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Nah - Kindle, B&N, Stanza and eReader all work just fine if you adjust the font. Apple left too much margin space in iBooks in comparison. It's visually pretty and great on the iPad, but they should have tweaked it more on the phone.

Wholeheartedly agreed. The screen's too small to be wasting space on the margins and doodads iBooks has. Heck, I have eReader set to use the most minimal's just text and the two-pixel-wide progress bar right along the bottom of the screen. Even the iPhone status bar had to go.

(My habits were formed on the 160x160 Palm screen.)
Hey gang, silly question but does Winnie The Pooh come pre-loaded or automatically download on first-run? ... or do you have to get it manually?
Not impressed!

I like reading ebooks on my iPhone - my biggest problem with iBooks is the iBookstore. - I'm from Denmark, so the only books in there is 'Winnie The Pooh' and the good old classics 'Robinson Crusoe', Pride and Prejudice', 'The art of war', and so on.

So I'm kinda looking forward to, when Apple will have some agreements with the Danish publishing houses to get some "real" books into iBookstore. - 'cause, for now it's like movies and tv-series on the Danish iTunes Store:

Not present!
i'm sure it'll improve with time. Does seem to be one huge bug with it though... when you pick a category and then click on free books (yes i'm poor atm) :p it seems to revert to a complete artist list instead of showing the books in that category.
Anyone who has not read an eBook on their iPhone before is probably going to be in for a shock. Suddenly having the iBooks App on your iPhone is not going to make reading an eBook on your iPhone a fantastic experience. For those of you who regularly read eBoooks on their phone, the experience is likely not going to be anything new.

Give it time. I have been reading eBooks on my iPhone (via Stanza) for many months now and it takes some getting used to. Just have patience. It is really good for reading a book in bed without disturbing your partner or your out-and-about waiting in line somewhere. And change your swipe to a tap (if you can). It's a lot easier turning the pages. You don't want to have to swipe the screen every 20 seconds, but it's easier just to tap the screen.

Agreed. A lot of new readers to iPhone are shocked because it the screen is so small and you have to turn pages more often. I've been using Stanza for months now and reading on the iPhone is honestly not that bad. It's small yet extremely portable. And I'm sure it will look even better on iPhone 4's display. With time one could get used to it. And if not, there's always the iPad option.
Book selection is poor and expensive

In addition to what others have noted, the selection of books is ridiculously small and the prices are way too high given the screen size, etc...
Agreed. A lot of new readers to iPhone are shocked because it the screen is so small and you have to turn pages more often. I've been using Stanza for months now and reading on the iPhone is honestly not that bad. It's small yet extremely portable. And I'm sure it will look even better on iPhone 4's display. With time one could get used to it. And if not, there's always the iPad option.

Actaully, having used iBooks on my wife's iPhone 4, I can see how some are upset. It seems like Apple just ported the iPad version to the iPhone, which isn't a very good idea. First and foremost, the borders are much too wide. On Stanza, the words go right to the edge of the screen. On iBooks, there is like a 5 mm border along all edges of the text. This greatly reduces the amount of words per per. On the iPad, which has a large screen, but on the iPhone, it's extremely wasteful of screen real estate.

2nd, I really need to be able to toggle to night mode. If they could add this option right under the "sepia" on/off toggle, this would be great. Sure, you can do this by setting up inverse black/white by tripple clicking, but it would be much more stream-lined if you could do it within the app. In night mode, they should also make the top status bar either disappear or turn black. Currently, it stays white and is very distracting. And, again, it wastes screen space. In night mode, they also need to get rid of the white outline of the pages on the right and in the corners. Sure, I'm all for being realistic, but this is still a phone, not a real book.

