have a Mac Pro on the way.

Problem solved, end of thread.
I have given the iMac to my nephew, a graduate engineering student at the University of Florida.

He's a natural born geek, is totally enamored with the unit, and has the patience and youthful exuberance necessary to deal with its minor issues.

I have a Mac Pro on the way.

Problem solved, end of thread.

Great thread, possibly not the end though? The Mac Pros have a huge flaw (Have a dig through the forum), play an MP3 they make great radiators.
I would be way more persistent, keep calling applecare and tell them you cant work on the computer with these faults. Apple charges a premium for their products so they should use some of that money towards quality control. If you pay top dollar for a high-end product then it better be in excellent condition or the company should rectify it. So my advice to you is to continue trying its a known issue for which many people have received replacements or repairs so eventually you will get someone willing to help. And escalate the matter with a store manager at the Apple store, also try a different store.
Great thread, possibly not the end though? The Mac Pros have a huge flaw (Have a dig through the forum), play an MP3 they make great radiators.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll check it out, haven't finalized order yet.
No, the whole computer is 'soon'

If you have AppleCare, phone them for a replacement instead of making a fool of yourself on here.

So let me guess this straight, you are mocking a guy for owing the actual product and having issues with it, while you "Hope" to get one soon. Hope you world is not shattered if your eventual purchase has issues. Also buy the imac 4GB and install 4GB yourself, much cheaper and a trained monkey can do it.

And FYI, Applecare has jack ***** to do with getting a replacement. Applecare or not you are entitled to a replacement within 14 days (if they say no, then u just get a refund) Beyond the 14 days and within 12 months, you can only get it fixed. Applecare gets you 2 additional years and special phone support with a clueless apple support Tech that will get you to rest your machine, when that fails they will get you to bring it in to get it fixed.

The OP sounds like someone that loves gadgets, and Apple Products are sexy. You might want to read up on Applecare and the refund/return policy before making silly posts.
The OP sounds like someone that loves gadgets, and Apple Products are sexy.

You got it!

Thanks to All Taken, MH01 and ABG for the mature and informative replies. Y'all made the abuse worthwhile.
It may not be important to you, but the Mac Pro looks like its due for a refresh "soon".

Good advice.

I would not get anything till after the 26th. Apple are going to release new products then. And given the Mac Pros are usually updated in Jan, it would be worth holding out. And given they usually follow a yearly update cycle, it could be a big update.
OP. Were you past the return period on the iMac? Is that why you didn't just return it?
Genius = Early 20's Social Misfit Moron. Customer Service = Can we sell you an iPhone or an iPod?

Right now my view is Steve = Putin and Apple = Kremlin, they will not acknowledge what experienced Apple consumers know is obvious.

The Morons told me my issues were all within acceptable Apple tolerances.

No worries, I'll wait it out, eBay it, take a loss and move on.

that's how i felt the time i had to go to the apple store to get my iphone serviced. ended up wasting an hour getting there, just so they could tell me that they won't replace my cracked case phone because the cracks aren't located in certain areas despite the crack(s) being located right next to those "areas".

moral of the story: if you want your product to be replaced or at least fixed, send it to the company directly, and don't waste your time at the apple store.
A product has the chance to become luxorious when it works perfectly and does what it's supposed to. My Apple adventure has ended really quickly, returned my 27" 3 days after it reached my place. I'll sit this out and give Apple another chance, I think
OP. Were you past the return period on the iMac? Is that why you didn't just return it?

Correct, I was willing to live with the tinge (it's actually more noticeable on this website than anything else I do with the computer), I didn't notice the flickering until about three weeks into ownership.

I'm sure I could raise hell and get a return authorized or for that matter simply return the product and call Amex for a credit.

As previously reported I'm gifting it to my nephew.
Who are you, the official forum greeter or something? Perhaps you overlooked the fact that the OP has been a member since October 2008 ? :rolleyes: That's about a year longer than you.

OP is well within his right to be less than pleased about his bum 27" iMac. For the delusional still out there who defend Apple with such fervor you'd think you're getting a commission for doing so, the 27" iMac is a clear example of a lack of quality control at the assembly line. Who's fault is that? The Chinese who build it? No. The company that tells them how to build and test the thing are at fault. And certainly the engineers are at fault as well. The whole yellowing and flickering issue is very real and being talked about in many other places besides here at MR.

So, for those poor misguided souls who derive pleasure in bashing the OP (who's clearly been around a lot longer than most of you), leave him alone and post in another thread.

It seems like posters like yourself (and the OP) are fairly rare on this forum... Someone who loves apple products, but isn't brainwashed by the glowing fruit, and will call out faults as they seem them.

This is kind of a tangent but I had high hopes of purchasing my first iMac but it has become very apparent that there is something wrong with the iMacs.

