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I just get the books from Amazon and convert them to epub then sync them to itunes and they show up in the bookshelf just like you bought them from ibooks. Got Atlas shrugged and Fountainhead one was 5.99 and the other was 8.99 or 9.99 don't remember but the prices of most books are way cheaper on Amazon so its worth the little bit of extra effort. If your feeling lazy you can just use the kindle app but I really like the ibooks app and the bookshelf so it's worth it for me to convert them.
I just get the books from Amazon and convert them to epub then sync them to itunes and they show up in the bookshelf just like you bought them from ibooks. Got Atlas shrugged and Fountainhead one was 5.99 and the other was 8.99 or 9.99 don't remember but the prices of most books are way cheaper on Amazon so its worth the little bit of extra effort. If your feeling lazy you can just use the kindle app but I really like the ibooks app and the bookshelf so it's worth it for me to convert them.

Great solution.
is the ibooks store connected to your itunes account or is it seperate. Like if you have a credit from a gift card on itunes can you use it in the ibooks store or is it completely seperate from itunes?
Not seperate it's the same as buying your apps, music, movies or anything else through the iTunes store.
$27.99 for "The Fountainhead" - Where they do that at?

So, I'm in process of reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead and thought this would make a great first addition to my iBooks library. I find the book and it's listed at a whopping $27.99 - for a book, a digital one at that. Now the book is quickly turning into one of my favorites, but I'll be damned if I fork over the exhorbitant amount in which they're asking. Not now. Not ever.

And I thought the $5 issues of Time were too much.

Where they do that at?!
Ayn Rand would say if you don't like the price then don't buy it. :)

But yeah, some iBook prices are laughably high. I see my local bookstore in my future for some time.
It would be far more constructive to lob your complaints toward a target that has the power to do something about it, i.e., the respective publishers. If that is too much of a burden don't bitch and moan and let the market work itself out. If you are such a fan of Ayn Rand you'd know that. Did Howard Roark bitch and moan when they bastardized his work? I think not.
Cue comments about the relative prices of pictures of cave paintings, a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible, etc... all the way up to current books.

My point being that given the text's age, it's already available in a wide range of media formats and from different suppliers. It's not like the iBook Store can charge such a ridiculously large sum due to restriction of supply.
The version of The Fountainhead in the iBook store is published by The Penguin Group. Apple uses the "agency pricing model" in the iBook store. This means that the publisher sets the price of the book and Apple just takes a fixed percentage. So unless you have reason to think representatives of Penguin are in this forum, you are barking up the wrong tree.
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