For now, due to ease of use and stylistic reasons, I'll be sticking with Stanza. We all know how long it takes for Apple to (a) admit a problem/bug and to (b) act on it. So, I doubt I'll be changing back to iBooks in the next 6 or so months.
Actaully, having used iBooks on my wife's iPhone 4, I can see how some are upset. It seems like Apple just ported the iPad version to the iPhone, which isn't a very good idea. First and foremost, the borders are much too wide. On Stanza, the words go right to the edge of the screen. On iBooks, there is like a 5 mm border along all edges of the text. This greatly reduces the amount of words per per. On the iPad, which has a large screen, but on the iPhone, it's extremely wasteful of screen real estate.

2nd, I really need to be able to toggle to night mode. If they could add this option right under the "sepia" on/off toggle, this would be great. Sure, you can do this by setting up inverse black/white by tripple clicking, but it would be much more stream-lined if you could do it within the app. In night mode, they should also make the top status bar either disappear or turn black. Currently, it stays white and is very distracting. And, again, it wastes screen space. In night mode, they also need to get rid of the white outline of the pages on the right and in the corners. Sure, I'm all for being realistic, but this is still a phone, not a real book.

For now, due to ease of use and stylistic reasons, I'll be sticking with Stanza. We all know how long it takes for Apple to (a) admit a problem/bug and to (b) act on it. So, I doubt I'll be changing back to iBooks in the next 6 or so months.

Those are some good points. I noticed the margin space also. I think Apple left so much to make it seem like a real book page, albeit a tiny book. :confused: But Stanza works between for more per page. iBooks just has a more intuitive interface.
Those are some good points. I noticed the margin space also. I think Apple left so much to make it seem like a real book page, albeit a tiny book. :confused: But Stanza works between for more per page. iBooks just has a more intuitive interface.

I think that on the iPad, making the interface as muc book-like as possible is reasonable. But, on the iPhone? No, it doesn't work. We have to be real. It's a phone, not a mini-book. I hope they make these changes within the next 6 months.
The margin space is annoying; however, I do like the iBookstore compared to the ereader store I had previously been using. The selection is much more varied. I also wish there were more gestures. If I have to turn the page more then before then there should be a better way of doing it. I like to swipe up when in landscape and I haven't seen an option for that. I am now getting used to the tap to turn page. I guess that will have to be enough.
have to pinch my eyes to see

I got to download free ebooks and comics for my ipad and iphone and the result is:

yup it looks small, i have to pinch my eyes to see,

haha, i know it's too much..

the points is that i have to get my eyes used to the size :)
I've found that I can comfortably read on the iPhone 4 with a small text size. The display makes a HUGE difference in that regard.

Truly Beautiful, I wish there were more books like Pooh with such nice layouts and art.


I am on a 3GS and am not impressed. Seems to take a long time to load bookshelf. And already I have gotten an error prompt (below). It goes away after having the app open for a minute or so. I assume it happens because the app is syncing where I last opened the app and loading the content of the book.

I get this error almost every time I open a book. Have to close it and then reopen it.

Aside from that, I think it is a nice supplement to the iPad app, but not necessarily a good standalone ereader app due to text layout.
I have to agree with a lot of the points raised so far. I've been using Stanza for a couple of months as an ebook reader on the go and only recently adjusted to font size to the minimum with great results; easily readable on the 3GS screen with around 250+ words per page and very little space wasted on all sides, meaning you actually get a good amount of information and narrative.

Having downloaded iBooks with relish as soon as OS4 was fully installed I immediately warmed to the interface which is as friendly as you come to expect from the Apple design team, but upon trying to tackle a few pages of my current book, I was unsettled by the poor font size options and massive gaps all-around the text, meaning using the smallest font available I could only squeeze around 200 words on a page.