Checking this forum has been such a love hate relationship. I keep checking in hopes for a thread that clearly shows that the issue has been resolved, so I can safely spend my 2k + dollars on something that "just works" but so far no such luck. It really sickens me how much people will blame EVERYONE except Apple, as if they are on their payroll.

I really hope Apple figures out what is causing all the problems so I can finally upgrade my dying computer.
It seems like posters like yourself (and the OP) are fairly rare on this forum... Someone who loves apple products, but isn't brainwashed by the glowing fruit, and will call out faults as they seem them.

This is kind of a tangent but I had high hopes of purchasing my first iMac but it has become very apparent that there is something wrong with the iMacs.

Checking this forum has been such a love hate relationship. I keep checking in hopes for a thread that clearly shows that the issue has been resolved, so I can safely spend my 2k + dollars on something that "just works" but so far no such luck. It really sickens me how much people will blame EVERYONE except Apple, as if they are on their payroll.

I really hope Apple figures out what is causing all the problems so I can finally upgrade my dying computer.

Macrumors is a great source of information, and like you said, it has brought to your attention the faults in the current range. Your doing the right thing by monitoring the forums till reports come in that Apple has addressed the issues. Though as a first time potential mac owner it really does suck that the product you own is plagued with issues. I have been with Apple for over 10 years, one thing you learn is that Rev A products have a tendency to have flaws, the Rev B is usually solid. Some of the iMac 27 issues are getting blown out of proportion but things like flickering is total BS. I can use a monitor with a tinge, I cannot use a flickering one.

As for the Fanboys, if you can ignore them, they truly are a waste of time, most of these people do not even own the product in question and Bash anyone that raises issues, and can be seen on this post. I feel really sorry for newbie users that joins the forums for help and are bashed as trolls. Please do no judge Apple owners on these brainwashed individuals. It does not take long to work out which users are fanboys and you can just ignore them. The support forums are okay, stay clear of the news forums, that is where is it damn silly, fanboys will bash anything non apple and worship apple products that do not even exist (tablet), its like rationale thinking does not exist..... I usually find that PC/Mac users that run something other then OS X are helpful, with a good level of tech knowledge. Shiny Laptop owning Starbuck coffee sippers that think that ilife is all they will ever need tend to point towards fanboys. I am like the OP, love gadgets, I do not buy a cause it has a apple logo on it. I actually got a Zune Hd brought back from the US cause it a sexy bit of kit, and if i do not like it, I offload it to a family member.
hey , hes not the only whos po'd!

i bought a 27" in late november , 15 yrs + with these crunchboxes and even my pre sp1 xp wasn't as hateful a pos as this thing has been...
oh, and i can't return it because i found that anything you put on this dam'd thing is here forever , or until its completely overwritten (business info , private info) secure delete = ;-P***
i was stupid enough to believe i could be free of MS , um , it ain't happening ...
i still have to use my old xp for all the stuff apple won't do...
and tonight my mouse died , fortunately i have an extra usb mouse...
and a three year BB warranty...
oh b4 i forget , my apple techs at BB are useless idiots of the lowest order(yes, i know its repetitious)...
three installs of the os b4 it would stabilize , 4 installs of the apps disc b4 the icons would stay on the taskbar... etc...
nope , not impressed...
i bought a 27" in late november , 15 yrs + with these crunchboxes and even my pre sp1 xp wasn't as hateful a pos as this thing has been...
oh, and i can't return it because i found that anything you put on this dam'd thing is here forever , or until its completely overwritten (business info , private info) secure delete = ;-P***
i was stupid enough to believe i could be free of MS , um , it ain't happening ...
i still have to use my old xp for all the stuff apple won't do...
and tonight my mouse died , fortunately i have an extra usb mouse...
and a three year BB warranty...
oh b4 i forget , my apple techs at BB are useless idiots of the lowest order(yes, i know its repetitious)...
three installs of the os b4 it would stabilize , 4 installs of the apps disc b4 the icons would stay on the taskbar... etc...
nope , not impressed...
You can return it, copy your data to an external drive that's large enough, erase the iMacs HD and send it back. I'll also point out, windows also doesn't permanently erase data without a secure erase either.
When you say your mouse died, are you referring to the Apple Magic mouse? What's a BB warranty btw?

What exactly is wrong with your machine?

Welcome to the forum.

It's a shame you had a bad time at the Apple store.
But if you didn't buy it there and it didn't actually fail or stop working, what did you expect?

I'm willing to be it has a very great deal to do with "Fussy, crazy people screaming about yellow tinge" overload.

You might want to consider that you're probably not the first person in there that bought the thing somewhere else and then pop up demanding an exchange or repair on the spot.

