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Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
If you think that's great, the Versiontracker page says that it's going to be at version 0.11, 2nd edition, "within an hour." :D

Apparently all it does is burn AIFF files to a CD. And the developers don't even seem to have a homepage. :eek:

Well, if you know how to work the system, more power to you! :)


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2002
Charlotte, NC
What I'd like to see is something that will format CD-RW's so you can read and write to them just like a floppy. Simular to Roxio's Direct CD on Windows


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Fender2112 said:
What I'd like to see is something that will format CD-RW's so you can read and write to them just like a floppy. Simular to Roxio's Direct CD on Windows

True that. And ditto for faking it using multi-session and CDRs.


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
Im not sure if anyones noticed, but if you install the XCode example projects, there's one that does the EXACT same thing iBurn does. Pops up a open file dialog box and has you select some AIFFs to burn onto CD. I wonder if they took this example code and released it as their own?
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