Partner that with the price and choice of the eBooks in store and you have a monumental missed opportunity. Hopefully it will improve in future, but for now i'm sticking with Stanza.
I buy my books from fictionwise. been getting them from them since I have hada palm. huge choice and the prices can be good. they used to have a club that really gave savings. but now all the books on the new york times best sellers are free buy with a credit card and you get full credit for the book so if the book costs 22.00 you get 22.00 to buy more books.
I wish there was some way where you could give people an electronic file of an eBook. This would sort of be like giving your read books away to friends. I know the Nook has a feature like this, but it's only for lending books. You should be able to give the eBook away (and from there onward, not have access to it unless it is given back).
I got to download free ebooks and comics for my ipad and iphone and the result is:

yup it looks small, i have to pinch my eyes to see,

haha, i know it's too much..

the points is that i have to get my eyes used to the size :)

This option looks insanely overpriced. I found this site out today. It's called There is no registration or price. You just go to it on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and follow the directions. It is a source for Stanza. I've successfully downloaded about 3 fairly new books and it all seems to work out fine. I recommend giving it out a try. Also, there is another forum site (sinfuliphone). I browse there occasionally. It's actually where I found out about the Stanza source. Hope this helps some of you guys. :)
This option looks insanely overpriced. I found this site out today. It's called There is no registration or price. You just go to it on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and follow the directions. It is a source for Stanza. I've successfully downloaded about 3 fairly new books and it all seems to work out fine. I recommend giving it out a try. Also, there is another forum site (sinfuliphone). I browse there occasionally. It's actually where I found out about the Stanza source. Hope this helps some of you guys. :)

pirated books great just what we need.
Cannot rate books null_explanation error

I've been using ereaders for a long, long time and this one isn't bad. However, having bought a book, read it and going to rate it, the rating form comes up (just like apps) - you star it, write a review and then send, but all you get is the blue notification: Rate this book, and then under that null_explanation. If you go back to it a couple of days later, the review hasn't been posted, but your review is still there on your device, just won't post. :confused:

Anyone else been able to rate a book (UK based)
3GS with all latest updates etc
This option looks insanely overpriced. I found this site out today. It's called There is no registration or price. You just go to it on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and follow the directions. It is a source for Stanza. I've successfully downloaded about 3 fairly new books and it all seems to work out fine. I recommend giving it out a try. Also, there is another forum site (sinfuliphone). I browse there occasionally. It's actually where I found out about the Stanza source. Hope this helps some of you guys. :)

Thanks for that mate.
pirated books great just what we need.

It's not any worse than placing a DRM on a book. Imagine if you bought a hardcover book, but were told you could only read it at home only or after you read it, you couldn't sell it, lend it to a friend, or give it away. Sure, pirating is bad, but the DRM they slap onto it is worse. Just because it's currently the legal way of doing things doesn't make it good.
I think it's good to have the option to read books on your phone. But for me the screens just too small. I prefer reading on my iPad. I'd only use it if I had no other option and was really in the mood for reading :p lol. I still like real books, I haven't actually bought any off iBooks yet...just the free ones. I will only buy once the selection is better, and if all my books get damaged.
I think it's good to have the option to read books on your phone. But for me the screens just too small. I prefer reading on my iPad. I'd only use it if I had no other option and was really in the mood for reading :p lol. I still like real books, I haven't actually bought any off iBooks yet...just the free ones. I will only buy once the selection is better, and if all my books get damaged.

It's really nice when you are out and about. Suppose you are waiting in line at the DMV (department of motor vehicles - a place you go to register your car, etc. and is notoriously known for long waits and general nastiness). You could pull out your iPhone and read a chapter. Pulling out an iPad would be kinda funny. Also, it is less obstructing. I read in bed at night with my wife next to me trying to sleep. I don't think I would be able to do this without waking her up if I was reading on an iPad. Plus, I wouldn't want to lay on my back holding an iPad in front of me for 1-2 hours before bed. I would probably fall asleep and knock a tooth out.
I was at the hospital a couple days ago while my wife was visiting a friend. I've been reading books on my iPad and had synced them over to my Touch, so I spent an hour reading my current novel. The screen is small but works fine. I think it's great to have a little book reader in my pocket at all times. :)
I guess if I was really bored... I would use it, but the screen is too small for reading books IMO. I'll use the iPad for that.
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