With most businesses that deal in high-dollar low margin (for the dealer) items such as computers, cars, major appliances, etc..
People that actually bought the unit right there get "the extra mile" treatment while "bought it somewhere else" folks get the "Terms of the Warranty" treatment.

A fault, any fault... even the most minor flicker or pink or yellow cast gets posted online and next thing you know, thousands of people who read it on MacRumors end up on their doorstep demanding a refund or exchange.

Each and every one of them is going to want at least one free replacement, and it could easily get to the point of: "My 4th (or 5th, 6th, 7th) one was the charm!
Apple (or any other company) couldn't possibly keep up with such a demand.
They'd have to sell them at triple or quadruple total cost which would probably put the 27" way over $5,000.

Look for a gazillion "Refurbushed" iMacs available soon. Nothing really wrong. Just various slight shades of yellow.

Oh well.

See if you can take the next computer you buy for a test drive before you buy it.

Have Fun,

PS. I'm sorry if I sound a little grumpy here. I go through this kind of stuff all the time at work! Grrrr! The "I read it online" crowd.

PPS. My Father lost his job in the 60's when the company he worked for went out of business for similar reasons.... warehouses full of perfectly good "returned as defective" items sold to excessively fussy people. We got some of those things... they were perfect!


Apple sells itself as a high end brand, and they market the 27" as the ultimate display. So if your an actual owner, say viewing a document on a white background is it acceptable that the bottom of the document looks yellow compared to the top? If you were to use the imac for photo editing its a huge flaw. The yellow tinge is only one issue reported, the bigger one is flickering, completely unacceptable.

If you are going to charge a premium for a top end product, you better get your QA in order. If people paid $500 - $700 less for these machines, well thier expectation would be lower, they did not, they paid alot of money.

"The read it online" crowd, please, these issues have been reported in the news, major sites like gizmodo and engadget have also reported them. Not some whining fuzzy owners complaining in forums. Apple should have waited till they got the product right instead of rushing out it to make xmas. And just because you become aware of an issue using the internet, its still there!

I also have issues with the "Apple Cheer squad" crowd, not experienceing issues for themselves, not knowing how frustrating it is, but supporting the company.

If in the 60s people were returning a product, it was not defect free. It not like they were learning about the issues online....
25 hours on the phone and I would be on here selling the benefits of the yellow tinge and flickering!

Haha, too true. I would consider the guy on the phone my official friend.

I think that anger/dissapointment has given this post/thread a slight twist. How can it take 25 hours to book an appointment at the store? An hour long phone call is a lot, 25 of them though?

I feel the guys dissapointment though. But just send it back and get a good one. A windows box is never going to fill that gap, atleast not for me.
Macrumors is a great source of information, and like you said, it has brought to your attention the faults in the current range. Your doing the right thing by monitoring the forums till reports come in that Apple has addressed the issues. Though as a first time potential mac owner it really does suck that the product you own is plagued with issues. I have been with Apple for over 10 years, one thing you learn is that Rev A products have a tendency to have flaws, the Rev B is usually solid. Some of the iMac 27 issues are getting blown out of proportion but things like flickering is total BS. I can use a monitor with a tinge, I cannot use a flickering one.

As for the Fanboys, if you can ignore them, they truly are a waste of time, most of these people do not even own the product in question and Bash anyone that raises issues, and can be seen on this post. I feel really sorry for newbie users that joins the forums for help and are bashed as trolls. Please do no judge Apple owners on these brainwashed individuals. It does not take long to work out which users are fanboys and you can just ignore them. The support forums are okay, stay clear of the news forums, that is where is it damn silly, fanboys will bash anything non apple and worship apple products that do not even exist (tablet), its like rationale thinking does not exist..... I usually find that PC/Mac users that run something other then OS X are helpful, with a good level of tech knowledge. Shiny Laptop owning Starbuck coffee sippers that think that ilife is all they will ever need tend to point towards fanboys. I am like the OP, love gadgets, I do not buy a cause it has a apple logo on it. I actually got a Zune Hd brought back from the US cause it a sexy bit of kit, and if i do not like it, I offload it to a family member.

Yeah, I've picked up on that fairly quickly... :)

After dealing with the blackberry storm 1, I've done enough beta testing for a company which is why I didn't jump the gun on the iMac.... Looks like I made the right choice. Having issues with Rev A products isnt limited to just apple products though... sadly it seems this is the way all companies operate which is purely unacceptable, especially for higher end "luxury" products.

I really hope they figure out whatever the problem is because I'm in desperate need of an update.

(funny you mention getting a zune HD, I'm a huge ipod fan but the newest zune is actually quite a nice package, sadly Im so accustom to itunes i think ill be stuck with ipods for life, okay its really not that bad.. haha)
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